Acting As The Newlyweds

After getting new clothes, Scarlett immediately ordered her subordinates to monitor the conditions around the hotel and ensured that no members of The Night appeared.

Scarlett didn't plan to leave the hotel in the morning. Originally, Scarlett planned to leave Dante alone at the hotel in the middle of the night, but she didn't expect to be bullied by Dante until she had forgotten the time.

"Donna, I saw two suspicious cars in the parking lot in front of the lobby," Cerano reported through telephone.

Scarlett immediately ordered, "Clear the lobby area. We'll use the back lane."

"There were several people disguised as cleaners in the back area of the hotel."

Scarlett grunted harshly. She walked back and forth in her room while biting her finger, looking like she was thinking hard to find a way out.

"How did they find us so quickly? Did you purposely leave a trail?" Dante asked.

Scarlett stopped walking, then looked at Dante with an innocent smile. "They didn't find us, they found you. This hotel room is rented under your full name."

Dante looked at Scarlett flatly, but his hands were tightly clenched as if preparing to throw Scarlett from the fifteenth floor.

"There is no other way." Scarlett decided, "We must kill them all to escape."

"Everyone! Prepare your weapons!"

When Scarlett wanted to assemble the rifle that was in the suitcase, Dante tried to stop her. "Wait, we can't do that."

Scarlett looked at Dante in surprise. "Why? Don't you like killing people? Don't make me laugh, Dante."

Dante grunted. "Scarlett, we're in Hamary! The security system in this country is very tight, even The Night must always be careful not to be tracked by the police. If you cause a scene by killing all members of The Night in a public place, then both of us could become fugitives."

"It's not impossible that we couldn't return to Weisant today."

"Cowards." Scarlett sneered, "If you don't kill them, then we will be killed."

During her time as the head of Lombardi Familia, Scarlett preferred to make riot rather than take the peaceful path. She liked to kill rather than waiting to be killed.

However, Dante was different. He didn't like clutter and always kept things neat and clean. He overthought things, while Scarlett always acted first and tried to cover her tracks later.

"Besides, why should you be afraid of the Hamary police? Weren't we also fugitives in Weisant?" asked Scarlett as she loaded the bullet into her rifle.

Dante held Scarlett's arm. "We'll be wasting more time here if we end up being fugitives in Hamary. I have to go home tonight."

Dante's grip was as firm as Scarlett's grip on the gun. Both of them wanted to show they were severe, so neither would budge.

"If we don't kill them. How can we escape?"

Dante, "You able to made smokeballs that contain sleeping drugs, but you don't have a dope bullet?"

Scarlett laughed after hearing Dante's question. "Ah, why do you have to be that smart? It's more fun to use real bullets than tranquilizers."

"Scarlett, I don't have time to keep up with your crazy games."

Dante finally released his grip on Scarlett's gun. Meanwhile, Scarlett took out the bullets she had prepared, then gave orders to her subordinates. "We're going to use dope bullets."

Some of her underlings looked at Scarlett doubtfully. They didn't expect Scarlett to fulfill Dante's request. Moreover, they knew Scarlett very well. She always chose the difficult path rather than the easy one.

"Why are you just standing like a bunch of dogs? We don't have much time," Scarlett warned.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Scarlett then contacted Cerano. "Cerano, we're going to use dope bullets to immobilize the members of The Night. Order the sniper to use a silent rifle so others can't hear anything. Also, prepare the remaining unused smoke balls just in case."

"Then pick Dante and me up at the hotel drop off," added Scarlett.

Unlike Scarlett's other subordinates, Cerano didn't doubt Scarlett's orders and immediately carried them out. "I understand, Donna."

After giving orders to her underlings, Scarlett threw some camouflaging items at Dante. There were contact lenses, wigs, and masks.

"Wear them to trick the enemy. Once we leave this room, we will act like newlyweds on their honeymoon."

Dante frowned and gave Scarlett a disapproving look. "We can use another disguise."

Instead of listening to Dante's protests, Scarlett preferred to prepare her weapon and threw one at Dante. She then tied her hair back into a ponytail, revealing the red marks on her neck.

Scarlett's subordinates locked their eyes on the red marks on their Donna's neck. The number of red marks was incalculable, overlapped, and starkly contrasted with Scarlett's pale white skin.

All of them then looked at Dante with fierce eyes as if they wanted to swear at Dante for having dared to touch their Donna.

Their thoughts were different, but they had the exact words in their hearts.

[You son of a bitch! How dare you leave a mark on our Donna's body?!]

Even though Scarlett was a rough woman and often shouted at them, at least Scarlett often paid attention to her loyal subordinates who were in trouble.

