Recovery (Edited)

(Sirius Pov)

Ignoring my screaming mother, I went upstairs to a familiar room where the "original Sirius" had experienced many bittersweet emotions, sometimes crying in the middle of the night or hiding from everyone. These experiences were new to me, as I had grown numb to emotions. Killing, backstabbing, abandoning your teammates, and not allowing yourself to get attached takes a toll on you, so experiencing these wide range of emotions brought back my sense of liveliness. I felt sadness and anger at the Black home, happiness and love at Hogwarts, betrayal and depression in adulthood. Pushing these thoughts aside, I focused on several goals I had set out to accomplish, but first, I needed to take a hot bath and get a good night's sleep. The rest could wait.


~Next Day~

Waking up contentedly, I felt the soft texture of the bed and was finally able to take in a breath of fresh air without the smell of urine and feces. I rose from the bed and walked to the closet where a mirror was placed. A pale and sickly-looking bearded man stared back at me.

"You're looking a little rough, buddy," the magic mirror spoke.

I was still amazed by the world of Harry Potter and its magic, even though I knew the mirrors spoke. I rubbed my belly, eager for a proper meal after eating nothing but hard bread loaves.

"Kreacher!" I called out.

In a pop, the house-elf appeared. "Bastard Master called," he grumbled.

I disregarded his insult and asked, "How are my prisoners? Are any of them awake?"

Kreacher replied, "No, they are still motionless, but their eyes be moving."

I nodded, considering the weakened state of my prisoners after their prolonged stay in Azkaban. However, my soul, infused with the original soul, gave me a power boost and allowed me to keep them in stasis longer.

"Prepare a large feast of good, non-harmful food for me," I ordered. I didn't want to have to repeat everything for the house-elf to understand, and I couldn't decide whether to try to get on his good side or just kill him.

Kreacher disappeared with a pop to follow my instructions. I walked to the closet and picked out an old dress shirt that Sirius used to wear. It was tight on me, but with my malnourished state, it would have to do.

As I walked down to the kitchen, I thought about my goals:

()To adapt the magical knowledge in my mind

()To choose a family wand that was compatible with me

()To explore the infamous Black family library for any rituals that could provide me with a power boost, either physically or magically.

I noticed the portrait of my new mother, who was silent at the moment. I was sure she would start screeching if she saw me, but I shrugged it off and walked into the kitchen. The aroma of food hit me as soon as I opened the door. I was presented with a poorly decorated kitchen, but a delicious feast on the kitchen table.

Without wasting any time, I started eating and mumbled a quiet "Thanks, Kreacher" in hopes of replacing "kind Master Regulus".

As I ate, I felt a salty taste in my mouth and noticed dampness on my face. I realized I was crying, likely due to 'original' Sirius's pent-up emotions.


After finishing a substantial meal, I make my way to my grandfather Arcturus's room. I follow the instructions he showed me to open the room and, after pushing aside the clothes in the closet area, I am greeted with a wooden wall. I see a golden knob with a needle and, as instructed, I prick my finger, allowing my blood to unlock the door. Arcturus had explained that this door could only be accessed by the head of the house or the last male heir by birthright, and as the next in line for succession, I was able to enter. Arcturus told me that this room held important information, including blackmail materials, dark magic books, and family wands.

As I opened the door, I heard a series of clicking sounds. I used the guard's wand that I still had on me to cast a spell on my wound. "Episkey " The wound closed up and the dark room automatically illuminated. The room was filled with treasures such as galleons, gems, books, weapons, and even food. It was three times the size of Arcturus's own room. I saw the wands lined up on a long table with tags written in blood that described their cores and woods. I tried a few of them, but didn't feel the compatibility that Sirius had felt when he first got his wand. After 15 minutes of trying different wands, I finally found the one that was right for me – a dragon core wand with wood from a redwood tree belonging to my great-grandfather, Phineas Nigellus Black. Holding the wand made me feel powerful, as if a limit had been lifted.

After choosing my wand, I spent time reviewing the books in the room. After a couple of hours, I selected two books that could help me address my current problems. "Rituals: Sacrifice" and "Do you desire power" written in blood. Both books provided detailed instructions on how to use specific ingredients and perform rituals to improve my health and increase my physical and magical abilities.


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