I Can't Trust You

"Fake." Scarlett's voice, which started as a whisper, immediately became an exclaim. "You must have faked her voice!"

Russo roughly glanced at Scarlett and clicked his tongue. "How can you be sure it's a fake voice? What if this is truly Illaria's voice?"

Scarlett burst out laughing. "Impossible! I have never made a mistake and never will!"

Scarlett picked up the chair again and was about to throw it at Russo. However, once again, Dante stopped her. The man glared at Scarlett angrily, the kind of anger that didn't seem like it would be quelled easily.

"Stop it, Scarlett." Dante gripped Scarlett's hand so tightly that Scarlett felt that her bones might break. "If my daughter dies because of your arrogant attitude, then I will kill you."

Dante's tone was as cold as a piece of ice and not playful.

"You don't believe me?" Scarlett asked; she narrowed her eyes as she locked eyes with Dante.

Dante, "You're not someone I can trust, Scarlett."

Scarlett's laughter finally broke. She flung Dante's hand away and took a few steps back to get away from Dante.

"Yes, of course, I'm not someone you can trust," concurred Scarlett.

Dante has known Scarlett's reputation for a long time. The woman was known as someone who could rival the cunning of a fox. She was able to trick and trap many people into her trap easily.

Among the many people in Weisant, Scarlett was the one who Dante couldn't trust the most if he didn't want to fall into the abyss of suffering.

Scarlett's words couldn't be fully trusted, and her actions were often disastrous.

If Russo hadn't taken Illaria hostage, Dante might have followed Scarlett's madness and tried to kill Russo at any cost.

However, Dante didn't want to play games and commit recklessness when it came to Illaria's life.

"Dante! You have to choose!" Russo shouted, his voice echoing through the hall. "Either you kill your wife or your daughter!"

Dante gritted his teeth, his lucid mind thrown into disarray by the thought of Illaria probably shivering in front of some bastard.

He only needed to raise his gun and shoot Scarlett in the head quickly.

After that, Illaria was able to survive.

However, why was it so difficult to lift the weapon in his hand? Besides, even if he could aim the gun, would Dante be able to pull the trigger?

Damn it.

Since when did he feel compassion for the woman who had tried to kill him?

When Scarlett saw Dante being hesitant, Scarlett couldn't help but laugh. "Dante, my darling, are you falling in love with me to the point where you can't even lift your gun?"

Before Dante could give an answer, Scarlett pointed the gun to her own head. "Hey, Russo. I don't think it makes any difference between me dying at Dante's hands or by killing myself."

"Because, as long as I die, you definitely won't raise any objections," Scarlett guessed.

Because in the end, Russo truly wanted revenge on Scarlett, who had dared to mess up the business he had worked so hard to develop.

"Dante, because I've agreed to save your daughter. Then you should repay me by ensuring my brother's life will be surrounded by happiness until he dies." Scarlett smiled as she said those words as if she didn't value her life.

Although, in truth, Scarlett never considered her life valuable.

She survived to this day because she wanted to protect Silvano from enemies who were after the Lombards.

However, if she sacrifices her life for Dante's daughter, Dante has no choice but to repay Scarlett's last request.

Even though she and Dante weren't human beings with morals, at least they both knew how to return the favor properly. Apart from that, Scarlett had also prepared a lot of treasure for Silvano in case she died unexpectedly.

The more Scarlett thought about it, the more she realized that it didn't seem so bad to die today.

"Don't act stupid!" Dante held Scarlett's hand, then quickly grabbed her gun. "Since when did a barbarous woman like you have the desire to become a hero?"

Scarlett widened her eyes; she looked surprised when she heard Dante's anger. The man even took out the bullets in her gun until it was empty.

"Dante, are you—"

Russo cut Scarlett off. "So you choose your wife over your daughter?"

Dante gritted his teeth and gripped the gun in his hand very tightly. He seemed to want to say something but ended up just looking away without responding to Russo's words.

Did Dante really let Illaria die to save Scarlett?


Scarlett thought it would be impossible for Dante to do that.

Probably, Dante was waiting for something and betting Illaria's life on luck.

Or maybe Dante was trying to believe Scarlett.

"The bomb is off!" Dante could hear Silvano's screams from outside.

In no time, Dante immediately kicked Russo's hand, causing the cell phone in his hand to fall to the floor and shatter until the screen could no longer turn on.

"What are you—"

Russo stopped when Dante put the tip of his gun to Russo's forehead. The man's gaze was sharp and seemed to have no forgiveness.

"Quickly find Illaria and ensure her safety!" he shouted.

Some of Dante's subordinates immediately ran towards the exit to look for Illaria. However, Russo's subordinates, who were still wearing bombs on their bodies, blocked the door.

"Explode the bomb!" Russo ordered when he found out his opponent didn't want to follow his orders.

Russo and his men pressed the bomb button manually. They all closed their eyes while waiting for the explosion. The Moretti and Lombardi members near the madmen immediately backed away and tried to protect themselves.

One second.

Two seconds …

…. Five seconds.

Nothing happened.

There were no explosions, and no one was killed by the bombs.

The indicator light on the bomb was even off, indicating that the bomb on their body was no longer active.

Russo opened his eyes and was shocked by the phenomenon. He pressed the bomb button a few times, but still got nothing.

Russo raised his head and was met with Dante's crooked smile that made the man look scary. "Are you done playing around with me?"

Russo gulped and tried to back away, but Dante grabbed his shirt collar. "Hurry! Find my daughter!"

"Morettis!" Dante called out again after seeing a few of his underlings come out of the hall. "Tie up Russo and all his underlings, then drag them to me!"

Thump! Thump!

Dante threw Russo's body in random directions until the slightly fat middle-aged man's body rolled on the floor. When Russo wanted to stand up, Dante immediately kicked him hard in the stomach.

"Cough!" Russo coughed several times and vomited red blood from his mouth. He tried to crawl away from Dante with all his might.


Dante stepped on Russo's foot when he saw Russo trying to run away. It wasn't enough just once; Dante stepped on Russo's foot several times, then pressed on Russo's leg until he could hear the sound of bones breaking.

"How dare you try to run away after messing up my wedding," said Dante coldly.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Zena's Note:

Dear reader, I'm sorry for not updating this novel for nearly a month. But rest assured because I will try to update once a day starting today. So, please look forward to it ^^

Thank you, and please kindly support me.