Not you, her

I have been experiencing what twins go through, looking like Nadia was exhausting and killing because I was always mistaken for her. Nadia was the popular on, the one that was loved by everybody while me I was just a girl in the other side of the world that nobody knew that what I thought and I like it that way.

Nadia got herself a new boyfriend and obviously her socialising circle change to the popular girl in the dance team. Thou, Nadia wasn't in the dance team but partially she was a part. The same for cheerleading and basketball. She tried to make me join the dance team but that was a no according to her I have the prefect body for it. Concerning by body I have heard different opinions some believe I will be going for modelling and many other jobs.

Today I decided to try my luck at the basketball team that has been a long dream of mine and that was the reason behind the purchasing of the canvas.

I got the court and as usual Nadia was there making out with her boyfriend who happens to be the chapter of the basketball team for the boys. When she noticed my present she stopped as she made her way to me. She hug me as she ask me what I was doing here.

Cousin I forgot to tell you I sign up to join the basketball team

Are you for real, Sophie


I know people have told you that your height is outstanding for basketball

I know

I just feel you should leave sport for the people who has strength for that.

Nadia I want to play basketball

I am just saying I feel an Elison doesn't participate in sport

At this point I am Sophia not an Elison so escape me

I made my way to the couch as he asked to fill my name on the book on the time he drew me a ball and told me to show him what I gave to offer. I remember when I and Ralph was playing basketball and the tricks had taught me to use to impress everybody I close my eyes and calculated his step and did exactly the same thing the couch was indeed impressed and ask Nadia boyfriend to come and play against me I tried to hold for sometimes but at the end of the day I knew the reason he was the best player his technique was on point with his marking and time management. Surprising I saw a reason to like him.

I made my way to my room as the result is going to be posted the next week. I walk slowly at the back of Nadia and her boyfriend as I could not feel my legs, they were more of the center of attraction.

Getting to the room I just passed out on my bed indeed sport is stressful.

I woke up around 7:00pm and saw Nadia dressing up it was obvious she was going fur one wild party kings is known for hosting. I picked my phone and saw six missed calls from Ralph.

You are finally awake go freshen up


We are going out

To when

Today is freshman party so we are going

No let rephrase you are going

Common Sophia have some fun

I am on my phone

No I mean physical fun every since we came here you have been different


Just prove me wrong and come to thy party I assure you you will enjoy it.

I went to the restroom to freshen up and I came out and met an outfit on my bed closely related to the one she was putting on

You know obviously that I be am not going to wear that skirt

So what do you want to wear I went to my wardrobe and bought out a pair of baggy jeans and crop top with glasses

You can't wear this


You will look like a forgotten witch in technology time

Are we really doing this

Doing what, I can't let you go for a party let this you will ruin my reputation

Ok Mrs popular I will wear that

And you will wear it with hills

No, no, no ,no we didn't agree on that. I am going on my boots or my flat

Nadia shake her head in disappointment and said the black rubber boots with give the outfit what it needs

After dressing up I couldn't believe this was me. Nadia said me down and did a massive make over for me indeed we were going to slay this party.

We arrived at the location of the party and all eyes were on us Nadia walking so confident while me I wanted the ground to swallow me. Everybody was looking at me like they've never seen me before. Nadia beg me to sit with the dance team it was obvious that all of them in the dance team where elite children that have huge desire for dancing

Hey Sophia, so what do you for fun one of the girls asked

Alexia my cousin is not interested in girls change your eyes focus on Nadia said cousin don't mind her

I just want to get to know her

Why will she think I am a lesbian is it because I don't talk to boys and my love for basketball for God saje I have a boyfriend I guy approach us and wanted to talk

Hey you

Who I said

Not you, her he said pointing at Nadia

At that point I felt like a fool why did i ask. I left the place to get fresh hair outside when I heard nadia telling him she has a boyfriend and he should pack out. The guy seem to be pushing on her and trys to kiss her and I enter the room and push her away giving him a sound slap giving him a strict warning as I held Nadia by the hands and lead her out of the room. As much as she is the dinner one I am older and I am responsible for her. She hugged me e tight as she whispered in my ear thank you sis, I love you. She left to met her boyfriend as they make out after she told him what had happened.

A guy approach me from the way he spoke it was obvious he has been observing me. His name is Mathew he is in his final year in the faculty of computer science.

You look beautiful tonight

I have a boyfriend

I couldn't stand somebody flirting with me so I just let it out

Hey, chill out I am just appreciating God creation

So what do you want from me

I just want us to be friends


Can I have your digit

I am running home right now, I believe you know Nadia ask her for it I said as I made by way outside

He shouted what is your name

Sharon I said and went home


The next day I woke up and saw Nadia sitting at my bedside looking at me like she wanted to eat me.

What is wrong with you, get your face of me

Why did you send a finalist to me yesterday

Oh who I said acting surprised

Sophia don't fool me , just for you to know I gave him your digit

Why Nadia, why that was the reason I gave him a fake name

At that moment I received a message from an unknown number

"Hey it is Mathew, the guy from last night"

Nadia laughed as she read the message and left me to the problem at hand

Just do you know, do not mess with Matthew he is one of the most influential people in campus here


Just be careful

I decided to reply his text starting with apologizing for yesterday he seem like an understanding person. We started talking truly he wasn't interested in a relationship I think. I use him to feel up the space that Ralph was bridging.