trouble coming

Meanwhile after the news of Qiangjiao's sect destruction inside the royal kingdom the emperor sits down with the other 3 sect masters with eyes full of wary , fearful and even sorrow. The three of them don't look at one another, just stare silently into space.

After a while, the emperor sighs. "This has gotten out of hand how could someone posses such great power , are we sure none of us are capable of stopping him ?" The emperor said to the 3 sect masters looking back and forth between them for their reply.

They said nothing, all of them looking down on the ground. After what seems like forever suddenly a large void appeared before them and a large eye that seems to control space and time itself were looking at them from it. The black void was so deep, like an abyss but in an instant the eye vanished and the darkness started to grow around them until it seemed like they were floating inside nothingness.

Suddenly a voice echoed through the darkness. "I have no intention or wish to hurt anyone here." It said.

The sect masters and the emperor gasped as something emerged from thin air and floated beside them. They saw a handsome man

dressed in white robes standing there with a smile. The light from his hands illuminated the room and he looked at them with a warm expression. He was handsome and tall with long hair and beautiful eyes. " I came here to help you" He said " To prevent further bloodshed". He looked at each of them and smiled. Then he bowed slightly. " Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shi Qingge and I come here because my masters has tasked me to capture this man named alan.

If you would give me your aid I will make sure he remains dead" Shi Qingge then raised his head.

The three sect masters and the emperor looked at each other, not quite sure what to do. Finally the former spoke up " We would be happy to assist you" he said " Even if we accept your offer of help, what happens once we capture him?"

Shi Qingge frowned, looking sad at the thought "I personally will provide each of your kingdoms enough resources to grow your empires by another 1000 years. He smilled.

They all nodded their heads" We will be at your mercy and guidance."

"Sir, Qingge may we ask what cultivation stage have you reached ?" The emperor asked.

Shi Qingge smilled and suddenly a large amount of qi emerged from within "This is enough"

" Peak of the Voidbreak realm, I am an outercourt disciple of the Zhonghehui sect one of the 9 main sects of the 9 top high tier realms. " Shi Qingge said

" an outer court disciple is this strong ?"The emperor said.

Shi qingge nodded his head. The three sect masters stared at Shi qingge admiringly for what felt like a lifetime.

" Now if you excuse me, I need to go now." Shi qingge said.

Then suddenly he shot straight up in the air and disappeared. The three sect masters let out a small gasp.

The next morning Alan and Amber woke up side by side both were undressed

Alan had a huge erection while Amber's face was flushed red and she quickly held alan's penis and shoved it inside her mouth . She took hold of alan's cock and started sucking

as she sucked hard on him alan thrust deeper inside of her mouth groaning loudly. His eyes opened wide as he released his load. Amber smirked as she swallowed alan's last load and then laid down on alans' chest her arms resting on her stomach.

She sighed " Thank You for last night.. It was really sweet" she mumbled into his chest.

Alan grinned widely and kissed her on the forehead "It was my pleasure." he chuckled.

Then both of them got out of bed and walked together down to the dining hall.