Rituals completed (Warning)(edited)

Warning: Ritual Sacrifice, five human beings were killed and sacrificed. If you don't want to view this type of content, please don't read it.


(Sirius POV)

Sitting in the center of a pentagram, I was in a meditative pose surrounded by the five remaining prisoners (excluding Peter, who was still locked up in the dungeon) and three of Voldemort's Horcruxes, positioned in a triangle shape around me. The Horcruxes emitted a dark haze and whispered hisses, tempting me with their false promises of power.

With a determined effort, I slammed my Occlumency shields to block out the alluring noises of the Horcruxes. I looked at the death eaters, bound and gagged, and felt a twinge of emotion. Their lifeless eyes were a testament to my experiments and spells I had tried on them. Although they were a waste of life, they helped me advance my magical studies, and in death, they would help me grow even more.

Gathering magic in my hands, I directed it towards the floor, lighting up the runes drawn on the ground and starting the ritual. Moonlight shone through the window I had created, giving the room an ethereal glow.

The magic came alive, swirling and dancing in the air, showcasing its beauty. For the first time, I realized that magic was not just for destruction, but for creation as well. The magic flowed into the five death eaters and then congregated into the artifacts. The Horcruxes shrieked in protest, but the sentient magic overpowered them, engulfing them despite their resistance.

The magic didn't stop there. Instead, it flowed towards me, and as soon as it reached me, it flowed through my body like warm, hot water. I lost all sense of my surroundings and my emotions, my tightly controlled magic breaking free from my control.

The magic flowed back and forth, connecting the five death eaters, the Horcruxes, and myself as one symphony. A hum filled my ears, and I felt like I was floating in softness before succumbing to the realm of Morpheus.


Magic covered the whole room so thickly that it was hard to see anything.

Only *hums* could be heard.

The dense magic in the air slowly started shrinking, making a small tornado and the room more visible. A naked floating man could be seen in the middle of the room, while on top of his chest was a mini tornado sucking the magic. Soon broken trinkets could be seen on the ground, while bodily ashes were in five different directions.

Soon the magic disappeared, and the tornado submerged into the chest. For a moment, the man's eyes opened. Instead of normal eyes, a silvery glow can be seen in them. The body is on its way to it the ground, but!


The door opened, and a woman wearing nothing but a nighty walked in. The moonlight shone on her body, giving her an ethereal glow.

She pointed her wand at the descending man who was about to hit the floor. The descent slowed down; he was laid on the floor.

She walked close to the body and looked around the room.

Then she started a maniacal laughter.

She bent downwards and slowly caressed the man's face.

"Your so mad, using Horcruxes, Founders Artifact, and Wizards that were connected to millennia of family magic and still survive."

(POV Bella)

She was aware of what Horcruxes were, even knew that Voldemort had created multiple of them, which was why she was such a fan of his. He was insane enough to push magic to its limits. But Sirius!

Her kin used Horcruxes, Founder artifacts, and family wizards.

Magic is a conscious entity, dependent on intent.

The main aspect of the Founder's artifacts was their properties and the reverence surrounding them. So, as the significance of an object increased by thousands of magics, sacrificing them should have been impossible unless the caster didn't have an ounce of respect for the artifact's creator.

That meant Sirius had no respect for the Founders.

Similarly, sacrificing wizards was common, even before the Statute of Secrecy was established. But purebloods were not. As much as the lower class like to think that all wizards are equal, they are not. There is a reason why purebloods held mudbloods in contempt, all because of family magic. An extended family line means more substantial magical potential, more inherent traits, and a more challenging time sacrificing family wizards for rituals, as family magic would fight it off.

She didn't know how he did it, but she knew he would be a powerhouse in a league of his own.

A part of her was both excited and scared. Excited because she was witnessing the birth of a powerful wizard, and scared because if she didn't join him, she would also be sacrificed.

Looking around the room, she called Kreacher.



"Missy Black be calling."

"Did Sirius give any instructions on how to clean the room?"

Nodding quickly, the elf began to cry. She was about to curse the fool before he blabbered on.

"Good Master...hiccup...said that Kreacher was going to get the locket while the ashes of the bad men would be stored in a box."

"Good...hiccup...Master helped Kreacher fulfill the order."

Giving away the Slytherin artifact to an elf? Wow, she had seen it all now.

"Do as he said."

Giving the elf the order, she levitated Sirius and returned to their room.


(POV Sirius)

I opened my eyes and felt the softness of the bed and a warm body pressed against me. I had expected her to find me, and everyone in the house probably felt the magic. I had my elves on standby in case she attacked me, as she had always been a fanatic about Voldemort, so it was hard to trust her. But I guess she did accept me.

Getting out of her embrace, I walked to the bathroom and checked my magic. I was worried when I didn't feel any change, but then it happened. I couldn't describe the feeling, but it was as if before, whenever I used magic, it felt like a weight was attached to it, but now that weight was lifted.

The sheer fluidity of the magic was incredible. Stretching out my hand, I imagined a knife and swish magic materialized and swirled around, creating a silver knife. Holding the knife, I clenched it tightly. I was eager to test my magic with a wand. Right now, I am near the top of the wizard hierarchy. Dumbledore and Voldemort are far from me, but I could take on a contingent of Death Eaters or even Aurors.


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See you next week

love y'all