The Devil From Hell

Scarlett exclaimed, "What?! Did you break him? Didn't I say that I want to play with him!"

Dante, "I'll give you another toy, so stop whining."

Scarlett's eyes immediately lit up at the words of the toy, and she also stopped thinking about Russo, who was probably turned into a corpse by now.

"What will you give?"

"I still think about it." Dante added, "I'm busy right now. I'll visit you later."

Scarlett furrowed her eyebrow. "Do you want to meet me at the hospital?"

"It depends on my schedule. I have to go now, so don't call me again." Just before Dante hung up, he whispered, "Get well soon, Scarlett."

Scarlett was surprised, then spoke to herself because Dante had already cut off their calls. "Oh, thank you, I guess?"

On the other side, Dante was wiping his silver knife using a handkerchief. He grunted in annoyance when the red color on the blade did not go away even though he had rubbed it repeatedly.

"Don, you have to use hydrogen peroxide if you want to clean blood," Saro said as he turned off Dante's cellphone after his call with Scarlett was cut off.

Dante snorted, then gave the knife to Saro, "Forget it, just throw the knife away. Besides, I no longer want to use a knife tainted with pest blood."

Dante lowered his head and looked at Russo, who was curled up at his feet. The man's face was no longer recognizable after Dante slashed almost the entire face.

Whip wounds covered his back, and his fingers had been cut off using pliers.

"Kill … Just kill me," Russo whispered.

Russo initially thought that if he killed Scarlett, he wouldn't have to face her vicious torment. However, he did not expect that Dante would be able to surpass Scarlett Lombardi's cruelty.

If Scarlett was a snake who liked to see her prey suffer before they died, then Dante was a demon from hell.

He showed absolutely no emotion as he tortured Russo for three days and three nights. Apart from that, Dante also forced Russo to eat and asked his subordinates to clean his wound.

No. Dante was not showing mercy but wanted to extend Russo's life so he could torture the man until Russo no longer wanted to live.

Dante lit the cigarette in his hand and sat down on the chair. His foot kicked Russo's shoulder, so he was lying on his back in front of Dante.

Dante bent his back, then dropped cigarette ash on Russo's still-wet wound.

"Russo, you should be happy when Scarlett wants to take you away." Dante took a deep drag on his cigarette and spoke as he exhaled the smoke. "Because if you are under my territory, then you will enter hell."

The hell that Dante was referring to was not just a parable but an absolute hell.

"Bring that woman," Dante ordered.

Saro answered, "Yes, Sir."

Moments later, two men dragged a woman into the room. The woman's hair was messy, and her clothes were torn.

"No! Please, let me go! I'll do anything as long as you let me go!" the woman kept pleading and shedding tears non-stop. However, Dante's underlings still grabbed her and threw her under Dante's feet.

The woman was Rebecca Dufort, the Russo's only daughter.

Seeing Rebecca's messy appearance, Russo immediately shouted angrily. "Rebecca! What have they done to you?! Dante! Did you rape and torture my daughter?!"

Dante laughed softly, then brushed his hair back. "Oh, my. Do you think I'm that obnoxious? No, of course, I didn't touch her."

Dante smiled crookedly and whispered into Russo's ear. "But I threw her into a brothel. Russo, the customers in the brothel, said your daughter is very good at satisfying them."

Russo's body shook, his eyes looked bloodshot, and tears started to roll down his cheeks. "Rebecca … my poor Rebecca."

Rebecca cleared her throat, then shouted at Russo. "Don't call my name anymore! I could end up like this too because of you, who can't be a good father!"

"Arghhh! I hate you! I hate you so much! Why don't you just die!" she cried.

Dante watched the bickering between father and daughter for a few moments. Before finally saying, "Russo, your daughter is right. You have ruined her fate and future because you are too narrow-minded."

Dante sighed. "You're just a little mouse, but you dare to mess with a jaguar."

"Likewise with your daughter, she always seduces me whenever she meets me. Because of that, I put her to work in the brothel after seeing her seduction skills."

"Gross. Ah, you two really disgust me." Dante wiped the blood under his shoe onto Rebecca's thigh, then turned away from them both. "Kill them both. I'm not interested in playing with them anymore."

Saro, "I understand, sir."

Saro gestured to the Moretti Familia members who were in the room. Two men loaded their guns while the other held Rebecca and Russo together.

"No! I don't wanna die!" Rebecca screamed, "Dante! Dante! Please spare my life! I will do anything for you!"

Dante waved his hand. "I'm not interested."

After Dante stepped out of the room, he heard two gunshots and no longer heard Russo's or Rebecca's screams.

Dante threw his cigarette butt into the trash and exited the basement of his mansion. He had sprayed perfume to remove the smell of cigarettes before coming to Illaria's room, which was now on the mansion's third floor.

He did not enter Illaria's room, only peeking briefly through the gap in the door. His daughter was sleeping while hugging her teddy bear. Her face looked peaceful and no longer showed worries and fear.

"Don, do you want to come in?" Lisa—Illaria's new babysitter—asked. The woman had just arrived with warm milk for Illaria.

Dante shook his head. "No. I don't want to disturb her sleep. You better not wake Illaria either."

Lisa smiled and nodded. "I understand, Don. In that case, I will give the Young Lady warm milk tomorrow morning."

"Lisa," Dante called.

"Yes, Don."

"I'm sorry about Mary."