Your Daddy Is Also A Villain

"Oh, baby, why are you so rude to our uninvited guest?" Scarlett walked to Dante's side and bent her back so she could get a better look at Russo's face.

Scarlett grinned broadly, giving Russo the chills in his spine. "How about you let me take care of him? I will definitely treat him very well."

Dante stepped on Russo's foot even harder, making the man groan in pain and tried to get away from Dante. "As long as you clean the floor hall from his blood, then I will let you play with him."

Scarlett clapped and laughed with joy. She immediately knelt beside Russo and pointed her hand at Cerano, "Cerano, lend me a knife."

Without saying anything, Cerano immediately put a switchblade into Scarlett's hand. Scarlett looked enthusiastic as soon as she held the knife in her hand. She pointed the knife's tip at Russo's forehead, nose, and all over Russo's face.

"Hmm ... which part should I draw first?" Scarlett raised her head to look at Dante. "Darling, what do you think?"

Dante tilted Russo's head to the right using his foot, then stepped on his cheek. "I don't like his eyes."

The eyes had looked down on Dante and Scarlett as if Russo was able to step on their pride easily.

"Eye?" Scarlett opened Russo's eyelids wide to see his eyeballs. "Okay, I've decided! I'll gouge out his eyes first."

"No! No!" Russo rebelled, he tried to remove Scarlett's hands from his face, but several of Scarlett's underlings immediately restrained his hands and head so he couldn't move.

"Why don't you just kill me?!" shouted Russo with a frightened expression.

Instead of answering right away, Scarlett laughed at Russo's caprice as if he were a toy to cheer her up.

After laughing enough, Scarlett brought the knife handle in her hand towards Russo. "Did you see anything special in this knife handle, Russo?"

Russo gulped down his own spit and whispered, "Snake."

On the knife's handle, there was a carving depicting a snake wrapped around an hourglass.

"Yes, you're right. However, do you know why the Lombardi chose the snake as their family emblem?"

Russo didn't answer Scarlett's question because he didn't want to follow the woman's game.

"Ouch, your knowledge is terrible." Scarlett ruffled her hair, then grabbed Russo's hair and brought the knife handle closer to Russo's eyes.

"The Lombardi used snakes as their family emblem because snakes always wrapped around their prey to death."

Scarlett flipped the knife in her hand so that the sharp tip of the blade was right in front of Russo's eyeballs. "In other words, we are torturing our prey before we kill it."

And among the predators born in the Lombardi familia, Scarlett was the one who reveled in her prey writhing under her feet and begging Scarlett to kill them.

Russo really shouldn't wake a snake who was sleeping in her chamber.

Because if the snake were awake, then Russo would never have a chance to breathe freely.

"Well, Russo, I must admit that you entertained me quite a bit today. However, since your entertainment is no longer enjoyable, then let me entertain you now instead."

Scarlett raised her hand high, ready to plunge the knife into Russo's eyeball.

"Just kill me! Kill me!" shouted Russo.

Scarlett's gray eyes seemed to glow as she was overcome with a fiery sense of pleasure. Her hand moved quickly after aiming right in the middle of his prey's pupils.


Scarlett held her hand in the middle of the air when she heard a little girl's voice coming from the hall door. She let out a rough breath before giving the knife to Cerano.

"Too bad, but it looks like I have to suspend our games for a while," whispered Scarlett.

Scarlett walked to Dante's side, then changed her demeanor to look gentle and showed a warm smile toward the girl.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Illaria dashed towards Dante. Her pajamas were stained with dust and band marks on her wrists and ankles.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, making her look sad and fragile at the same time.

Dante welcomed his daughter and immediately hugged Illaria tightly. He ran a hand through Illaria's hair to calm her down. "It's okay. Illaria is with Daddy now."

"Don! We found her in the basement of the Young Lady's residence," reported Saro.

Dante, "How are the people who locked her up?"


Dante nodded, a sign that he agreed with Saro's decision to kill the people who had made his daughter cry.

"Daddy …."

Illaria's sobbing grew louder, tears soaking Dante's clothes. "Daddy, Illaria is really scared. There was a creepy uncle who said he wanted to shoot Illaria."

"Did that uncle hurt you too, Illaria?" he asked gently.

Illaria nodded, her voice trembling as she explained, "Illaria ... Illaria cried, then the creepy uncle slapped Illaria's cheek."

Dante's breath choked. He immediately looked at Illaria's cheek and saw that the girl's right cheek was swollen and red.

"Does it still hurt?" Dante stroked Illaria's cheek carefully. His heart was panicked when he saw Illaria's body covered in wounds and dust.

"It hurts … it really hurts." Illaria tried to hold back her sobs, but Dante's presence made her not want to pretend to be strong.

Dante wiped Illaria's tears with a handkerchief. "Sorry, Illaria. Daddy couldn't protect you."

"Daddy's not wrong!" Illaria suddenly stopped crying and glared at Dante irritably. "The person who slapped Illaria is the evil uncle, not Daddy!"

Scarlett suddenly laughed when she heard Illaria, who didn't want to hear Dante's apology.

Scarlett thought Illaria would blame Dante for not saving her earlier, but the girl did the opposite.

"Little girl, just so you know, your Daddy is also a villain," revealed Scarlett.

Illaria lifted her head and met Scarlett's gray eyes. For a few moments, Illaria gasped in surprise as she realized that there was a beautiful woman nearby.

However, when she remembered Scarlett's words, Illaria immediately shouted angrily. "My Daddy is a good person! He was never angry with Illaria."

"Hmm … is that so?" Scarlett looked at Dante skeptically. "But your Daddy likes to bully—"

"Scarlett, enough. Don't talk nonsense in front of my daughter," interrupted Dante.

Scarlett rolled her eyes, then knelt before Illaria. She looked at the girl from head to toe.

If Scarlett glanced at her carefully, Illaria had some resemblance to Dante. Even though they weren't wholly alike, at least that slight resemblance made Scarlett sure that Illaria and Dante were indeed related by blood.

Unfortunately, Illaria's eye color was different from Dante's.

"Little girl, is your mother's eye color gray?" asked Scarlett curiously.