My little one's decision

" Is what you said true ?" 9 figures were talking with one another inside a large luxurious room. All of them were emitting dangerous level of Qi they were all celestials. A handsome man with appearance only lower to alan appeared from the shadows he was very tall more than 250 cm tall he was wearing armour made up of pure gold with a scorpion design. His long raven black hair tied into two messy ponytails on each side of his head. His beautiful violet coloured eyes narrowed talking with the other 8 figures. " if what you said is true he might be another person competing for the eternal throne like us."

The eternal throne they say that whoever sits on that throne will be the sole ruler of the Hibernating dominion, but after 10 million years there has been no one that has reached that level even the 9 figures who were called the masters of the higher realms none have reached that level. There is only one man in the universe that has succeeded in reaching the highest level and that was hibernating eternal, but during the last year of his reign he dissapeared leaving this dominion under the 9 master's protection.

"we shall wait for him." The 9 figure nodded in unison

Days passed by, then months during those months Alan and amber travelled the entire middle realm along the way they met new friends and enemies

all around. 1 year passed by Alan and amber has become imitate amber calls alan by his name, her cultivation has also reached the peak of the novice realm. Another year passed Luther met with Alan to give him the information about the higher realm.

The higher realm can only be accesible if one reached the peak of the incarnation realm Alan did not want to leave the amber behind so they will stay here for while longer.

During the morning they would train together while at night they will make love, 5 years passed by during those years alan went back to the lower realm to teach his other wives, but their talent was to low in comparison to Amber, but Alan met he's daughter who was very beautiful despite being just 5 years old the little girl was adorable and cute.

Alan then taught his other wives while he was spending time in the lower realm, Emily, Anna and Sam decided that they will live there lives here in this lower realm Alan did not push them any further, one power he lack the most was changing talent of someone so for 3 years he made love and spent time with his wives in the lower realm and also his daughter " Emily when Mary grows to 18 tell her about me and if she wishes to follow me just thing about me and tell me. " Alan said

Emily nodded " Even if I might not be able to spend more time with you I hope you can let our daughter follow you in the future." She said.

Alan and his wives lay on the bed " I will miss all of you." He said kissing his wife's cheek

Another 12 years passed by.

Mary has turned into a very beautiful woman that could even compare to the likes of amber her hair

was curly, her eyes were bright as ever, her skin was as white as snow, her voice was soft and melodic " Mother it's almost my 18th birthday you said that I will meet my father " she said

Emily smilled " of course you have been training with aunt Anna and sam during this years you have reached the 9th ascension your talent has far surpassed any of us.

" She smiled

" Mother your hair is getting white."

" No its just because i've been having a lot of fun." Emily laughed, but her daughter is right she is turning old she is now 57 while her daughter is 32.

" Sister hearth lets hunt !" Mary smilled looking at hearths direction

" Why don't we go somewhere else." she smirked

Mary sighed in annoyance

" Yes, we shall go somewhere else." Emily smiled.

They approached the 3rd floor of the house " Mother you use to tell me that the 3rd room is forbidden are you finally going to tell me what is hidden within this floor." Mary was excited.

They entered Alan's old room which was kept clean even after all this years hearth closed the door and inside were 2 figures "Aunt anna and aunt sam your here ." mary said she approached them and gave them a hug.

" Oh dear child you are growing up" Anna hugged her niece

Sam approached her niece and patted her head.

Emily smiled at seeing her sisters happy then they all sat down " Mary we will need to tell you something very important."

"12 years ago you might not remeber, but your father came down to this realm to see you during that time he told us that once you reach 18 years old we will have to make you decide." Emily said

" Do you wish to follow him or stay here in this realm to live your life until death's end.

Mary gasped and tears started falling on her eyes " Mother, aunt, sister you are the people I have known most for the past 17 years

of my life and yet...I have grown to love you all more than anything.... You all mean so much to me.." Her eyes filled with sadness.

Emily wiped her daughters tear away and kissed her daughters forehead " Don't cry sweetheart we will honor your answer, but you must answer what you really want."

"I want to follow my Father.." Mary cried

Emily and the others smilled even if it was hard to let go of mary this was the answer they were hoping for even if they cannot follow alan any longer mary has the talent to follow the dream they wish together.

Mary looked at both aunt, mother and sister and smiled " Thank you, I promise I won't disappoint you."

Aunt Annas eyes filled with excitement and joy as tears rolled down her cheeks and aunt sam hugged mary tightly.

Emily and hearth also gave Mary a kiss on the forehead " You promise me to take care out there."

Mary nodded.

Night arrived mary was sent back to her room to sleep early, Anna,sam and emily waits inside the room when suddenly the teleporter shook and Alan 's figure appeared before them

Emily, Sam, and Anna stood up and ran to embrace alan

Alan looked at his beautiful wives embracing them then moans can be heard within the bedroom