Track Down Dante

Scarlett took a deep gulp of the wine, then wiped the wine's drops that stained her chin.

She felt her heart had gone numb, her mind lost, and her head started to felt dizzy. She laid on her bed, filled with an empty bottle of ale and wine.

Three days.

It had been three days since she hadn't received news of Dante's whereabouts. It made Scarlett feel annoyed. She couldn't do her job properly whenever she thought about Dante and their marriage contract.

If Scarlett hasn't killed Dante by next week, her father's former consigliere will come and ask Scarlett to resign from her position as the head of the Lombardi Familia.

Scarlett didn't even understand why Dante didn't care about their marriage contract, as if married or not, Dante's life would make no difference.

Scarlett immediately thought harder. She just realized that Dante's behavior was too calm, to the point of making Scarlett feel suspicious.

Maybe the man is already planning something to cancel their marriage, or to put it roughly; he already has a way to kill Scarlett.

Scarlett then smiled widely and chuckled.

Her lovable Don must have worked hard to set a trap for her. If that's the case, Scarlett's better off waiting for Dante's arrival and killing the man when he wants to kill Scarlett.

If she can't find out where the enemy is, it's better to enter the enemy's trap to kill him.

Knock! Knock!

A knock on the door made the smile on Scarlett's face disappear. "Don't knock on my door in the early morning!"

There was no reply from the person outside the door for a while. Maybe he was too scared to face Scarlett's rage, or he was mentally preparing to talk to Scarlett in the morning.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, ma'am. But you received a phone call from your cousin, Sir Bianchi." Her subordinate spoke.

It must be Hector Bianchi. The cousin from her mother's relatives.

After her mother—Adriana Lombardi—died, Scarlett rarely talked to Adriana's relatives. The reason is simple. They are too afraid to deal with a black organization like the Lombardi Familia.

Moreover, they are also afraid that their lives will be in danger if they get too close to Scarlett, whose behavior is always unpredictable.

However, one relative of Adriana still keeps in touch with Scarlett, Hector Bianchi, the only son of Adrianna's older sister, who also died a long time ago.

Hector had no fear of Scarlett because he also had a background that was almost similar to Scarlett's background life.

Both of them are from the underworld.

Hector Bianchi is the owner of the drug cartels in Hamary State, which is located alongside eastern Weisant.

"Ma'am, do you want to answer the called?" Her subordinate asked once more when he didn't get any replies from Scarlett.

Scarlett immediately got up from her bed and opened the bedroom door. Her blonde subordinate gave a cell phone to Scarlett, then rushed away from Scarlett.

"What do you want, Hector?" Scarlett called his name with an unfriendly tone. "I hope you don't disturb my morning with some bullshits."

Laughter sounded from the other end of the call. "My beautiful cousin, why are you always acting cold to me?"

Scarlett hissed. While walking towards the balcony of her room, Scarlett put the cigarette between her lips. "Because you only contact me when you want to take advantage of me, and the payments I received were never worth it."

Hector replied, "Don't be too cocky. Families should help each other without asking for anything in return."

"Bullshit." Scarlett exhaled the smoke, then demanded, "Hurry! Tell me what you want from me, or I will hang up in five seconds."

Hector demanded, "Come to Hamary in two days." Hector quieted for a second, then added, "There is something you have to do here."

Hector's words were not a request but a demand. He hadn't even questioned Scarlett's willingness, as if he was certain that Scarlett would soon come to Hamary after being asked.

Scarlett wanted to nag at first, but upon further thought, it seemed that Hector had something that could make Scarlett go to Hamary without coercion.

"I don't do charity. What will I get if I come to Hamary?" Scarlett asked.

Hector laughed, then explained, "You can catch your future husband in Hamary."

Scarlett opened her eyes widely. Bursting joy instantly grew in her heart when she heard Dante's name.

"Is Dante will come to Hamary?"

"Yeah." Hector convinced her, "He'll be coming to Hamary in two days, and I can already figure out where the place he wants to go in Hamary."

Scarlett shouted, "Hurry, tell me! What place will he visit?!"

"He's going to attend my ex-fiancé's wedding."

Scarlett didn't reply, maybe because the information Hector gave her was too shocking for her.

"Scarlett, I also want you to attend my ex-fiancee's wedding." Hector gritted his teeth. "Or rather, I want you to destroy my ex-fiancee's wedding and kill her groom."

Scarlett then put out her cigarette, which was almost finished, then she smiled when she answered, "All right, it sounds fun. If you help me catch Dante, I will help you create chaos in your ex-fiancee's wedding."

• • •

Scarlett took off her sunglasses as she arrived at the Hamary Capital airport. From a distance, Scarlett could see her cousin, Hector, waving to her in the arrival corridor.

"Cerano, ask the boys to immediately track Dante's whereabouts in Hamary. Make sure that man truly comes here," Scarlett whispered to her right-hand man, Cerano Acheron. "If he doesn't come, be prepared to beat up my cousin."

Cerano didn't take Scarlett's words as mere play. Once the woman has given the order, she won't withdraw the order again.

Therefore, if they couldn't find Dante's whereabouts in Hamary, then Hector would truly be beaten almost to death by Scarlett.

"Yes, ma'am. I understand," Cerano replied.

Cerano hurried off with some of his men, leaving Scarlett with Hector.

"Scarlett! You look beautiful as usual," Hector praised her.

Scarlett was deliberately looking good today. Because she knows that her cousin is a womanizer, Scarlett hopes she can extract many secrets from Hector if she looks beautiful.

Hector looked Scarlett up and down. He paid attention to Scarlett's curves clad in a sleeveless red dress, which only reached above the knee.

A black coat slung over Scarlett's shoulders. She didn't use her sleeves on purpose so that anyone could see her arm more clearly.

Scarlett's lips, which have been polished with red lipstick, look charming and gorgeous and, at the same time, attract men's attention every time she moves her lips.

"Hmm… it can't be helped. Since I was born, I've never been ugly." Scarlett smiled seductively. "So, who is your ex-fiancee's future husband? Why did Dante come to their wedding."