He's Having An Affair

Hector sighed. He knew asking Scarlett to do something without revealing important information was impossible.

"Come on, let's talk in a private place." Hector leaned his body toward Scarlett and whispered. "To be honest, now I'm a fugitive."

Scarlett giggled as she watched Hector's appearance. She realized Hector was trying to cover his face with sunglasses and a mask. Scarlett probably wouldn't have recognized him if Hector hadn't waved to Scarlett when she arrived.

"What have you done, Cousin? Did you sneak drugs into the government building?" Scarlett asked with high curiosity.

"Of course not! I'm not that stupid." Hector sighed. "It's worse than that. All my illegal transaction schedules have been known to the police, and many of my men have been arrested by them."

"Hmm… who is the spy who infiltrated your cartel?"

"My ex-fiancee."

Scarlett immediately laughed and clapped her hands. "Now it's become more interesting."

Hector felt annoyed. He had expected that Scarlett would scorn him if he told the truth.

"Let's go. I don't want to be chased by the police today." Hector grabbed Scarlett's hand and led her to his car.

As the car started moving, Scarlett heard the sound of Cerano from her wireless earphones. "Donna, Sir Bianchi was right. Dante Moretti is in Hamary."

Scarlett then hung up their calls after ensuring Hector wasn't lying to her.

"So, tell me, Hector. Whom should I kill tonight?" Scarlett asked.

Hector handed the document envelope to Scarlett. He immediately opened the envelope and saw that there were many photos of a man with black hair and brown eyes. That man always wears clothes from expensive brands and attends high-class places.

He was always seen being escorted by many bodyguards dressed in black and fully armed. From the appearance of his bodyguard, Scarlett could tell if the man was someone important.

"Richard Dufort, the second son of Russo Dufort—the boss of the black organization The Night."

Scarlett's hands trembled when she heard the names. Not because she was afraid but because she was very excited. Her lips smile widely while her eyes are fixed on the man in the photo.

"You know about him, Scarlett?" Hector asked.

"Of course, I know! The Night is the most powerful black organization in Hamary. Russo Dufort could even dominate the economy of Hamary's underworld."

Scarlett added, "He was a great guy but also so greedy that it made me sick. He even robbed my stolen painting when I wanted to do a transaction at Hamary port."

Scarlett clenched her fist tightly. "That man, I wanted to kill him long ago."

Scarlett had been searching for Russo Dufort for so long. However, the man acted like a rat, who was challenging to track down, so Scarlett never found a trace of his hiding place.

"Scarlett, remember, I only told you to kill Richard Dufort, not Russo," Hector warned his cousin.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "You didn't even pay me, so why should I listen to your word? Never mind, don't worry. Richard will also die tonight."

Hector, "He's a dangerous man! If you're looking for trouble with Russo, then The Night will hunt you down!"

Scarlett chuckled. "Geez, relax. Nor will I ask for your help to protect me. After all, there are already too many organizations in this world that want to kill me. Adding one more won't make any difference."

Hector grunted. He was no longer trying to convince his cousin not to act rashly, thinking Scarlett would still do as she pleased, even though it was forbidden.

"So, did your ex-fiancee have an affair with Richard and betray you?" Scarlett asked as she took all Richard's photos out of the envelope.

"No." Hector gritted his teeth. "After I searched, Noelia turned out to be Russo's future daughter-in-law since three years ago."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you just meet Noelia five months ago?"

That means Hector was Noelia's secret lover.

Five months ago, Hector met a woman florist in the small town of Hamary. A woman named Noelia helped Hector treat his wound while he was hiding from the police.

Hector, who has looked at women as objects for too long, finally falls in love with Noelia, who seems sincere. Being too drunk with love, Hector soon got engaged to Noelia within two weeks.

"Yeah, I should have been suspicious of her since she accepted the proposal of a man she'd only known for two weeks." Hector lowered his head, feeling frustrated whenever he thought about his stupidity.

"Noelia… that damn woman only approached me so she could spy on my organization. Even though our initial relationship was lovely…."

