The letter

Getting home, it was late so I just went straight to my room and knock out.

The next morning I got up early for my morning exercise. I jog round the lake with my head phone on listening to my favourite song on replay " when I am gone" by Johnny Orlando. My thought went far that feeling of fear crawl in am I sure me and Ralph are going to be together forever. Then I remembered mum voice " nothing last forever so enjoy it". I really wanted what I have with Ralph to last forever the love he has for me is true and I can see it. My mind is just paying games on me .

Unaware I ran into Ralph it was obvious, the hit bought me back to reality, it was obvious he was out jogging he looked so Handsome with his six packs showing properly though his shit and the sweat on his face made home look more attractive then never before, his hand was so fix on his neck as I shood to admire thos guy in front of me

He pull me closer as he lend in to kiss me.

I can't still believe I am dating this beauty god. His beauty was a kind that is not only in the beholder eyes but in everybody eyes still lost in his gaze. He carry me

My teddy bear, how are you doing today

My love, I am surviving, I still find it hard to believe highschool is over

You should be happy you can finally rest from all those crazy drama


and we have six months to enjoy the freedom of school stress

He drop me gently on the grass and he kissed me from back then he sat down beside me

Guess what

What Ralph you know I am not good in guessing

The way I kiss you now, do you know the type of kiss it is

No , ooh wow Ralph that is what you wantede to guess

Yes, do you want to know

Deep down I wanted to know but I also wanted to prove stubborn

Tell me if you want

Well it is called spider Man kiss

What are you for real

Yes love

He kiss me again, I just wanted this to be my everyday life to wake up and remember that Someone is madly in love with me not because I am an Elison but because I am me, Sophia.

Ooh ok mr lover boy, we need to get back home

We walk together back home as we play, laugh and kiss, when I got home I bid him good bye and went straight to my room to freshen up for breakfast.

I open my room door. To my surprise I saw aunt Tonia sitting on my table holding my Windsor university admission letter.

Sophia come and sit with me

Aunt Tonia is not what you think

Sophia, just for you to know your parents are aware of the admission letter and I was ask to talk to you

About what exactly, I know I am not going to go there because I have to go to London to study business I said angry

Aunt Tonia walk up to me and took me to the bed to sit down

My love, I know it can be really hard being an Elison

Tears ran down my eyes

Aunt Tonia if is really hard

She hug me

Let me tell you a story

When I finish highschool I had a dream to become the greatest pilot the world could ever dream of. My father sat Mr down and explained to me why I could not read piloting because I am the first child of the Elison and I need to study a course that I can use to defend my father property and at the end of the day I studied politics and here I am, known world wide for it. So my dear child of you really love writing then you can study it part time there and study business in London in that way you can accomplish your dream and the Elison dream, think about it love.

Aunt Tonia stood up and left the room after cleaning the tears on my face, indeed what she said was true I could study the two, it is a win-win for we all. At the end of the day she is my best aunt.

I stayed in my room all day reading about Windsor university and their part time lecture for undergraduate it turns out the school have alot planned for their future writer I could just picture myself there observing classes and everything that comes with it. It was afternoon and it was time for lunch I knew this lunch we will definitely have to talk about this admission letter. I dress up and went downstairs and sat down waiting for everybody it seems I was a little early. I saw dad heading to the dinning room as mum also came and aunt Tonia also came as we sat the chef served the phone.

We had finished eating and was waiting for dessert when dad bought an envelope on it king's college university was inscribed on it.

I have great news to share

Everybody sat up to listen

Our lovely daughter here just got admitted to kings college university London to study economics

Mum and aunt Tonia were so excited I just had to smile, I couldn't remember applying to kings so how did that happen

Dad, but I didn't apply

Well me and your mum got tired of waiting for you to apply to we help you to apply and immediately you were granted admission

Aunt Tonia kick my legs under the table to go with things as planned. I bought Windsor university admission letter

Dad, mum, aunt Tonia I know all of you want me to read economics and come and take over business but I also have passion for writing

I thought I told you to stop obsessing over nothing, not because Mrs. Bronte is a going writer doesn't make you one

Mum, I am trying to say is that I will go to London and I want to study writing as a part time course in Windsor university

At last we have finally come to an agreement

You want to study both my dear

Yes sir

Do you think it is too much of a weight for you

I can handle it

If you say so the you have my support

Thank you dad

Me too

Thank you aunt Tonia, mum what about you

I will go with whatever your dad goes with

Thank you ma

At last we have come to an agreement, I thought my parents won't let me. I am so glad I get to pursue this dream of mine.

After lunch I dressed up to follow aunt Tonia to the airport to pick up Nadia.

My beautiful cousin just arrived as she pulled her glasses I ran and hugged her she has really grown than the last time I saw you

Sophie love you look so beautiful

Ooh really, you look amazing Nadia

Thank you , thank you she said blushing

I can see aunt Tonia money on you

Off course why is she my mother then

We both laughed and talked as we made our way to the car.

The ride to the house, we talked everything we miss out on and I found out it is me and Nadia that is going to kings college university to study, how great can it be to have a sister then I guess college won't be that bad.

We got home and I help her to unpack, she freshen up and had dinner this time around dinner was peaceful dad trouble Nadia with so many questions that aunt Tonia had to beg him to let her eat.