
Later that day Alan decided to take Amber out shopping for clothes.

When they entered the clothing shop they immediately began browsing through racks and displays.

All kinds of different styles of dresses and skirts were displayed in the windows.

Alans eyes widened and he stared at all the beautiful clothes "I'll buy everything" he said.

They spent the whole afternoon shopping until the sun was starting to set

As soon as they left the shop alan immediately made his way toward the direction of the restaurant.

While they where still far away they saw a familar figure standing on their way "Well well it seems like I caught up just in time." Shi qinqge said and another 3 figures appeared it was the other 3 sect masters who were glaring at alan.

Shi qinqge chuckled as he approached them and pulled out a piece of paper from his robes "It's time I show you your place." suddenly the paper transformed into a spear and Shi Qinqge flew up and approached alan quickly. "Stay behind me"alan said to amber.

alan unsheated his sword and it quickly flew around trying to find the other 3 sect masters who were waiting to strike while he used his bare hands to take Shi Qinqge's sword and blocking it.

"Let's see how long you can keep blocking me." Shi qinqge said and he slashed his sword towards alans neck a small wound appears on alans neck but he didn't even flinch. Instead he charged forward and hit Shi qinqge with his fist, shi qinqge used his sword to block alan's fist but his sword broke from the colision and he was sent back flying .

The other 3 sect masters finally moved as they surrounded alan. A sword quickly sliced all 3 of them in the blink of an eye shattering their cultivations and leaving them dead. The emperor was watching this in the sidelines hidden away "How is this possible !" he exclaimed.

Shi qinqge tried to stand up but was kicked flying away by alan's feet sending him unconsious in the ground, Alan approached his figure and grabbed his head and all of the memories of this person entered alan's mind .

"A disciple of the Zhonghehui sect I did not even know you existed until now then I shall pay your sect a visit one of this days." Alan said.

Alan sliced Shi Qinqge's head off and stared at a distant where the emperor was hidden away alan smirked. As soon as alan finished cleaning his blade he told amber to head back first he needs to deal with something. Amber nodded, While alan dissapeared the emperor was taken aback he's head was full of worries for his life "how could this happen!" he shouted.

"so your here." alan said looking at the emperor "You imbecile !" the emperor guards attacked alan, but alan just casually striked then with his sword and their bodies were cut into half leaving him and the emperor alone. The emperor struggled against alans grip "No! No! NO! DON'T YOU DARE DO THIS TO ME" he screamed.

Alans smirk grew wider "Your time is almost up!" he said.

"Don't hurt my husband please!" the queen arrived she was beautiful but not at the same level as amber but alan did not care about looks "Oh and what can you give me in return ?" alan asked "Please take my body but please spare my husband" she said "No you can't " The emperor said

Alan used his power to silence the emperor and used a force to make him unable to move alan smilled "Now watch me cuckhold you." alan ripped the queen's dress and grabbed her by the waist and inserted his penis inside of her pussy by force and pushed forcefully, making her scream and moan loudly. He placed her on the floor and proceeded to fuck her ruthlessly using force "Yes~ Yes~ I want more of it!!!" the queen begged she looked at her husband who was staring at them with bloodshot eyes but she could not control her lust as alan continued to thrust her pussy violently. Her screams were heard throughout the halls , her cries for release echoing loudly in alans ears. Alans eyes turned crimson red and he continued to thrust his penis into her till she couldn't take anymore.

She began sobbing loudly and begging him to stop. Alan smirked satisfied at her begging but he completely ingnored her cries and continued to fuck her senseless. Alan removed his member and inserted in into her mouth thrusting it fast until he came inside of her mouth "Swallow it "alan said the queen nodded the emperor looked very angry seeing his wife getting raped but his body could not move a single muscle. Alan then smilled and turned the queen into doggystyle position and thrusted his member once more into the queen.

The queen moaned in pain and ecstasy Alan began stroking her breast making her squirm in pain as he penetrated her once more. Tears of happiness streamed down her face as she screamed in pleasure.

Alan continued to stroke her breasts and then slammed his entire cock inside of her until he came. Alan cummed inside of her with a loud "Mmmm!" and he took his member out giving the emperor one last smirk "Take care of your wife or I will fuck her again don't ever mess with me again or the next time you won't live." Alan said before looking at the queen with cum coming out of her pussy and chuckled and dissapeared.