When Hector started telling his story with Noelia, Scarlett looked out the street from the car window because she felt uninterested in Hector's story.

"But now she's acting like I'm trash and made me a fugitive —"

"Why did Dante come to Richard's wedding?" cut Scarlett.

Scarlett's question distracted Hector's focus, so now he started talking about Dante instead of his first date with Noelia.

"As long as I know, Russo Dufort is collaborating with the Moretti Familia. Russo often gets weapons produced by Moretti for free, so he helps Dante smuggle illegal weapons into Hamary as payment."

In contrast to the Weisant Country, which allows its people to have weapons. The Hamary Country prohibits people in its country from buying or storing weapons for personal use.

Only important people, such as police and soldiers, can hold weapons. Because of that rule, most criminals in Hamary buy weapons illegally through the black market.

"At Hamary, the person who understands the intricacies of the black market the most is Russo. That's why Dante cooperated with him for mutual benefit."

"That's why I forbid you to kill Russo. Because if you get caught, not only The Night will chase you, but also Moretti Familia," Dante explained.

Scarlett put her hand under her chin. She seemed to be in deep thought to the point of ignoring Hector for a while.


Scarlett clapped once, then spoke with a smile. "Okay, I've decided. I'll kill Russo!"

Hector was taken aback and shouted angrily, "Didn't you listen to my explanation?! If you kill Russo, then it's not Dante's body that I'll find tomorrow, but It's you!"

"No, no, no. I suppose you might be wrong, cousin. The one who dies is still Dante, not me."

Before Hector could reply, Scarlett had already spoken, "I have a way of getting off the hook. If you and your men obey my orders, we will get benefit from Russo and Richard Dufort's deaths."

• • •

Luxury cars are parked in front of the mansion belonging to the Dufort family. The mansion was on top of the hill that Dufort was also rumored to own. It was located far from people's houses, so only certain people could know the location of Dufort's main residence.

"Please come in, Miss Evelyn." A servant opened the mansion's door after seeing the woman in a red dress in front of him holding an invitation card that read 'Evelyn Barlow'.

Scarlett smiled. She lowered her head to read the name tag on the servant's chest. "Have a good day, Gerald."

To get into Richard Dufort and Noelia's wedding, Hector specially made duplicate invitation cards and fake names for Scarlett.

So that the servant guarding the door would not suspect Scarlett as a fake guest, Scarlett tried dressing up as beautifully as possible and wore a luxurious dress. So the servants and guards would mistake Scarlett for one of the important guests of the Dufort family.

Scarlett then stepped into the party hall. She had changed her appearance by wearing a black wig and blue contact lenses so that others wouldn't recognize her face at a glance.

Her eyes wandered in all directions and saw Hector and his men disguised as party staff.

"Scarlett, we'll carry out the plan in fifteen minutes, exactly when Noelia walks up to the altar." Hector's voice came from the earphones in Scarlett's ears.

Scarlett touched the tiny earphones, then said, "No. We'll put the plan into action when Dante arrives."

Hector snorted, "For god sake! He hasn't even come yet! We might lose our chance to destroy this party if we wait for him."

"Keep looking. I've seen the black jaguar badge on some of the guests. There's no way these Moretti Familia members come without their boss," Scarlett replied.

The wedding ceremony will be held soon, so guests are asked to sit in front of the wedding altar. Richard Dufort was standing on the altar with Russo. His face strained as he waited for his bride.

Scarlett moved her pupils rapidly, looking in all directions to find Dante's figure. However, she could only find Dante's subordinates.

Dante must have come. Scarlett was sure of that.

Because his relationship with Russo was pretty good, Dante couldn't have come late.

Before Scarlett sat down on the chair, she lifted her head and suddenly found the figure of a black-haired man walking along with a blonde woman.

Scarlett narrowed her eyes, ensuring that the two figures were people Scarlett knew.

Dante Moretti and Russo Dufort's daughter, Rebecca Dufort.

"I found Dante." Scarlett folded her arms across her chest. Her lips smiled, but her eyes narrowed sharply. "He is having an affair with another woman."