Finally the Name of the qualifiers for the basketball team and my name happens to be number one. It seems I am good at something after all.the schedule for practice seem to be pretty occupying but I was ready for the task the things we done for the love of passion. I got to my room to share the great news with Ralph as usual he didn't answery calls or messages. It was really had to push the thought of break up with Ralph attitude lately, I just consoling myself that relationship is not always a bed of roses and this period I was in the bed of stone and other sharp objects.
Nadia walk into the room as I was in my world of thought she seem to be angry
Hey cousin, what's up
It is your friend Matthew
What happened to him
He is blackmailing me
With what
With my nudes
Ok I was surprised like when did happen has Nadia bad bitch thing reach that level.she walk up to me and sat in my bed
Cousin please beg him for me, please he is going to ruin my reputation
Ok I know this is going to sound wired but how did he get it
Well I sent it to my boyfriend and his phone got hack so technically that how Matthew got it
So what does he want from you
Ok cousin, this is the hard part he doesn't want anything from me he just wants to frustrate mys life
Are you sure it is Matthew
Yes I am very much sure. Please just talk to him
What makes you think he will listen to me
You are his friend for God sake
Why didn't you ask Ray to talk to him
Ray said they don't talk alot and he can't talking to a guy because of such issue
I will see what I can do about it
This came as a surprise to me. I never saw Matthew to be such kind of person and how do I want to talk to him about that. At that moments I received a message from Matthew
Hey cutie pie
What's up Matthew
My mind was trying to process how to introduce the topic at hand but I had yo let it out of Nadia goes down obviously I will go down. I ask him about it explaining to him why he should delete it begging him on my behalf wha to I hate the most begging people. That when he released the new to me that he is not the only one that has the video because Nadia boyfriend sent it to everybody on the basketball team. I was so angry what an asshole why then is he using my cousin. Matthew beg me not to tell anyone but I told him I won't tell anyone but I didn't promise him I won't do anything. I dress up wearing my bagging trousers with a tiny hand shirt and match to the basketball team. When I got there I saw the basketball team and I knew I couldn't exhibit my plan here with lot of boys so I call Nadia boyfriend Ray out telling I had a message form nadua to him he got outside and I though a blow at him and gave him strict warning to stay away from my cousin telling him that I know about his dirty affairs. I left him there with a swallowed eye. I was surprised that he didn't respond because I was reading to show him what I have learnt from watching wrestling.
I went back to my room and the room was empty no Nadia for a second was practically peace of mind. I finally engage on my regular activity of the day sleeping.
Around 5:00pm Nadia return as she woke me up with a slap. That was surprised she stood like she was challenging me to a fight which we obviously know I am going to win it.
Nadia what is wrong with you
She held me by my hair until I was standing looking at her and obviously reflect action took it way I gave her a sound slap. She fall on the floor and started crying
You, you have ruin my life why did you touch Ray, what did he ever do to
Ooh I see it was because of I did to Ray that got her this bad. To me I did the right thing I don't know about her. I reach out to her on the floor and gave her my hands but she rejected it and stood up by herself
Nadia you need to understand Ray was the one that share your nude
Is that Matthew told you
Now I see you are one of the enemies to my relationship, RAy warn me about you but I didn't listen
What, Nadia is nothing like that
It what then , I know your boyfriend is not always there doesn't mean you should rendere single. From today don't talk to me anymore
Do we are really going down with this Nadia because of a boy
Yes because of a boy who loves me then anyone in this earth
Nadia he doesn't love you and if what is doing to you is love then love is not worth dreaming for.
She pack her bags and left the room I tried asking her where she was going but she didn't answer. I know the family we came from didn't show us a prefect portrait of love but what Ray is doing to her is no love at all. I just wish she could see though his lies and his pretty face. I am so grateful I met Ralph who did that for me at this point I just miss him more than ever and I was forever grateful to have him. I received a call from Matthew asking if we could meet I was afraid to meet with him after what had happened between I and Ray plus the fact that they are all friends makes things even more suspicious, but what can I do he is still my friend and a very loyal one. I dress up and meet him at the packing lot which had a little mat and it was an arranged picnic
Matthew what is all this
I decided to use this medium to apologize for getting involved in your cousin matter
You don't have to
I do I seriously do if I didn't bring us the idea of blackmail maybe just maybe things will be fine
Well to me everything is fine except the fact that Nadia and I are no longer in talking terms and she probably hate you and I other than that everything is fine
I am really sorry about your cousin just for you to know she is in Ray house. I saw them leave together
She will be fine, she is no child anymore
You know when I was much smaller I was always ask to watch after Nadia thou people thought we were twin. I didn't like that fact and sometime I just wanted to reep off her face all of a sudden she made me like having a look alike
I can't see you guys were pretty close
We are it natural for cousin to quarrel she will obviously come back to her sense soon.
So you are just going to leave her
Off course what can I do
We ended the picnic and he escorted me back home it really nice having a friend so far his is my only friend and I was so lucky to have him.