I Will Die If I'm Not Marrying Dante!

Scarlett walked quickly as she entered the Lombardi mansion. There wasn't the slightest smile on her face; even her gray eyes looked so sharp as if they could kill people with just a glance.

She took off her black coat and gloves roughly, then threw the things at her subordinate.

No one dared to talk to Scarlett when she wasn't in a good mood. Everyone in the mansion even tried to keep their distance and pretended not to see Scarlett's arrival.

When Scarlett arrived at her workspace, she immediately drank red wine straight from the bottle. A bitter taste brushed against her tongue, and heat began to creep up her throat, but Scarlett ignored it and continued to drink wine until the bottle became empty.

"Keep tracking Dante's location. Don't let him get out of our sight," Scarlett said in a low voice. Her two gray eyes were sharp, so the man in front of her didn't dare to look at Scarlett's eyes.

"Yes, ma'am!" The subordinate immediately ran away, probably not feeling strong enough to stand near Scarlett.

When Scarlett was left alone in her workspace, she intended to get another bottle of wine. She didn't care if alcohol could hurt her head because that was what Scarlett wanted.

She wanted to melt with alcohol to forget her failure to kill Dante.

"Sister, you just came home. Don't drink much alcohol right away." A man with brown hair and gray eyes stood in the doorway. Both hands carried a tray containing a glass of mango juice and cookies.

The bottle of wine that had touched Scarlett's lips was lowered again and put back on the shelf. While holding back the dizziness in her head, Scarlett walked towards her little brother and flashed a bright smile.

"I haven't drunk the wine yet, Silvano." Scarlett took the cookies on the plate, then pulled Silvano into her room.

"Liar, you already drank one bottle before."

"Oh, how did you know?" Scarlett laid her body on the sofa and ate her cookie.

Silvano sighed, then picked up the empty alcohol bottle on Scarlett's desk. "You think I'm blind?"

Scarlett, "It's just one bottle. Don't overthink it."

"Yeah, but you only drink alcohol straight from the bottle when under pressure." Silvano then pulled Scarlett so that the woman could sit on the sofa. "I've heard everything. About your marriage contract and your problem with Dante in the warehouse earlier."

Scarlett immediately put on a severe expression when she heard Silvano's words. She didn't even smile anymore. "Who's telling you?"

Silvano sat next to Scarlett and said, "No one told me. I'm just gathering information from rumors and your whims. Even before you came home, everyone in the mansion was already making noise and talking about your fight with Dante Moretti."

Scarlett grunted. Sometimes she felt annoyed with her brother, who had high intelligence. Even though Scarlett has tried to hide many things from Silvano, that young man can still extract information from limited sources.

"Stop meddling." Scarlett stood up, then took the bottle of wine she had previously placed on the shelf. This time she ignored Silvano's prohibition.

"I've told you before; you just need to focus on studying on campus and leave all the Lombardi Familia matters to me," Scarlett added.

She gulp the bottle of wine quickly. However, after only drinking half of it, her hand had already been blocked by Silvano. "I also want to help."

Scarlett shoved her brother's shoulder. "I don't need your help. After you graduate, I don't want you to work here either. You have to find a normal job, then live happily with the woman you love."

"Then how about you?"

"Me?" Scarlett laughed, then walked over to a large picture frame that hung behind her desk. That was the photo of her whole family. There were a parent, two sons, and one daughter. All of them are smiling, but no one knows there is a broken family behind that smile.

"I'll stay here, ensuring this damn organization stays afloat for decades," Scarlett whispered.

Silvano's expression darkened. They had discussed that conversation many times, and no matter how much Silvano asked, Scarlett's answer remained the same.

She would never left her position as the head of the Lombardi Familia. Not because Scarlett was hungry for status and money but for the sake of protecting Silvano. Because if Scarlett steps down from her position, Silvano will be one of the candidates to replace Scarlett.

Being the head of the Lombardi Familia was dangerous, and Scarlett didn't want Silvano's life to be threatened.

"Sister, I'm a grown-up man now. I don't need your protection anymore." Silvano said, "You don't have to sacrifice your happiness and your life for me. Therefore, you can reject your marriage to Dante and step down from the leadership position."

Silvano smiled and said enthusiastically, "After that, we can escape from Weisant City and live in the countryside. Then—"

"Then what, Silvano?" Scarlett turned around, her gray eyes dimming as she said, "Stop being delusional because delusions will only destroy your life one day. If I step down from my position, our eldest brother, Antonello, will become the head of Lombardi Familia."

"You are a clever boy, Silvano, so I think you must know what consequences we will have if that bastard takes my position."


Scarlett slammed the alcohol bottle on her desk, startling Silvano and making him take a few steps back from Scarlett. "He will kill us! If he gets his hands on the Lombardi Familia, you and I will end up in a coffin if I'm not marrying Dante!"

Before their father—Sandro Lombardi—died three years ago, Sandro had already told his consigliere that the person who would continue his leadership was Scarlett Lombardi, his second descendant.

Sandro's decision caused a lot of heated debate. The reason is that, hierarchically, Antonello should continue Sandro's position because he is the first son.

However, most members of the Lombardi Familia agreed with Sandro's decision. Because based on ability and responsibility, Scarlett is superior to Antonello.

Although Scarlett is known as a mad woman who likes to play with blood, at least she is intelligent and able to think one step further than the average person.

Unlike Scarlett, Antonello often makes reckless decisions that ultimately harm many parties. Therefore, Sandro couldn't entrust the organization he had led for decades to Antonello.

Due to Sandro's decision, Antonello finally left the Lombardi Familia and is trying to start a new organization. Even though he was long gone, that man still sent spies to monitor Scarlett and the Lombardi Familia.

Antonello seems to be waiting, waiting for Scarlett's downfall so he can take over Lombardi.

"I don't want this conversation to come out of your mouth again. Do you understand, Silvano?"

Silvano lowered his head and clenched his fists. He no longer rebutted because what Scarlett had said was true. Even though both of them are trying to escape, Antonello should be able to find them easily.

"I understand, ma'am," Silvano whispered.

Scarlett's expression gradually improved. She took the alcohol bottle from her desk, then walked towards the door. Before leaving, Scarlett hugged her brother tightly. Since Silvano is taller than Scarlett, she rests her head on Silvano's shoulder.

"I don't regret anything." Scarlett let go of Silvano's arms, then left her office without looking back for a second.

In the middle of the room, Silvano let out a long sigh. His eyes fell on the glass of juice that hadn't been touched.

"You never change, Sister." Silvano gave a small smile before finally walking out of the room.