Losing Virginity (18+)

Warning: Incest

(POV Sirius)

Looking at our clasped hand, I smile at her. Though unnoticed by her, I was immensely relieved that she got drained. Even though she looked healthy and invigorating, years of malnourishment or starvation don't get fixed in months unless you have done rituals like me. Sure I acted like I was barely fazed, but this was my first magical fight. There was nervousness fighting one of the best dark arts witches of this age.

Helping her get up, I led her out of the dueling to the newly built bathroom. There I added a sauna and a big enough bathtub. I looked back at her; she was curiously looking around. The elves had done an excellent job cleaning the place up while renovating the home to my taste—a mixture of victorian and modern styles. A far cry from the dreaded place it was. From her reaction, she wasn't opposed to it. I elaborate to her.

"I changed the layout to suit my style, a new look for a new start."

"hmm... It isn't an upgrade, but it looks more pleasing compared to the walls of Azkaban. By the way, where are you taking me !"

"Oh, to my favorite place in the whole house. It's a surprise."

We made small talk, mostly me just talking about the house. As I

neared the bathroom, I opened the door and entered, with her following me.

The whole place looked like a mixture of Japanese and Western cultures. The Japanese side had a wooden floor, while the western side was marble.

Looking around, Bella was touching the modern sink while contemplating.

"hmm...This isn't British style."

I easily lied, "Yeah, Lily used to talk about different styles when James was decorating the house."

She didn't comment further but changed the topic. In a sing-song manner

"Still, you know it's not polite to drag a lady to the bathroom after a hard, grueling session. Does ickle Sirius want to have some fun with little ole Bellaa....."

When she turned around and saw me, I had already undressed. She was speechless; I somewhat understood her. Even for me, it was hard to get used to seeing my body. I was Adonis incarnate!


She gulped, but her eyes were down on my crotch.

As my rippling form neared her, I smiled,

"I thought a shower and a clean-up before a sumptuous meal would be good."

We were adults in our late thirties; both experienced and had a lot of pent-up desires. I was pretty horny, and she was frustrated too. Though I am not hundred percent sure, maybe she would curse me. That would make it pretty awkward.

She quickly gathered herself and smiled cooly. I knew I was in for a good night and was losing my virginity in this life.

She undressed before my eyes. She had transfigured these clothes when I gave her the wand.

While she stared into my eyes, she unbuttoned her robe, which beautifully hugged her body. Underneath was a white, sticky vest due to the sweat. It created a delicious sight with her black bra underneath. All while undressing, she stared right into my eyes. At the same time, I appreciated the show.

"How is it, my ickle cousin... How is my body compared to those of low breeds?" With a sneer, she took off her vest.

I looked over her breast; they weren't overly huge but were of the perfect size. They were begging to be mauled.

As soon as she was in her black bra, she turned around and tugged her trousers down. As she bent over, I saw her big fat ass, usually hidden in her robes. Even her underwear couldn't hide the globes.

She turned around again and stood just in her undergarments. She was truly a beauty, most probably a combination of magic and genetics. And with her curly hair, she looked like a wild lioness, ready to be tamed.

She snickered at me and said, "Black got your tongue, eh Siri?"

Turning around, she went to the bathtub; while swaying that ass.

The whole situation aroused me; I was already at full mast. Following behind her, I activated the runes for the bath, which filled the tub with lukewarm hot water. As she reached the tub, she put one leg in the now-warm water and slowly took down her underwear. Twirling around, she unhooked her bra, and the witch's bountiful buxom breasts were now free. They remained pretty perky with minimal sag. They sat on her chest perfectly, a testament to her exquisite body. Dragging my eyes down, I saw liquid dripping down her legs. Leering at her all this time, I was quickly getting impatient.

Walking towards her, I grabbed her by her waist as she squeaked, hoisted her up easily, and got into the bath.

"hehe, someone's in a hurry to get little Sirius wet."

"Nah, I am just hungry; we gotta wash you up and get to dinner."

"Whatever you say, big boy."

Lathering my hands up on the foam, I bring them to her supple breast and squeeze them.


She groans, and I feel her tremble. Flicking my fingers on hardening nipples, I feel her mash her shapely fat ass on my hard prick. One of my hands stays on her breasts while drawing circles around her areola. While the other spread the foam and washed it. Whenever my hand passed a specific part of her body, and she trembled, I knew it was a sensitive area for her. I memorize those areas for later sessions. Right now, I focused on washing her body, then took my other hand from her breast. I washed her hair thoroughly, all while she kept rocking her ass on my hard-on.

"Uhhhh.. you do know how to treat a lady....right there."

Resisting the urge to shove my cock up her arse, I groaned a little and massaged her scalp.

"Well, Hogwarts is a great learning place for all studies."

I lied here; as much as Sirius looked like a playboy, he only had 3-4 sexual experiences while one serious relationship. Most of my knowledge came from my previous life on how to please a lady.

She cooed a little bit before biting back a reply, "like seducing your cousins, was ickle Sirius getting off on incest."

"No, mainly taught me to grab every opportunity my way."

After washing her hair, I pick her from under her thighs and rotate her so she faces me. Watching her slightly sweaty rosy face while her gaze was full of arousal and lust. Cupping her face, I go in for her full pouty lips. As her tongue dueled with mine, my hand wandered back down to her ass. Cupping them and molding them to my desire causes her to moan in my mouth. As she forces my tongue back, she pushes my back a little, then straddles me.

Freeing from the kiss, she says

"Tell me what a proper pureblood lady feels like !"

After that, she bounces down on my cock, taking it in the entire thing inside.

"FUUUUCCCK, what fucking ritual did you DOOO, ITS SOOOOO BIGGGG!"

I wasn't surprised that she found out about the ritual. I would think she was stupid if she didn't pick up on it. How can food and potion change a person this much? Only rituals could.

Ignoring the comment about the ritual, I palm her ass and take out my cock, only to bottom out again, which made her shudder. I slowly start to piston in and out of her.

Yeah, another added benefit of the ritual was a big ding-dong. Groaning, I felt the vice-like grip on my cock. Her face was full of pain and pleasure.

"SPlash splash"

The water around us splashes due to our copulation. Leaning down, I take her nipples and suck on them.

"Fuccck, your immature, sucking on your cousin's tits...ugghhhh....speed uppppp"

I pick up the pace and start hammering her cunt, my cock knocks on her cervix, and I feel her juices coating my dick. She shudders as she cums. Her vice-like grip makes my cock twitches before I unload my seed in her.

She hugs me tightly and starts moving up and down to milk me completely.

Breaking the hug, she looks at me.

"Hopefully, you got more in you, lover boy because I am still pent up."

She looks so lovely saying such words; I grab her hair and shove my tongue down her mouth. The ritual made boosted my endurance to insane levels, which in turn made my libido insatiable.

Sucking on her tongue one last time before I push her pouty lips downwards, and I feel a warm sensation on my cock, as she sucks on our mixture of juices.