I Can't Do It Anymore **


This chapter contains an explicit sex scene. Please read at your own discretion.

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The night is getting late, but the effect of the aphrodisiac on Dante's body never goes away. He couldn't stop touching Scarlett's body and kept pumping his manhood inside Scarlett's core.

Sometimes Dante would move slowly, but sometimes he would pump his manhood so violently that it made Scarlett lose her mind.

"I can't do it anymore …." Scarlett laid her head on the pillow as Dante lifted Scarlett's hips from behind.

Scarlett's whole body felt limp. Dante had only had three orgasms, but Scarlett had more than five. If only Dante wasn't holding her hips at this moment, Scarlett would only be able to lie down helplessly.

When Scarlett moaned, she could hear her voice grow hoarse from screaming all night long.

Scarlett wouldn't be looking for trouble with him if she knew a little aphrodisiac could turn Dante into a breeding bull.

Since that night, Scarlett was determined never to let Dante touch the aphrodisiac.

"Jerk! How long do you want to fuck me?! I already ti… ahh…."

Scarlett screamed in her heart. She felt annoyed with herself for always being lulled into Dante's games.

[I want him to stop, but why does he always make me moan! Arghhh! Fuck you, Dante!]

[No, it doesn't sound right. Basically, isn't Dante fucking me right now?]

The thoughts of Scarlett's head immediately dispersed when Dante, who was now lying next to her, lifted Scarlett's leg, then inserted his manhood through the side.

"Dante! You son of a bitch! Stop it already!"

Dante bit Scarlett's neck. "One more, and then I'll finish."

"Bastard! You also said that in the previous round!" Scarlett's screams gradually turned into whimpers as Dante moved his hips quickly and made Scarlett's body shake violently.

"Please … I am begging you … please, have mercy on me," Scarlett pleaded with teary eyes.

Dante whispered, "Go on, keep whining. Your whining makes me more excited."

Dante didn't lie at all. Scarlett's whimper indeed sounded adorable for Dante. Since then, Scarlett has always acted rude and shamelessly in front of him.

Hence, when he saw Scarlett helpless and kept on whining, Dante unknowingly awakened his sea of lust.

"You are crazy!"

"You're as crazy as I am, Scarlett." Dante reminded her. "You were the one who was looking for trouble. Right now, you are getting the reward for your actions."

Scarlett wanted to answer, but Dante's movements got so out of control that she couldn't say anything other than moan.

In the last thrust, Dante deliberately pressed their bodies so that the tip of his manhood could touch Scarlett's cervix.


Both of them exhaled heavily after getting an orgasm. Scarlett's body suddenly felt so weak that she didn't struggle when Dante hugged her tightly and kissed her swollen lips.

"You did well, baby," said Dante as he pulled his manhood out of Scarlett's vagina. "That's enough for today. We can continue our activity tomorrow night."

Instantly Scarlett felt empty after Dante's manhood left her honeypot. The combination of sperm and cum poured out as soon as the plug was gone.

The strange sensation made Scarlett feel uneasy. She wanted to clean her body as soon as possible but was too limp to move. Asking Dante for help also seemed useless.

"Shut up. I don't want to hear your voice anymore," Scarlett whispered.

After saying that, Scarlett no longer spoke because she had already closed her eyes and was asleep.

On the other hand, Dante was still awake and watching Scarlett's sleeping face. His fingers played with Scarlett's long messy hair.

A satisfied smile appeared on Dante's face. He chuckled as he inhaled the scent of Scarlett's hair. "Well, if I knew you could act this cute, I would have married you long ago."

• • •

Scarlett opened her eyes as the sun's rays entered the hotel room. She winced softly as a headache came over her. Her body also felt sore, especially at the waist.

"Fuck…." Scarlett cursed harshly as soon as she realized she had slept in Dante's arms all night. "Fuck off, let me go."

Dante's arms wrapped tightly around Scarlett's body so she couldn't move freely. Frustrated, Scarlett pushed Dante's arm away forcibly and even kicked the man in the stomach to get Dante away.

"Mhmm … the sun isn't even bright yet. Go back to sleep." Dante pulled Scarlett into his arms after she managed to free herself.

Scarlett let out a harshly sighed. She looked at Dante's face with a sharp look, as if she wanted to tear Dante apart right then and there.

