34. Paralysis (1)

"Okay, what in the world, Bartender?" I ask, opening the door to… The Bar.

Okay, not the time Einya.

"I…" Bartender looks at me and makes a weird face. "I'm trying to figure."

"Right, cause that lady just said my name, and now Toni will know and… that is what is what will be revisited until I'm safe, right?"

"Reeal safe, yes," Bartender says, making me annoyed. "But there are three things today which are here. Sapz, add the third to the board."

"That rhymed," a third voice comes from behind the counter, and a little… girl, with one dandelion on her head, and wearing a pink sweater, pushes her head above the counter, supporting on a chair.

Wait, was bartender naked? Oh nevermind, he's wearing pants… for a reason I think.

Hehe, wood.

Shut up.

"Sapz, please."

"Okay…" Sapz says and rolls the chair to a nearby board.


Is Rahambose here in '(Speed) Pack'? If so, who is it?

When will I get my coffee, and my first comment on my books?

When did Toni meet Naag-rani? Why didn't Einya see that memory?

Why did Naag-rani call out Einya's name? Is this bad?

How far is the possibilities of Einya's powers? Can she use Tacy's powers to go anywhere, at will, now? Anywhere at all? Without consequences?


"Did you get nervous and write such a long question?" I ask.

"Kind of… I'm a fan," Sapz says.

"Aw…" I say and look at Bartender, who looks back at me. 'Did you let her read my book?'

Bartender shakes his head as if getting electrocuted. "Niece Sapz, Protagonist Einya King. Sarah Pezah, by the way. Sapz for short, cause why not."

"I still don't get why the second one is here," Sapz says, glaring at the board.

"Yeah… she can't grasp beyond the fourth wall yet."

"Varun brought me here because I grasp it better than you."

"He's called Varun? Damn," I say. "Well, I can't see him from here anyway."

"Lucky you, to even see him. We are more… just created, and just know him. It is quite weird," Sapz explains.

"Though we did talk with Lady Tacy. She's nice… with all due respect to the author."

"Well, okay… now, so what? We are sending me back, right? Back to my world, I mean."

"That's not possible. We just need a solution," Bartender says.

"What could that be?"

"One," Sapz lifts her finger up into the air. "Hedi-bhootha."

"He… can't hear us here?"

"Well, that, or he already knows of the author who must be thinking about him so much. We are out from your universe."

"Okay… but he can't be trusted. If anything, he is a candidate for Rahambose. Or someone who can't just get close to Rahambose."

"True point."

"Is there a way for us to contact the person who is doing this to Einya, Sapz?"

"We need to first know who it is. Best candidates are Varon, Toni, or even the dead Roach trying to… make a safeguard for Einya, out of pity."

"Right, Roach did show me that one memory of its master. Now the whole story?"

"So… one is the story-teller in actuality and in the future where we can't send Einya or ourselves. Another is MIA. And another is dead."

"Sapz," Bartender sighs. "I think we have this whole equation wrong. What if this was all just already there… and nothing we do can prevent it?"

"You mean, whatever I do won't matter, because it has already happened?"

"That'd be quite dumb."

"Sapz is right… what if-"

"-it is like a dream," a voice comes from behind me… but I don't jump.

I turn behind to find her… Tacy. Lady Tacy. The owner of this place, basically.

"Hi," Tacy lifts her hand awkwardly, and light-waves left and right. "We finally had to meet, Einya King."

"Without the universe's edge separating us… yeah."

"Yeah. Actually, Varun did tell me about you… well, the real me, I think. Just thought you could use my help a little."


"Cameo, he calls it. This moment right here. Just telling you about dreams."

"Why dreams… again?"

"A lot of universes in the Dream realm got destroyed. Something happened, I heard. I wasn't there to see it. But… I'm not sure how to say it. Okay, forget that. You know how sometimes you just have transitions in dreams, unrelated?"


"Just that. Even if you act out… it is all memories, so you'll just transition to actuality as if nothing happened."

"You mean my name wasn't called out?"

"Oh… no. Oh, you thought I was talking about that. I was talking about acting out of place. About calling your name… Fro and all those, they saw you... which didn't come to change back. I think they are the actual happenings."

"So I'm not in the past but it is like I'm playing ***?"

"Oh, Varun talked about that game. Something about visiting memories of ancestors… yeah, but none of them are your ancestors. But something is showing you, yeah."

"So it isn't a problem?"

"If it was, you'd already be dead," Tacy awkwardly laughs. "It is like being in a paralysis. Dream world and reality, living both. You feel like moving through both, but you aren't."

"If I move enough, I can come out though right?"

"Yeah but… the sleep paralysis demon… the one showing you this, they have the right. Sleep paralysis demon isn't real… but in your case it is, so..."

"Lovely," I sigh.

"The suit will make sure you don't die. I'm very sure. But be careful. It is better for me, or Varun, or *** to not interfere."

