
I felt sweat form on my brow when I saw Minori grip the skin just above her wrist. I was fairly confident that she wouldn't do anything, but she clearly showed the intention that she fully intended on doing so.

One of the maids awkwardly spoke up.

"U-Um, maybe we shouldn't do this?"

Minori didn't seem to hear her at all. She gradually tensed up her fingers, slowly building up resolve. Arianne looked at her with moist eyes, while her mouth hung open ever so slightly.

She didn't say anything, but her concern was still showing.

As for me, I was still fairly certain that Minori wouldn't go too far. I was pretty confident that while people could endure getting injured, it was a whole other story if they were to inflict that same injury on themselves.

Part of the reason was just how the brain worked, almost always prioritizing safety over anything else.

It was something I knew all too much about.