"It's time to leave my little one" Alan said to Mary , standing on the doorstep with a hand on her shoulder. Mary gave the family she has lived for a long time one last look, Anna, Sam, Emily and hearth were looking at her with a smile , all saying their goodbyes. She nodded, walking slowly inside the room. The teleporter was inside activated and they both entered.

Amber was silently cultivating inside the medidating room on the middle realms when she felt the fluctuation coming from the teleporter. She has been cultivating alone for 12 years alone ever since alan decided to live with his wives for one last time. Suddenly she saw alan and another figure exit the teleporter "Alan!" Amber said walking towards alan's direction. She hugged him tightly, he hugs her back just as strong "Hello dear, how are you doing?" He asked smiling at her. She looked down and started talking " I'm doing good I have reached the low stage of the foundation realm after 12 years." She said

Alan smilled 12 years might seem like a long time, but considering how hard cultivation is amber reaching the foundation realm at only 12 years is actually very good. "Mary this is amber she will be your sister from now on." Mary bowed her head " hello sister amber I hope you will take care of me." She smilled. They hugged and laughed together they ate dinner together for the first time and after that Alan escorted mary to her room which she will live for the next few years until she reaches the necessary realm before they can ascend together. During the day Mary and Amber would sit together in the garden to medidate and read different books mary was suprised by the new books that was handed to her by alan and when night arrives she would spar with amber.

Every month amber and mary were given an exam that they would have to complete, for mary ever since she arrived here alan gave her a cultivation technique that was best suited for her.

Another 5 years passed by. Mary had made great progress from her initial training and every day she meditated more and more, she and Amber have also became best of friends ,She had always wanted to learn about the other realms so she would ocassionaly learn them from amber who was happy to teach her, during this 5 years her cultivation her cultivation has reached the peak of the novice realm while amber has reached the middle stage of the foundation realm.

"This year marks your 5th year in this realm mary therefore I will assign you to

hunt down 100 low stage novice monsters on the Warning Woods , while Amber since you have already reached the foundation realm I want you to follow Mary and go deeper and hunt down high stage foundation realm monsters at least 500 since I believe your talent is very much capable of dealing with enemies far stronger than you your time limit is 1 year be back here by then remeber to always protect each other." alan said

to them. "Yes father" mary answered. "And Amber don't get lost or we won't have time to play again" he said smiling. Amber blushed and they both left for the trip.

The warning woods was the best hunting spot for cultivators it was divided into 3 territories, the outer territory is home to monsters with cultivation from novice until peak of connection, the middle territory is home to monsters from peak of connection to peak of foundation, while the inner territory is home to monsters of the virtous realm.

Mary and Amber were both wearing veils to cover their beautiful faces and dresses that

are very appropriate for travelling through the forest but not too fancy to attract unwanted attention. They set off at the same hour and they managed to reach the forest "Sister mary stay here in the outer zone if you are in danger use this stone crush it and I will immediately come to your position, but only use it when you are in danger or you sense danger coming you way that you are sure that you will not be able to escape. " Amber said.

Amber left afterwards to the middle territory to accomplish her own mission she is waiting for the reward promised to her by alan oh she cannot wait to get her pussy pounded.

A week passed by Mary has killed 10 low stage novice monsters , and she didn't found any high stage monsters yet.

One day Mary mary heard heavy footsteps coming her direction she saw a carriage that looks very luxurious carried by 2 novice realm monsters and escorted by 5 low stage novice cultivators. Inside the carriage was a young man who was very chubby and with him was another older man and 3 ladies who had their dress ripped off and they had signs of injury and abuse.

Mary hid herself behind some bushes to watch what happens. She saw the young man sitting inside and he was drinking wine while the three ladies sat beside him trying to please him.

Soon Mary noticed that the young man suddenly stopped drinking because one of the girl slaves collapse on the floor and started whimpering. A servant then took her away and the young man started getting angry. He stood up and slapped his table loudly making the wine spill. Then he turned around looking at the girl slave he ordered. He walked over and threw her on the floor with such force he broke her legs "you worthless bitch" he shouted. The girl cried out in pain. He kicked her in between her legs so hard she passed out.

The old man looked at this scence but did not bother to help the slaves since his mission was to protect the young man the old man was wearing a sect robe that was colored blue Lanyumen was a sect that was on the verge of collapse after their sect master sudden dissapearance, not the current vice sect master is in control. This young man is a core disciple despite his looks and this old man a elder and his master was protecting him.

The boy grabbed the girl by the hair forcing her to kneel. He then proceeded to beat the living shit out of her. As soon as he was done with her he got up and went outside of the carriage. Mary got angry watching the scence she got out of hiding " hey you fat ugly man how dare you treat those poor girls so badly !" She shouted. The boy was shocked " who're you?" He asked then he saw that Mary was covering her face with a veil "Show yourself maybe I won't hurt you." he said

. Mary stepped forward and showed herself to him "I am Mary and I come here to show you justice" when mary's face was shown the young man face grinned with malice "Such a beauty such as yourself could only belong to me why don't you become my wife and I promise I will let this maids go and even give them a good reward." the boy smirked. Mary was speechless at his words and she could not understand what was happening. All the servants that followed him came near "I see you don't know your place young lady" the young man spoke "what? What do you mean by that?" Mary asked "do you really think you' re going to convince me to marry you after seeing what you've done to those girls you ungrateful piece of crap" Mary spat "ohh I see you haven't been taught manners" the boy said and walked closer to her "I know how to make people bow and worship to me." he smirked.