"What the fuck?"

"Book isn't out yet. Now bye, it wants to drag you back now."

As the last word echoes in my head, I get dragged back to the boat, right at this moment.

"What did you just call me?" Toni asks.

"Ein…ya King? Isn't that your name?" Naag-rani asks.

Toni thinks back on where she heard that name and remembers that it was the grandma's name, the one from the apartment. Even Naag-rani seems to read that.

Wait, she had my name? And she was old… do I get struck here forever? That-

-But wait, wasn't her name Menah? Or was there another grandma there?

Was I taking up Menah's place in the past?

Toni remembers that her name was Menah, but she has seen this name before… and her head stings as she tries to remember. So does mine. And even Naag-rani, who still stumbles and holds Toni.

"Are you okay?"

"I… I am Summer-Season. I don't think I know who Einya King is."

"My powers are acting up, I'm sorry. It must be my doing. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine just…" Toni presses her hand to Naag-rani and slightly pushes her away. "I really need to go. My roommate… he'd be worried."

"Do you want me to accompany?"

"No just… do you."

Toni stumbles while many faces go through her mind and she confuses their name to be Einya King. Was it Love-bite? Or even Antonia? Toni couldn't be sure.

Did she see such a name on the news? Some sitcom? Some document? Did her dad mention it? Or did Adleon?

This way I live a headache, as Toni, until Antonia comes home the next day. Toni goes out to get some fresh air, as the two would be discussing about Rem inside… but Toni had other idea of them, which would require privacy – so she leaves them alone.

And also, her head still ached a little, still.

Einya King… who the heck could it be? Maybe at that moment when Love-bite, Toni, Fro, and me met at that place… because I see her perspective, and also she could possibly hear my thoughts… maybe she got my name.

And Naag-rani might've sensed a distortion, me, and seen me as Toni. Or Toni as me, I don't know.

With Adleon and Trans out of the picture, and the amateur heroes safe… Toni thinks that it is looking good. At least will be the same for a while, if not forever.

Even Fro was gone in search of… whatever the hell that was.

Yeah, that was probably me or He…Hedi-bhootha.

Nothing happens, I just stay here than get dragged to wherever the hell he drags people towards. At least the past barrier was something… even when least expected people saw me.

But what is this on Toni's mind? Was she giving up this ruckus? After causing such a one?

Not everything simply just ends though. When I gave up on realising Toni, I realise that evil isn't dead, as Varon…

Varon gasps while running through the streets, and I run at his pace: right by his side.

"Please," Varon tears and barely is able to see. "Please help."

Blood drips onto the floor, from Varon's hands. And the people in-charge of this… WAY underdeveloped hospital… take him away from Varon's hands.

Varon still runs behind them, as they place him on a stretcher and take him away.

Did the dog even have a name? Varon couldn't know what a bleeding street dog's name would be.

"That freaking kids!" Varon grits his teeth.

Nor did those kids who were trying to cut open the dog, like some experiment, know the dog's name. Not that Varon asked them any questions…he wanted to kill them, but didn't.

Not that it would be justified but… I wouldn't have been mad at Varon: if he did harm those kids for it.

But why didn't the dog whimper in pain… or even move? Varon did hear and feel the pulse, even when his mind was a mess with anger.

Not even a week of peace completes when it is either of these two.

Not that I blame you man, sorry.

Varon finally gets hold of a doctor willing to speak to him. After... I don't know how long.

"We don't usually… do dogs."

"Then…?" Varon asks, with his heart sinking instantly.

"No, don't get me wrong. We didn't just take all this time for nothing… people don't usually… care. Usually. Sometimes they do. Anyways, I understand your concern, good sir. He… is alive, no worries on that."

"He didn't-"

"-escape or whimper in pain. About that… getting to that. Are you aware of what a paralysis is?"

Varon shakes his head.

"I'm not an expert either but… it is when something we know should work, just doesn't. But it isn't cut-off. Like for example… some people just can't walk, when they do have legs."


"Let's not get into the depth of science here, but… the dog has two paralysed senses. Pain and smell…"


"We… are trying to understand. It isn't simple."

"That won't cause a problem to his healing, right?"

"Actually a slight problem… but he'll be fine. Can I know how he…?"

"Some kids… were terrible to him."

"They must know about his condition then. Why else would someone dare mess with a poor German Shepherd?"

But they denied… oh lord. There it is again. The strongest hero's scary anger.

Varon runs off, even when the doctor calls out... and I follow.


(Speed) Pack fact 1:-

Einya acting out has happened a couple of times actually, when her suit/self takes her to The Bar (calling it that, yes): and everything distorts back to the normal or whatever this is. Lady Tacy just doesn't want to scare her into thinking that Einya's 'Sleep Paralysis Demon' will be mad. Will Einya's 'Sleep Paralysis Demon' be mad? Hmm, won't be finding THAT out on the facts at least.

See you next chapter!