Dante's Secret

Scarlett kicked one of the men's leg who was aiming the gun at her, causing him to fall.


Scarlett shot him in the head without hesitation, then grabbed the rifle in the man's hand.

"Who is she?!"

The men began to paid attention to Scarlett's appearance and finally recognised her. "Isn't she Sca—"

Bang! Bang!

Before the man said her name, Scarlett had already shot him in the head, and his partner, who recognised Scarlett's face.

"Don't mention my name."

They must be wearing earpieces which are connected to each other. If one mentions Scarlett's name, then all members of The Night can find her identity.

This was also the one reason why Scarlett wanted to kill The Night instead of drugging them. She didn't want to leave witnesses behind, so she decided to end their life.

"Shoot her!"

Many of The Night's members started trying to catch Scarlett after recognising her face. Some of them fired bullets, while others rushed towards Scarlett to immobilise her.

Scarlett immediately used the corpses of The Night members as human shields so that the bullets couldn't hit her body. Then she shot at the people running towards her.

Scarlett's movements were very agile, and could shoot on target without missing a single bullet.

However, when three men surrounded Scarlett, the bullets in her rifle ran out. She also couldn't seize the enemy's weapons because their comrades removed the gun in the hands of The Night's corpses.

"Any last word?"

Scarlett smiled. "Before pointing the gun at me, why don't you guys check the surroundings?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bullets came from three different directions, shooting all of them simultaneously. Two came from Lombardi's snipers, while one bullet came from Dante, who was standing behind them.

"Dante, my darling! You saved me! Are you starting to fall in love with me now?" Scarlett ran to the man and wrapped her arms around him.

Dante immediately brushed off Scarlett's hand and answered coldly, "If you die, I won't be able to return to Weisant tonight."

Scarlett and Hector had scattered all of Dante's subordinates who had followed him to Hamary. If Dante wanted to contact them, it would take a long time.

When Scarlett glanced behind Dante, she saw many members of The Night lying on the street with their heads shot. Blood flowed from their bodies and even stained Dante's shoes.

"You ended up killing them all." Scarlett laughed. "I told you, it's more fun killing them than drugging them."

Dante grunted as he wiped his dirty hands with a handkerchief. "No, it's not fun. It's dirty."

Even though Dante tried to clean the blood splattered on his hand using a handkerchief, the blood still left marks that put Dante in a bad mood.

"You are indeed such a clean freak." Scarlett pulled Dante's arm. "Come on, maybe there's a disinfectant in the car. You can clean your hands with that."

When they were about to run towards the bus parking lot, Scarlett saw a black car speeding towards her, then stopped right in front of them.

"Donna, get in!" Cerano called out from inside the car.

After Scarlett and Dante got into the car, Cerano immediately drove the car at high speed. The sound of police car sirens started to be heard from all directions, and several officers set up barricades around the hotel, blocking cars from leaving the hotel area.

"Donna, we're surrounded by cops," Cerano complained.

Scarlett, "Crash over them! We don't have time to deal with them."

Under Scarlett's orders, Cerano stepped on the gas pedal to the max, then crashed into the barricades that the police had set up.

Police cars then followed Scarlett's car. Some of the police even started shooting at their vehicles.

Thump! Thump!

Luckily, all Lombardi Familia's cars had been modified into bulletproof cars so that bullet shots couldn't stop them.

"They won't stop until they catch us," Scarlett irked.

Dante replied coldly, "That's why I told you before. Don't lure the police to come here."

They lack reinforcements because events like these are beyond their control. Scarlett originally just wanted to set Dante up and leave quietly, while Dante came to Hamary to attend Russo's son's wedding, so he didn't bring many of his underlings.

"I've called a helicopter to pick you up at Hamary's countryside. However, we must get rid of the police before we get out of the capital Hamary," said Cerano.

The cops were still shooting at their car, to the point that the bullet-proof glass was starting to crack bit by bit.

Sooner or later, police bullets will surely be able to shoot their heads.

"Do you have a sniper rifle in the car?" he asked.

"Yes, there is one behind the car," Cerano replied. "But shooting the polices at this speed seems impossible."

Dante took a briefcase from the back of the car and opened it. "It's better to try than do nothing."

Dante assembled the M-16 type rifle quickly and loaded the bullets. This type of rifle has a high level of accuracy and can be used for long distances.

However, aiming at the target at high speed is very difficult. The sniper must have a high level of concentration and steady hands.

"Dante, are you sure you want to shoot them in the open street like this?" Scarlett said, "I mean if you misfire and shoot civilians, this case will get messy."

Scarlett didn't care about civilians, but she just wanted to shake Dante's heart, who usually didn't like his work getting messy and not going according to plan.

"I never missed the shot," Dante replied confidently.

Dante opens the car's sunroof to aim at the cops from above the vehicle. His hand held the gun steady while his eyes locked the target towards the police driving the car. Dante held his breath for a few moments and waited for the momentum before pulling the trigger.

Bang! Bang!

Two police cars crash into the road divider when Dante shoots the driver. He then fired three more police officers and caused chaos.

Police cars that had lost their drivers collided with each other, and some rolled onto the shoulder of the road. The traffic becomes chaotic, and many vehicles stop in the middle of the road, causing the police to lose their chance to chase Dante.

Dante immediately got into the car and shouted to Cerano. "Use the forest path ahead! The police will lose track of us."

He had visited Hamary many times so that he could know the country's many secret passages.

Scarlett whistled twice as she saw Dante unloading his rifle. "You're excellent. I thought you rarely shoot other people because your shooting skill is bad."

"Turns out I was wrong," Scarlett added.

Dante handed over the rifle he had unloaded to Scarlett and disclaimed. "It's not like I can't kill people with a gun. I just don't like the sound of gunshots."

Since then, Dante often ordered his men to shoot the enemy instead of using his own hands. Scarlett had seen Dante use explosives, knives, or even a crossbow.

However, she rarely saw Dante wielding a gun, even though the man always had the gun hidden under his clothes.

"Why?" Scarlett asked.

"None of your business." Dante leaned back against the car seat and closed his eyes to avoid another of Scarlett's questions.

However, Scarlett was not the type of woman who liked to cover her mouth when other people were around, so she still asked Dante to talk even though he had ignored Scarlett.

"Before, you said you have to go home today. Do you have to meet someone in Weisant tonight?"

When Dante didn't reply, Scarlett pinched Dante's cheek and pushed the man's shoulder until Dante opened his eyes. "Yes, I have an appointment with someone tonight. Now, shut up and let me sleep a bit."

"We've only fought for a bit, but you're already tired?"

Dante glanced at Scarlett through the corner of his eye. "No. But I'm tired because I had to move all night when you just laid down and spread your legs."


Cerano suddenly hit the brakes and made the car stop. Scarlett was almost thrown if Dante didn't hold her arm.

"What happens?" Scarlett asked.

"Nothing." Cerano shook his head quickly. "I was shocked ... I thought an animal was ahead, but it was just a twig."

Or rather, Cerano was shocked at having to listen to their vulgar chatter.