"Go and grab her for me" he told his guards to capture her the guards attacked mary trying to knock her down, but she dodged each and every attack, using her hands and feet to kick and hit the men who are now being beaten black and blue. She then jumped and flipped around and kicked the two thugs to death as they tried to kill her with knives. One of the thugs got on the ground holding his stomach, the others were trying to fight back but mary easily defeated them all and then jumped onto her feet and continued fighting back to back against the other three thugs. When they realized they couldn't defeat her, they went back and looked at their young master. "Incompetent, master can you do this disciple of yours a favor." The elder man nodded and moved he released his cultivation at the peak of the virtous realm suddenly mary felt her body unable to move and then she felt a stabbing pain in her abdomen she tried crushing the stone, but was unable to when her she fell unconsious.

Meanwhile Amber who was accomplishing her duties suddenly felt danger in Mary's position she hurriedly ran towards her position, but was too late mary was abducted she cursed she contacted luther in a hurry.

an hour later Luther arrived "What happened sister."

he asked Amber panicked "mary is in trouble !!! She was taken by somebody but it seems like they left some tracks. "Calm down sister I will handle this."

Luther was actually secretly in charge of protecting both amber and Mary while they are inside the forest by alan Luther used all of his resources and after a few minutes he recieved news from his loyal assasin. "I got it."Luther said

" it seems like the only person other than mary who entered this forest would be the core disciple of the Lanyumen he must have went here to train with his master. "

Amber gritted her teeth "Those bastards!" she screamed furiously and immediately left the forest with luther.

Mary awoke on a cold and damp bed and she opened her eyes she was lying on a cot in an unknown room, the walls were covered in a blood red paint , the floor was covered in a white carpet, the furniture was all made of wood or dark wood and there was a small candle stand with a single burning flame next to the bed, on the bedside table there was a book, and on top of the book there was a lamp.

Mary looked around and noticed there was no window at the end of the room it was completely dark except for the candle that lit up the space a little which gave just enough light to see everything around her but she can't see anything outside the room.

She tried to sit up but she couldn't even raise her arms above her head she felt dizzy and sleepy "how long was I unconscious" she wondered. "

She remembered the last thing she saw she tried moving and realized something was wrong. "What am I doing lying in a bed and what happened to my legs?" she thought.

As she tried moving more she realized that she could walk and she slowly started to walk to the door, she put her hand on the doorknob and turned it. As soon she turned the knob she gasped in horror when she realized she could not open the door "it's locked." she said. After checking the door again she tried to push the door but failed to do so "damn it! She tried destryoing the door with her power, but the door was made with foundation realm monster bones it was impossible for her to destroy it she exclaimed frustrated.

She suddenly heard footsteps and the door opened revealing the young fat boy and the elder. "your awake."The young boy grinned "What are you planning on doing to me !" mary shouted

"My master here discovered that you have a very unique body suitable for dual cultivation and evermore you are still a virgin it would greatly benefit my master." the young man said "So why don't you offer yourself to him without any trouble and we promise to give you all the riches you need."

he smiled and reached out his hand

"No" mary refused. "I don't think you have an option." said the young boy

He suddenly took a hold of mary's arm forcefully pulling her closer to him "you are now mine and if you resist you'll find out your suffering." He laughed evilly.

"I refuse!" She said defiantly

He grabbed her neck and started choking her "if you don' want me to do it the hard way I'm afraid I won't be able to stop" he threatened

"Let go of me you bastard" mary struggled to breathe

She tried pushing the young man away from her but he kept grabbing hold of her. Finally, a strong wind blew from nowhere lifting the young man off of her. "

they heard a voice in the wind.

The young man fell to the ground coughing in pain. The old man looked at the direction of the voice "you dare hurt my daughter." Suddenly a large killing intent engulfed the entire realm.

Outside Luther and amber just arrived at the sect when suddenly they felt the killing intent. "We are to late master has arrived." Luther said

Amber nodded.

They walked into the mansion where the vice-sect master and many of his disciples were gathered. "What is going on here?" The vice-sect master asked then he saw amber and luther appearance "Emperor !" they all kneeled "Your sect has made the biggest mistake in all of its history I cannot save you.".

Back at the dungeon the young man was scarred shitless when alan appeared before them even the old man was shocked by his sudden appearance. Alan walked towards mary side "My daughter are you okay." He asked

Mary stood up and hugged alan tightly and teared up .

"Why did you do this " alan glanced at the two giving them a death sentence.

"Who are you how dare you just enter my premises "The young man tried to act tough. The elder was angry "You! , don't you know what trouble we have brought."

Alan did not pay them any more attention and simply flicked his fingers suddenly a sword was released and sliced there bodies

cleanly one by one the man and the elder died in a matter of seconds. Alan also ordered his sword to execute the entire sect including the women and the children

Luther and amber simply looked and watched a the sword kill the members of the sect even the current sect master died within one strike.

3 hours passed by the sect reeks of blood.