The day everyone has been waiting for, prom is finally here.
My heart beat was raging so fast I didn't know if I had a chance of winning prom Queen and the admission letter for Windsor university was any issues on his own I haven't address with my parents yet.
I badly want to go to Windsor university but will I have the chance to pursue such dream.
My phone started ringing the regular caller my teddy bear
"Hey baby"
"My love how are you preparing for prom"
I look around, indeed i have not started preparing, i just woke up and obviously looking homeless
"I have not started"
Ralph seem lost " what do you mean by you have not started, prom start in 7 hours time and you haven't started".
"Ralph calm down I just woke up and my preparation won't waste time I assure you, I just have to restyle my hair do my make up..."
Ralph cut me short
"Ok, ok , let me leave you to get ready"
Deep down I wanted to tell him not to end the call I just wanted to be in his arm though out the day but I have many things attached to this day.
"Ok love we will see soon"
"Bye love"
"Bye love"
I heard a knock at my door I knew it was mum
"Come in"
To my surprise it was aunt Tonia
"Aunt Tonia what are you doing here"
"Is that your good morning ma"
"So sorry, good morning ma, I was just surprised to see you"
"I thought you were out for work"
"No love", she sat down as I made my way to the restroom to push my teeth
"I took a day off for work to help you with your prom preparation"
I was so happy at least even if mum is not here aunt Tonia is here to help me , I ran to her and hug her and whispered I love you.
She just smiled.
"Your cousin is coming"
"What of them?"
"Nadia is coming !
I was so exited, I and Nadia grew up together and with the resemblance people thought we were twin the only difference was that she took after her mother she is more curvy.
"When is her plane landing?"
"Tomorrow love, now let concernate on you, I will call the hairstylist".
After showering I dress up and enter my dressing room the hair stylist was waiting for me, i sat down and she did her thing when she was done I just sat there staring at the mirror now I see the reason why Ralph is madly in love with me I am a beauty indeed.
It was two hours left till prom the make up artist came in. It looks like she ran here as she was panting I stood up to get her wayerbas she was trying to catch her breath she drank the water I had to wait for her to get herself then she started the makeup deep down I wanted to ask her what is wrong but I felt it is non of my business or maybe she had a work before me and she had to run here not to be late I grabbed my phone and saw that Isabella was still running for prom Queen how did this happen I thought she was disqualified it looks like her connection finally paid off. I was about to start panicking when I remember what Anna said to me " I am the only Queen Huston High has"
Aunt Tonia enter the room and started praising me
You are really an Elison the beauty of the Elison can never be hidden, I am so happy that after everything that has happened you are finally graduating, you are really a strong girl.
Aunt Tonia where you ever prom Queen I asked
Yes love, there is no Elison that wasn't prom Queen or king
Are you for real
Yes love, when I saw the way things were going for you, I was afraid you were going to break the precedent but there you are looking as being as a ruby.
In your time aunt Tonia did you experience any difficulty in becoming prom Queen
My love there is no area in life you do not experience difficulty, it is part of life.
When the make up artist was done I stood up looking at time I was going to run late for prom I enter my room pick up my gown and the fashion designer helped me wear the gown in the midst, I hear a door at the door it was Ralph. He enter and sat. After everything the makeup artist touch my makeup I wore my shoe and made my way to my prince charming downstairs he was on a blue suit complimenting my gown her suit was revealing his six pack he look sexy as never before. My mind went so far, I just wish this love will last forever.
He help me out of the house into his car, we arrived at Huston High in no time there were photographer everywhere as we arrived he gathered us asking questions from what I have learnt never answer the wrong question Ralph tried to clear the road as he led me into the hall.
We got inside and the music suddenly changed it was a slow song. We engage in the dancing motion and began to dress Ralph whisper you look so beautiful my Cinderella. I smiled as my face turned red the fear of fear crawl in is this love, is this moment going to last forever. My eyes was watering I excuse myself. I enter the restroom as I try to hold back the tears I clean my eyes and say I will enjoy the moment while it last.
I went back to the dance floor, I saw that Ralph has started socialising as usual I just smiled his happiness made me happy. I walk to him and he introduce me to his new friends
Jacob and Caleb this is my girlfriend Sophia Elison
Sophia this is my new found friend Jacob and Caleb
We shake hands and we left. Me and Ralph started talking, the director of Huston High made his way to the stage. Ralph held my hand he knew I was tense and said "this is the moment you have been waiting for" I just smiled. The teacher in charge of the voting came up the stage with an envelope and the DJ stopped the music
Great Huston High student I know this is the moment you all have been waiting for, I will like to appreciate the students body president Anna Joshua for putting up such an amazing party,
Anna made her way to the stage as everybody clapped for her I felt so proud that was my bestie there.
The director continue with this Anna Joshua please make your speech and annouce the prom Queen of Huston High
Anna made her speech as short as possible to avoid stoning
With this I said I will be announcing our prom Queen and king, the first runner up is Isabella everybody clap as she came to collect her crown, first runner up king Jacob he went and collected her crown as he stood beside Isabella, 2nd runner up Nana everybody was surprised, when did she enter the competition, Jerusalem was so angry as she left the hall, Nana made her way to stage as she collected her crown, 2nd runner up king Noel, Noel w
Made his way to the stage collected his crown and held his queen Nana.
And the moment we all have been waiting for our prom Queen and king are Sophia Elison and Liam.
I was so happy as I heard my name I went up there as Anna crown me we took pictures as people made their way to the stage to congratulate us
At last the dream that wasn't my own from the beginning has finally come to past I sat down outside remembering how my life in highschool was like and now it is all over it is time to enter the next segment of life
So call it college I call it university because it is where we met people from different part of the world.