Scarlett had often teased Dante, even trying to make him angry by touching his body. However, Scarlett felt displeased when Dante did that to her.

She doesn't like being teased or humiliated.

However, oddly enough, her body felt excited every time Dante bullied her last night. Even though her mouth keeps begging Dante to stop, Scarlett also enjoys Dante's rough move.

In her whole life, last night was her first time experiencing great sex from a man. Usually, the men who slept with her could never make Scarlett have multiple orgasms.

Secretly, Scarlett acknowledged Dante's prowess in bed and began to crave Dante's manhood to enter her body again.

Scarlett suddenly pinched Dante's nose so he couldn't breathe. However, Dante immediately grabbed Scarlett's hand and held her wrist so Scarlett couldn't move her hand.

"Behave, or I'll make you beg like last night."

Scarlett exclaimed, "I acted like that because you tortured me last night!"

"Honestly, I could have gotten away from you easily, but since I think there's no harm in trying your prowess in bed, I—"

Scarlett couldn't continue her sentence because Dante covered her mouth with a deep kiss. Dante sucked and licked Scarlett's swollen lips until it made Scarlett forget about her words.

When Dante broke their kiss, the man spoke, "You're too loud in the morning. Do you want me to make you moan again so you don't talk too much?"

"Okay," Scarlett answered subconsciously.

Dante immediately opened his eyes. "What?"

"Wait, what?" Scarlett finally realized that she had said the wrong thing. "No! Not okay! I mean ... damn! Just let me go! We have to go immediately!"

"Why do we have to rush away?"

"Darling, for your reminder. Russo's men must be looking for your location by now, and I'm sure he already knows you're staying at this hotel."

"Oh, so now you want to help me stay alive? I thought you wanted to kill me again so last night's deal could be canceled."

Scarlett kissed Dante's lips briefly, then patted Dante's cheek. "First of all, your performance on the bed was not bad, and I like it. Secondly, the big thing inside your underwear is important to me, and I don't want to play with the corpse. I am not necrophilia."

"Moreover, if Russo's men see me sleep with you, I'll also be in trouble."


After gathering all her strength, Scarlett kicked Dante until the man fell off the bed. "Get up. We don't have time to relax."

When Scarlett got out of bed, her legs were shaking because they felt sore after facing Dante's wildness last night. However, after holding on to the bed for a few moments, Scarlett could finally stand up straight.

"Oh, did you clean my body?" Scarlett was surprised to notice that no liquid had pooled underneath her.

Dante rubbed his head which had hit the wall, then replied, "Think of it as a gift because you managed to satisfy me."

Scarlett grunted, "It's not present! But it is a must for you to clean my body!"

Since Scarlett didn't want to ruin her mood in the morning, she finally ignored Dante and put on a bathrobe before finally walking to the door.

The hotel room that Scarlett ordered was a suite room, so it had a living room and kitchen outside the bedroom. Because of that, Scarlett's subordinates stood guard outside the room while she spent the night with Dante.

Thump! Thump!

Right after Scarlett opened the door, she was startled by a group of men who suddenly fell to the floor. They seemed to be trying to eavesdrop on Scarlett and Dante but had no idea that Scarlett would open the door.

"Get off! You're crushing me!" exclaimed Cerano, who was at the bottom of the pile of humans.

"Cerano." Scarlett's low voice sent chills down Cerano's body. Terrified, the man raised his head and faced Scarlett's dreadful face.

Scarlett had a smile on her lips, but her eyes looked as sharp as a sharpened knife. "Explain your behavior right now, Cerano."

Among Scarlett's underlings, Cerano was the one she trusted the most; one might even say Cerano was her right-hand man. All this time, Scarlett often saw Cerano's behavior as an earnest and dull person, so she didn't expect him to do something stupid like the others.

"Don … Donna! I begged you to spare us! We were just curious—"

"You guys are just curious?" the smile on Scarlett's face widened, but her expression made them all stricken with fear. "Are you guys also wondering what I'm going to do after seeing this stupid behavior of yours?"

Scarlett cracked her knuckles, then lowered her head to look at her pitiful underlings. "Stand up now, or I will gouge out your eyes one by one."

"Yes, ma'am! Please forgive us!"