Last Piece Part 2 (Edited)

In the bustling Diagon Alley, a blond couple could be seen walking towards Gringotts. Many people were giving the man a double look, not just because of his handsome appearance but also because of his clothing and size. He was over 6'3, and his sculpted muscles were easily outlined through his tight shirt. It was rare for a wizard to focus on their physical body or display it with such muggle-like clothing.

(Sirius's POV)

"You could have worn a dress that wouldn't attract so much attention. Look at everyone looking here; it's just a matter of time before someone recognizes us."

I had already set up a silent enchantment around us, so her voice wasn't heard outside.

I looked over at her, she was wearing a sun hat that covered her blonde wig and sunglasses. We looked out of place, and I could see some passersby looking at us with hidden contempt and disdain for breaking tradition or appearing as muggle-borns.

"The safest place is under their attention. To them, we are Death Eaters. Who would think that Death Eaters would dress up in muggle clothing and walk around in plain sight?"

"But still, why did I have to wear muggle clothing? I already feel my magic weakening."

Rolling my eyes at her antics, I gave her a side glare. She pouted before whining.

"I'm allowed to complain, you know."

Seeing this side of her was odd, but I was getting used to it quickly and equally annoyed.

Ignoring her, I focused on the exquisite building. The goblins either had huge egos or were compensating for their loss in wars by spending so much money on their banks. As I walked, I saw a goblin for the first time. The first thought that popped into my mind was Mr. Filius Flitwick's parentage or how his parents mated, the same with Hagrid's parentage. But, I dismissed these thoughts and walked to the free teller, with Bella following me.

The goblin had his head down, looking over a book. He jerked his head towards us and asked in a gruff voice.

"What's the matter, wizard?"

I ignored him for a moment and focused on the silencing enchantment. Feeling it around Bella and me, I poured some magic into it and extended it to include the goblin.

The goblin, being a magically sensitive creature, felt the wave of magic engulfing him and was scared stiff. He was about to set off an alarm, thinking he was about to be attacked.

Quickly diffusing his worries, I said,

"It's just a silent enchantment. You know, sensitive information. I want to meet the Black manager, and the lady here would like to meet the Lestrange manager."

The cautious teller became even more scared as he now knew he was dealing with wanted criminals. I flashed him my head of the house ring, which he stared at for a second before looking at Bella, who flashed him a toothy smile.

Getting off his stool, he walked towards a certain goblin and whispered something to him, then beckoned us to follow him.

Following the goblin, we were seated in a big room.

"Your requested managers will be here shortly."

The goblin we followed addressed us before leaving.

The silence was broken by Bella.

"Well, that was boring. I was hoping we would have to fight a horde of goblins and then fight through Aurors as we escape."


That would be stupid, as first, we don't have matching wands, so we would be at a disadvantage. Second, goblins won't attack."

I had specifically read the Black family's files and books on goblins, and I was aware of the many loopholes and laws in their policies, including their policy on fugitives.

"If they want to keep the agreement, they won't rat us out. When the Goblin's peace treaty was signed, many lords and family heads included a clause that, even if they were declared fugitives by the council of wizards (the predecessor of Wizengamot), they wouldn't be denied service. The goblins were made to agree because, at that time, many magical practices were being banned, and many people who protested the council's decisions were declared criminals. The clause was added to prevent the council from seizing their money."

As I explained the intricacies of the treaty to her, the door opened, and two goblins walked in.

The Goblin on my side spoke gruffly as they sat adjacent to each other.

"I am Gornuk, and I am the Black account manager. To my left is Bogrod, the manager for the Lestrange vault. The head of house ring may prove your identity, but we need blood to confirm it."

Seeing that they were waiting for our affirmative, I nodded.

Gornuk barked towards the door, and two goblins with bowls and knives entered.

"Cut yourself and let the blood drop into the bowl," he said sharply.

I accepted and picked up the dagger. I made a cut on my hand and held my fist above the bowl, letting the blood drop.

The runes of the bowl glowed, and a piece of parchment in front of Gornuk began to form words.

"This parchment confirms your identity, Lord Black," Gornuk said in a now more polite tone.

Passing me the parchment, I observed it.

Sirius Black

Head of House Black

I nodded at him, watching the parchment. Absentmindedly, I thought about how it reminded me of the Marauder Map that Sirius made with his friends. The map had a way of identifying a person using the school wards, while this parchment used blood as a medium.

While I was transfixed, Bella repeated the process, and after confirming her identity, she was led to the Lestrange vault to retrieve the Horcrux.

As she was led away, I turned my attention back to Gornuk and started discussing the state of the Black finances.

He gave me a sickly grin, which worried me about my future wealth.


Walking into the house, I was filled with rage. The anger overshadowed even the satisfaction of retrieving the final Horcrux I had been seeking. The cause of my fury was the slimy weasel, Malfoy, who had become the proxy of the Black family through Narcissa and Draco. He had his greedy hands on all the Black family's businesses and connections. Lucius was now profiting from contracts that should have been in the Lord Black's control.

My inner thoughts were interrupted by Bella, who snarked, "Well, Grandfather never really liked those French pansies." I turned my head to her and saw a mischievous smile on her face.

I was speechless now because she was grabbing my dick.

"Well, no need for all that angst; we can deal with the French pansy later. All this shopping and excitement has made me pretty horny."

Instead of replying to her, I just picked her up and Apparated in the room.

She was correct; I could take my frustration off her.


*CLap Clap* Clap Clap*

"Fuckkkkk.....oh...yes..yes," she moaned and gasped with each thrust. My thighs and balls were bouncy on her bubbly, fat ass. Watching it jiggle and turn red was cathartic.

Swirling her over so that she can face me, I pick her thighs up so that her ass is in the air and slam down rapidly.

"Youur shooo.... Ah~~~" I saw how her eyes were just foggy now, and her magic was going haywire. Then her walls just clenched so hard; I almost felt my dick was about to be cut off.

I came hard, filling her up, which made her shudder beneath me.

We just lay there, me on top of her, while my head was on her soft pillows. She lay there and purred. Getting up from her, I was mesmerized by the picture before me. Bite marks on their body and breasts while my seed poured out from her crotch.

Firing a cleaning spell at her, I pulled a cover over her, then went out while grabbing her pouch. Squeezing the pouch, I could feel dark magic from it, which meant the start of the last ritual. Path to power.



Passing me the parchment, I observe it.

Sirius Black-Slytherin-Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff

The goblin said, "Now you own Hogwarts, and here is a list of your remarriage contracts."


Please support me on P A T R E O N to read all of my chapters ahead here. I just started it. I uploaded 3 chapters there and two more tomorrow.



Don't worry; I have scheduled two weekly chapters on the web novel.

See you next week

love y'all