
"Master !" a disiple appeared before his master who was medidating and in anger the master rebuted the disciple "What is it didn't I told you not to bother me !" he growled while closing his eyes

The disiple bowed and replied "I'm sorry for disturbing you, Master but their seems to be a comotion happening in the outer sect two unidentified individuals has entered and threatened to destroy the sect."

"What?" said the master surprised with that one fact he opened his eyes and looked at his disciple with curiosity. "Which two?" he asked

"Well," said the disiple "It seems as to one of them is a boy and the other a female and they both look very young"

"Hmm" said the master still thinking. He took off his glasses and rubbed his face with his free hand. Then he rose "Show me where are they"

"Yes, Master"

On the outer sect training hall numerous bodies of disciples were laid to waste most of them heavily panting and injured Alan took this matter with his own hands. "Most of this disciples are weaker than those that tried to capture you." Alan said

Amber nodded her head "Outer disciples are mostly in between the novice- connection realm while those in the inner court are at the foundation realm the golden armoured disciples that was trying to capture me were all inner court disciples." Amber said

"Is that so." alan said

Staring at the disciples who were looking at them with fear

"Stop right there!" a figure shouted from above he was another elder of the sect similar to elder theo he was a old man with grey hair and beard and green eyes he wore white robe and had a purple sash around his waist. His face looked serious as ever and angry as usual.

Alan and Amber stopped walking and faced the old man "You will not do harm to our disciples" the elder said.

"Elder Joel" the disciples called out his name.

Elder joel looked at them "What a bunch of weaklings can't even handle two simple children. He stated clearly annoyed

Alan and Amber stood silently waiting for the elder to make a move.

"Are you the kids that are making trouble I will give you 3 breathes time to deliver your head to me." Elder joel said

Alan laughed sarcastically "I'd like to see you try"

Elders' eyebrows knotted together then started to walk towards him Alan but a sword came flying straight at his direction he dodged without moving the elder was shocked "Oh you were able to dodge that your kinda strong old man"Alan said mockingly.

Elder joel frowned in anger "You little...."

Before the old man could finish Alan already hit him sending him back to the ground.

Elder joel coughed blood out of his mouth then stood up "I will kill you."he said

Alan smirked "Do you have a death wish old man" he taunted him again.

Elder joel charged forward with an attack Alan blocked his first swing then used his elbow to push Elder joel against the wall then punched him in the face "You're pathetic" Alan said.

"You little worm! You want to die?!" elder joel shouted

Alan smiled innocently "Not really" he said then suddenly raised his leg and kicked the middle of elder joels ribcage knocking him to the floor again.

The disciples watched in awe the elder didn't stand up again Alan walked next to him and pointed his sword at his forehead "Go on tell everyone that someone like you is going to defeat a mere child."he sneered.

Alan turned around holding ambers hand and they both headed for the inner court.

Meanwhile inside the sect master halls the slender man continues to watch the scence of Elder joel being defeated easily and he's

been impressed by this display "This kid... he's stronger and faster than any one we've ever met..." The sect master said.

Xiu Xiu who was besides him cupped his hands while kneeling "Sect master please order me and I will kill that brat." he said

The sect master shook his head "I will just be sending you to your death, We made our biggest mistake in our 5000 years of history, I will go and meet this kid"

Alan and Amber arrived on the inner court "Come out old man and face your death" Alan shouted waking all the inner and core disciples. "What an insolet brat " One of the inner court disciple said around 100 of them gathered together and sourrounded alan and amber.

All the disciples stared in amazement Alan and Amber stood quietly staring at them all. "Who are you?" One of the disciples said

"The person who will kill you all" Alan said

The disciples all laughed, but then suddenly a sword started hovering in mid air and heads started falling one by one. The disciples all looked at each other "That kid is way more powerful than us" one disciple said

They became wary and quickly backed away seeing dead bodies of their friends laying on the ground. Alan stopped his sword and gave them a smirk.

"I am here." The sect master arrived with Xiu Xiu they were giving alan pressure, but alan just smilled

The sect master and Xiu Xiu arrived before Alan and amber "I am the sect master of this sect David , what brings you here young one." even if alan has killed lots of his disciples David did not show any killing intent.

"You killed my entire tribe !" Amber shouted glaring at David.

David sighed deeply. "Please don't be too upset Amber, we only did what was for the best of this realm, beside aren't you and your mom still alive?"

"Mother !" Amber said , then suddenly she remebered how her mother was raped by this people

, the same group of people that attacked their village. Amber felt rage fill her and tears start filling her eyes she ran forward ready to kill David,but alan stopped her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders preventing her from doing anything.

"Don't do anything reckless Amber, he is only saying these things because he wants to get into your head don't let revenge take over". alan said calmly, amber calmed down.

Alan looked at david and suddenly a large amount of killing intent covered the entire sect "I did say to calm down because I did not want amber to get her hands dirty however I am different." Alan said

"I will give you two options, 1st option is to cripple your cultivation and the other high ranking elders and let yourselves be killed by amber with that I will spare your disciples, and the 2nd option I will kill all of you." Alan said

Everyone in the sect was silent and slowly began to turn around. "I choose the 2nd option we won't go down without a fight." David said and suddenly he launched an attack on alan ,who dodges every attack and punches him in the face multiple times. David flew back several meters and landed on the ground groaning and coughing.

Xiu Xiu who was beside launched an attack towards alan, but a sword sliced through him and the sword went through him, the blade stopping half way, the sword continued to hover around killing relentlessly the other disciples all the disciples screamed and run away while screaming while the other stronger disciples tried to block the sword but it was worthless. The sect master saw Xiu Xiu's dead body and his got angry, but alan quickly arrived before him and slammed the sect masters head to the ground making him unconscious. The sect master collapsed on the ground and was unconscious Alan ripped the sect masters head from his body with ease and threw it up for every disciple to see. Amber was crying she cried tears of joy and pride she hugged her Alan tightly when alan threw the sect head to the ground Alan continued his masacre and for lasted for a whole hour before the only thing remaining in the sect was piles of blood. Alan and amber quickly headed for the dungeon were a woman whose body was full of scars and sign of torture can be seen.

"Mother !"Amber shouted breaking the shackles.

"Amber " the woman cried and hugged amber tightly and looked into her eyes "Its a good thing I get to see you one last time before I dissapear" amber's mother said even in her weakened state her beauty continued to last. Alan stayed on the back watching this scence.

After a few minutes the woman's body was now lifeless and amber cried her heart out hugging her mother's corpse.

Alan approached amber and caressed his head. Amber sniffed and wiped her eyes "I am sorry mama..I wanted to protect you.....I couldn't save you. You must hate me now....I'm so stupid." Amber sobbed.

After a few more hours amber and alan left the dungeon and headed back home. "Master thank you for today if it wasn't for you I might not have been able to see my mother one last time."Amber said

"Amber stop acting like such a crybaby we did a lot better then the previous ones." Alan said smiling warmly at her.

Amber nodded "Thank you" she said smiling back at him.

Amber then started undressing while Alan followed suit. Once they took off everything and sat comfortably on the bed Alan and Amber made love during the night.