Sometimes she would lend money to her debt-ridden underlings. Scarlett even helped the family of one of her subordinates who received death threats from enemy organizations.

Because of that kind of treatment, her subordinates promised always to protect Scarlett and ensure she wouldn't die before them.

However, their attitude was sometimes too protective to the point that they didn't allow Scarlett to have a serious relationship with men and always told Scarlett—

—All men are assholes, so there's no point in getting a serious relationship with them.

Unfortunately, Scarlett never listened to them and often had one-night stands with multiple men.

However, this time the situation was different. Dante was her future husband, so her subordinates were afraid that Scarlett would have feelings for Dante and be hurt.

"What are you doing?" Dante felt uncomfortable with the Lombardi's gaze, so he tried to let Scarlett's hair down so her red marks could be appropriately covered. "Don't you have any shame?"

"Ashamed from what?" Scarlett put her hair back in a ponytail. "Everyone should know that we are newlyweds. Most newlyweds were wild in bed on their first night, so I had to show this masterpiece."

"There are many other ways to convince them!" he exclaimed.

Even though he was the one who left many traces, Dante was also the one who felt embarrassed when Scarlett wandered around like that.

Dante has high pride and didn't like it when other people find out about his bed affairs.

"Like what?" asked Scarlett.

Dante sighed and touched his forehead, which was hurt because he had to face Scarlett's wild behavior. "Scarlett, you make me feel a headache."

• • •

Scarlett hid her gun under her skirt while Dante strapped it to her calf. As they descended into the lobby, they could see many men in black coats hanging around the lobby.

All of them acted like regular guests, whose reading newspapers or sipping coffee. However, Scarlett and Dante could already guess they were the people Russo ordered to catch them.

"Honey, can't we stay one more day? I still want to make out with you." Scarlett hugged Dante's arm tightly and rested her head on her future husband shoulder.

Dante suppressed disgust in his heart when he heard Scarlett's whimper tone.

He wrapped his arms around Scarlett's waist and pretended to be happy. "Baby, I don't want to go home neither, but I've been asked to come to the office as soon as possible."

To avoid arousing suspicion, they had to act as normal as possible. Therefore, they have to hand over the hotel key to the reception desk personally.

"Both of you look happy. It looks like your honeymoon is going well." The receptionist before them smiled. Luckily, she wasn't the receptionist on duty last night, so she didn't recognize their face.

"Yes, my husband made me happy last night."

After handing over the keys, they immediately walked to the exit because they didn't want to be stared at by the many spies of The Night.

However, they stopped when they heard the receptionist shout Dante's name. "Mr. Moretti! It looks like something was left in your room."

"Fuck," Scarlett cursed. She pressed the earphones on her ears and gave the order. "Throw smoke balls and sedate them!"


Scarlett and Dante immediately covered their noses using a handkerchief, then left the hotel as quickly as possible. A puff of smoke immediately filled the lobby within seconds, but the members of The Nights outside had already surrounded them at the door.

The snipers, who was hiding from various places, immediately shot The Night with dope bullets. Unfortunately, the sedatives needed time to make someone lose consciousness, so they could still try to attack Dante and Scarlett.

"Dante Moretti! You've killed Young Master Richard and almost killed Don Russo! You must pay for what you did."

Bang! Bang!

The Lombardi Familia immediately protected Scarlett and Dante by setting up human barricades. They covered themselves with bulletproof shields and escorted Scarlett to where Cerano was waiting.

"I told you we should use real bullets!" Scarlett shouted at Dante.

When the drug began to show its effect, the members of The Night fell one by one.

"Donna! Cerano is waiting for you at the bus parking lot! You have to run over there while we take care of them!"

Scarlett nodded and took Dante's hand. "Take care. We will meet again in Weisant."

Scarlett and Dante dashed while holding rifles in their hands. Unbeknownst to Dante, Scarlett had replaced her dope bullets with real ones.

Bang! Bang!

Blood spurted from the heads of several men who were trying to catch them.

Dante shouted at Scarlett. "Great! Now you invite the police to come. At least use a silencer on your gun!"

Scarlett "I forgot!"


Impossible for Scarlett to forgotten something that crucial.

Dante was sure she invited the police on purpose to make a riot.

"Well, wouldn't it be nice if they died quickly? We don't have to wait for the anesthetic to affect their bodies."

"Here, use this gun." Scarlett gives Dante another gun loaded with real bullets. "The police have been called, so why go quietly?"

Scarlett smiled broadly. "Let's shoot and kill all of them, baby!"