Let Me Stay At Your Place Tonight

When it was getting late afternoon, they finally arrived at Hamary countryside. Because Cerano used forest and country routes with many branching paths, they escaped police pursuit.

"Information dissemination in rural areas is slower than in urban areas so that they won't recognize us," explained Cerano.

Scarlett, "Don't worry, the people in the capital also won't mind us for a while."

"What do you mean?" Dante opened his eyes and turned to Scarlett. "My name is clearly on the hotel guest list. Those cops will make me a fugitive in Hamary."

"Dante, my darling, why do you think I insist on calling the police?"

Dante frowned and wanted to reply. However, before Dante could speak, Scarlett was ahead of him.

"The Night has been a target of the police for the last two years. The weapons smuggling they carried into Hamary caused the crime rate in that country to increase so that the people had urged the police to arrest the illegal distributors."

Even though most of the weapons The Night sold came from the Moretti Familia, at least Dante only acted as a producer of illegal weapons at Hamary, not as a distributor responsible for increasing crime.

"So, I deliberately lured the police to come and see the members of The Night."

Scarlett clapped her hands once. "In this case, they will only see us as troublemakers who want to mess with The Night, and the police usually won't meddle in the affairs of black organizations like us."

Dante concluded Scarlett's explanation. "The police at Hamary will focus more on catching The Night than troublemakers like us. Because they want to satisfy the people of Hamary and raise the belief on police."

Scarlett smiled and kissed Dante on the lips. "Yes! My Don is truly an intelligent person! For a while, we don't have to worry about The Night. After all, The Night is a mere pest compared to our organization in Weisant."

More precisely, Russo Dufort wouldn't dare to chase Dante to Weisant because the Moretti Familia's power net was massive in Weisant.

A cartel like The Night wouldn't be able to suppress the Moretti Familia, let alone try to kill their leader.

On top of that, the Lombardi Familia also controlled Weisant, which was just as terrifying as Moretti.

Russo had a dark history in Scarlett's black note, and the man knew that Scarlett wouldn't let anyone who offended or angered her have an easy life.

During this time, Russo could enter and exit the Weisant thanks to Moretti's protection. However, after he cuts ties with Dante, he can't easily escape Lombardi's pursuit.

"You turned out to be useful." Dante opened the car window and stared at the green roads in the countryside.

Scarlett also opened the window so she could light a cigarette. "If I weren't useful, I would have died long ago."

Dante glanced at Scarlett surreptitiously. For some reason, he felt that the woman's last words weren't some bullshit that he often spouted.

However, Dante has no desire to discuss Scarlett's life any further.

Everyone who works in black organizations always has secrets. Whether good or bad, the people of black organizations won't easily disclose those secrets to the public.

"The air in the countryside is quite good. Maybe living here isn't so bad." Scarlett said as she stuck her hand out the car window.

Dante whispered, "Yeah, it's not bad."

• • •

The helicopter that picked them up took an air route that wasn't controlled by the border police, so it took them longer to reach Weisant.

Because Dante said he had an urgent event at his place, Scarlett agreed to accompany him first. Besides, Scarlett wanted to know the location of Moretti's headquarters, which had been well hidden until now.

When they arrived at the Moretti Familia mansion, the sun had almost set, and the weather in Weisant looked terrible. Fog covered the sky, and lightning flashed, indicating that rain would soon fall.

Scarlett stretched her body as she stepped off the helicopter. Instead of being irritated by the bad weather, Scarlett smiled broadly and immediately hugged Dante's arm.

"Dante, look! The skies were bad, and the helicopters wouldn't be able to fly until the weather improved. So, how about I stay over at your place tonight?"

"No. I can ask someone to drive you by car." Dante grabbed Scarlett's hand and walked towards one of the cars after he called out to his subordinates.

However, when Dante wanted to forced Scarlett to get into the car, Scarlett insisted on refusing and even ran straight to the mansion's entrance.

"I don't like the sound of lighting! Let me stay here for a bit!" screamed Scarlett from a distance.

Dante tut in annoyance and thought that Scarlett was just playing around. When Scarlett walked towards the mansion's entrance, all of Dante's subordinates immediately blocked the door and even looked like they were getting ready to raise their weapons if Scarlett took a step further.

"Sir, should I just force her to go?" Saro Contarini—Dante's underboss—whispered beside Dante's ear.

Dante sighed, then gave orders to his subordinates, "Let her in!"

Scarlett had always been resourceful in getting what she wanted. If Dante forbids her, then Scarlett will try to barge in. So instead of not being able to control Scarlett's movements, it's better for Dante to give her access to enter and ask some of his subordinates to watch Scarlett closely.

"Saro," Dante walked over while giving orders, "Prepare the wedding for Scarlett and me the day after tomorrow."

Saro was taken aback and didn't respond for a few moments. He had heard that Dante had been held captive by Scarlett in Hamary, but didn't think that his Don would marry Scarlett instead of trying to get rid of her.

"Do you want to organize a wedding party?"

Dante thought for a moment. "No need. For our safety, I want our marriage to be kept secret from the outside world."

Suppose all the black organizations in the world know that the two organizations that rule in Weisant have united. In that case, they will feel threatened and try hard to bring down Moretti or Lombardi.

"I understand, sir."

When Dante entered his mansion, he saw Scarlett pacing right and left while paying attention to the mansion's furniture, which could cost millions of dollars.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Scarlett turned and smiled. "Making sure that all the furniture you bought was authentic."

Dante rolled his eyes, "My eyes are good enough to tell the difference between real and fake."

"Who says that?" Scarlett pointed at an antique urn with an intricate flower painting on the porcelain's surface. "It's fake."

Dante opened his eyes widely and immediately rushed off to see the porcelain jar from close up. "Liar. I bought this antique for five million dollars from HongLu."

Scarlett shook her head and laughed. "Baby, don't you know that Lombardi steals antiques, then sells fakes to make extra profit? So that you know, I've forged over a thousand antiques and this urn from HongLu is one of them."

Scarlett also bent her back and whispered beside Dante. "You bought it at the auction three years ago, right? Back then, the host's name was Xiao Zhang. He was the one who asked me to make the fake urn."

"The real one is in Xiao Zhang's living room right now. If you still don't believe me, we can go to his house tomorrow and see the authentic urn."

Dante clenched his fists and growled lowly. "No need. I will make him return the money I paid into his account."

To be more precise, Dante would ask Xiao Zhang to pay three times the price Dante paid, or Dante would send the impostor to the afterlife immediately.

Dante walked quickly with an angry face, and he felt angrier when he saw the source of his rage walking beside him.

"Don't be so angry. It's your fault for not looking carefully when buying expensive items. After all, every collector must have accidentally bought a fake item once or twice."

Scarlett's words only made Dante's anger even hotter because Dante thought that he was no different from stupid collectors who could buy fake things at auction.

"How many?"

Scarlett replied confusedly, "What?"

Dante snorted, "How many fake items did I buy?"

Scarlett ran to face Dante. She looked excited when she said. "Let me stay at your place tonight, and I'll check all the antiques in your mansion."