
~Azkaban West Wing (Random Guard POV)~

I'm so tired of this place. The gloomy and horrid atmosphere always reminds me of my time in the Potions dungeon with Professor Snape. He was a terrible teacher and ended up ruining my NEWTS and ruining my chances of becoming an Auror. Now, I'm stuck here as a glorified jailer with nothing to do but watch over the prisoners.

"Ring, Ring, Ring"

"It's the daily routine check-in."

Getting up from my seat, I make my way to the door. As soon as I open it, I see Garret, who looks flustered for some reason. I never liked Garret; he's always trying to impress people with his O in Divination. If only we had a boss like Amelia Bones here, I might be more motivated to work. But, alas, we don't.

"What's got you so flustered, Garret?" I say, "I told you to stay away from the dementors."

"Ah, um, I feel like something eerie is going to happen," Garret responds.

I grit my teeth and resist the urge to punch him as he rubs his O in Divination in my face again. I start my routine check, but not before giving him a hard shove that sends him stumbling backward. Grinning at him, I say,

"Don't worry about it, sport. The worst that could happen is the dementors going wild and sucking our souls."

Garret scowls and sends me a hateful glare, which quickly turns into a forced smile. No matter how unpleasant this place is, it's good to have someone to boss around.

Just as I turn around, I hear a loud bang that shakes the very foundation of the prison. I run towards the source of the noise and soon find myself in the dangerous section, where the worst of the worst reside: the Death Eaters. I'm filled with dread as I imagine the worst. And, as it turns out, my worst fears are confirmed as I come across John's decapitated body. I struggle to hold back my nausea as I examine the body. Reaching Rookwood cell, I hear rushing wind and water sounds. The prisoners don't jeer at me, which only fills me with more dread. Sure enough, as I turn around and see empty cells, I know something big has happened right under our noses. The Rookwood cell has a big "Fuck You Hole" in it.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I see Garret and the other guards. Garret looks surprisingly cheerful, which only makes me want to strangle him more. But before I can, the senior guards come in and start examining the area for clues."


~Londons Ministry of Magic~

In the Head Auror Office sat one of the most powerful women in England, both politically and magically. Amelia Bones, the matriarch of the old pureblood family the Bones, was also known as the best magical enforcer. Her strict and ruthless attitude towards the law, especially against Death Eaters, was widely known. Amelia had lost most of her family in the previous war, including her brother and sister-in-law. This tragedy had forced her to become the caregiver for her last remaining relative, her niece. However, after witnessing many of the individuals responsible for killing her family and peers go unpunished, she set out to become more politically powerful in order to bring those she deemed criminals to justice.

(Amelia Bones Pov)

Almost crushing a report in my hand, I read about Lord Malfoy supposedly helping the Aurors capture a criminal wizard who owned illegal magical artifacts. However, my sources informed me that Malfoy and the criminal were associates and that the criminal was Malfoy's dealer for shipping equipment out of the country. When the dealer asked for more than Malfoy could tolerate, Malfoy cut ties and had him arrested. The person who presented me with the report was just another person bought off by Malfoy. At times, it feels disheartening to see your enemies winning, and I am tempted to take Susan and run away. But then I think of all the sacrifices I have made and the evil grins on the faces of these criminals, and I push away those thoughts of cowardice. I put down the reports, take off my glasses, and rub the bridge of my nose to relax for a moment. I then look at the smiling portrait of my niece, who will start Hogwarts in just one more year, and smile. I return to work to make Britain a safe place for my niece and future generations.

Putting my glasses back on, I began reading the next set of reports when the door suddenly opened and in walked my mentor, looking more worried than I had ever seen him.

"Amelia Azkaban has become a disaster. There was a massive escape. All the damn Death Eaters broke out," he said.

Panic and fear gripped me as the memories of those masked murderers in black attire flooded back. But the fear was quickly replaced by anger and determination.

"Assemble a team and prepare portkeys. I will go to Fudge and request a lockdown. Don't forget to bring the investigation team with you to find out what happened and how."

"Tinny," I called out to my house-elf, "make sure Susan stays inside the house."

"Yes, Tinny, be making sure of that.," the elf replied.

Seeing the elf leave, I stride out of my office and make my way to the Minister's floor. Wizards and witches looked timid and scared, then turned to me with hopeful gazes. It seems that word of the situation has already spread. As I step into the elevator, one of my fondest memories unexpectedly comes back, a handsome teenager with a roguish grin who once wooed me, bringing a small smile to my face. But that quickly turns to heartache at the feeling of betrayal, imagining the handsome teenager wearing a white mask and black attire. I steel my determination and push away those unpleasant feelings as soon as the elevator opens.



Right now, a meeting is taking place between the staff and the progress of students is being discussed. In the center, the team is seated around a good-natured older man with amusement dancing in his eyes as he listens to the antics of the new ginger troublemakers, reported by his trusted headmistress. However, the atmosphere is broken when a silvery Patronus, non-corporeal, appears and flies straight to the older man. A grizzled voice is soon heard.

"Albus, we have a breakout in Azkaban and a dead body. Get here, Morgana Tits. Someone bloody tore a hole from inside the cell."

As soon as the message was delivered, the amusement and jolly demeanor of the older man vanished, replaced by a veteran leader who had already fought in two of the wizarding world's most significant wars. He glanced at his potions master, who was busy examining his pale forearm, and then at his trusted companion for the past decade.

"Fawkes," he said.

The staff heard only a twirl of soothing bird music, soon replaced by a swish of fire teleportation.


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