The Duck Had Turned Into The Swan

"What?" Hector asked with confusion. He couldn't even understand Scarlett's words correctly.

Scarlett, who didn't want to bother explaining, immediately gave an order. "Start the mission. Let's bring havoc into this party."

After all the guests sat on the chairs, the wedding music immediately echoed in the hall. Richard smiled on the altar as the hall door opened, revealing Noelia's figure.

The woman was standing in the doorway. She was wearing a wedding gown decorated with luxury jewels. Noelia's appearance was beautiful and graceful, a beauty that succeeded to seduced men with her fake innocence.

No wonder Hector could be crazed over Noelia and never suspected that woman.

However, unfortunately, Noelia's figure, who was shimmering under the lights, couldn't attract Scarlett's attention. Because Scarlett kept her eyes fixed on the second floor, to be precise, at Dante and Rebecca, who were watching the wedding ceremony from above.

Both of them were holding wine glasses in their hands. From a distance, Scarlett could see Rebecca constantly trying to hug Dante's arm or touch him, even though Dante had repeatedly slapped her hand away violently.

Scarlett smiled faintly when she could see Dante's appearance more clearly. She whispered to herself as the wedding music grew louder. "Oh, boy. The duck had turned into the swan tonight."

Scarlett's memory was thrown at Dante's figure she saw in the old warehouse a few days ago. At that time, Dante looked so messed up due to being splashed by water and exposed to dirty dust.

However, now the man had transformed into a beautiful swan.

The black suit he wore made Dante look more manly and exuded a solid dominant aura. His hair is styled back, so his heterochromia eyes can be seen clearly.

Dante's pupils were downwards, but he didn't bow his head down, making him look like an arrogant ruler who didn't want to bow before the commoner.

He looked handsome and charming, too attractive until he made Scarlett dumbfounded for a moment.

"Scarlett!" Hector's voice in her earphones broke Scarlett's thoughts. "Scarlett, can you hear me?!"

Scarlett hissed, "Don't scream. You make my ears hurt."

Hector sounded pissed when he spoke, "I've called you many times, but you're still not answering. Actually, what are you doing?"

"Admiring the beautiful swan."

"What swans? I don't see any geese here."

Scarlett sighed. "Forget it. What is your status?"

"We're ready."

"All right. We'll start when Noelia goes up to the altar," Scarlett ordered.

No one answered Scarlett's words anymore. Everyone focused their eyes on Noelia's figure, who was walking on the red carpet with her father. The woman couldn't hide her happy smile and continued to cast a shy look at Richard.

[Well, it's too shame this cute couple will get a bad ending soon.]

Scarlett put her handbag on her lap. Then, she put her hand into her bag and held the object inside tightly.

"The bride is welcome to come up to the altar."

Richard extended his hand in front of Noelia, intending to help his future wife up the altar.

"Start counting," Scarlett whispered.



Noelia smiled as she took Richard's hand. As Noelia stepped up onto the altar, Richard whispered beside her ear. "You look beautiful today. I'm lucky to marry you."

"One. Turn off the lights," Scarlett ordered with low voice.


All the lights in the hall went out at the same time, causing the guests to be shocked.

"What happened?"

"Why did the lights suddenly go out?"


Hector and his men threw smoke bombs into the center of the hall. The smoke also spreads sleeping drugs and making all guests sleepy.

The commotion was getting louder. The guests wanted to get out of the hall after smelling the smoke. However, they would trip over or bump into each other because the room was very dark.

In the end, because the sleeping drugs that were cast were so powerful. They instantly lose power in just a few seconds.

"What the fuck happened here?!" Russo's scream echoed through the hall. "Who dares to do all this at my son's wedding!"

"Hurry up and do something!" Russo's ordered.

However, none of his subordinates answered. They all seemed to have been knocked unconscious from the smoke or paralyzed by Hector's subordinates.

Scarlett then stood up from her chair. She was wearing a gas mask and night vision goggles. She took a gun from her bag, then put two bullets into the gun.

While loading her gun, Scarlett walked on the red carpet. Her hands were raised, positioned at the level of Richard's head.


The first bullet shot swiftly across the hall and pierced Richard's head, sending the man straight to the floor with blood gushing from his head.

"Arghhhh," Noelia screamed. She covered her ears while squatting on the floor. Because Richard was standing next to Noelia, she could hear the sound of a bullet going through Richard's head.

"Who shot?! Who got shot?!" Russo's expression darkened. "Richard! Richard, can you hear me?"

Russo sensed something was wrong. While covering his nose with a handkerchief, Russo took the gun at his waist. However, the dark room made him not know which way to shoot.

Scarlett pointed the gun barrel at Russo's head. But before she pulled the trigger, she changed her mind. "Nah, it doesn't feel fun if you die immediately."


Scarlett shifted her hand and fired a bullet into Russo's stomach.

"Fuck! Arghh!" Russo covered his injured stomach with his hand, then knelt on the floor. "Whomever you are! I will find you and kill you!"

Scarlett paid no attention to Russo's words. She turned and said to Hector through the earphones. "All clear. What about you?"

Hector, "Clear. We have kidnapped Dante and his men."

Scarlett smiled happily. "Good. Bring Dante to my car."

"What about his men?"

Scarlett opened the hall door. She saw many members of The Night lying on the floor. Smoke bombs were thrown into the hall and all over the mansion. Therefore, none of The Night's members entered the hall during the commotion.

"Hmm… I don't care about them. You can throw Dante's men into the woods or the river," replied Scarlett.

"Got it." Hector asked, "Do you need my help again to get rid of Dante?"

"No, you've done enough. Start from here. I will take care of the rest. You can go."

Hector, "Thanks for tonight, cousin. Thanks to you, Noelia will remember her wedding day as a nightmare."

"I hope you won't get in trouble for killing Russo too."

Scarlett just laughed in response. She didn't tell Hector that she had suddenly changed her plans. Russo is still alive. At most will only be in a coma for a few days due to his injuries.

"I won't get into trouble." Scarlett walked out of the mansion. She saw that Cerano was waiting for her in front of her car. "Russo won't even know that I killed his son."

"Hahahaha … Scarlett, I must admit that you are the most brilliant woman I have ever met!"

"I might have died long ago if my brain had been empty." Scarlett put on the coat given by Cerano, then got into the car.

"I will leave, Hector. Don't call me for a few weeks, so no one suspects we're conspiring."

"Then, see you later, Cousin. You helped me a lot today."

Scarlett immediately hung up with Hector as soon as Cerano started the car. She turned her head to the window and saw Hector's car and his men also leaving the mansion.

"Are we going to the execution place, Donna?" asked Cerano.

Scarlett leaned her back against the car seat. When Scarlett turned her face to the chair next to her, she saw Dante's figure, whose hands and feet were tied up with rope and his mouth covered with duct tape.

Dante's eyes narrowed sharply as he saw Scarlett beside him. The man tried to break free, but the ties of his hands were too strong, and this time there was no one to help him escape.

Unlike others who were left unconscious after the smoke bombs were released. Scarlett ordered Hector to take Dante out before the man fainted.

"No, I have other plans that are more fun than taking him to the execution place."

Scarlett brushed Dante's hair and leaned into his arm. "I want to lock him up in the hotel room tonight and wait for Russo's men to kill him tomorrow morning."