I guess when an holiday becomes longer than usual you just tired and prays it ends but it doesn't. So today I decided to see if the app Facebook is till of use that when a friend request came in and it happy to be an old friend of mine Richard. Yes, Richard from university of West London, the one I meet in the seminar. To my surprise he found me well that won't be hard for anybody I kept my thing brief on social media using my real name. It pretty funny seeing people creating account with my name but obviously you can't sue because what if they are bearing the same name with you.
"Hey is this Sophia Elison"
"Yes I am"
"Send a picture of you in your king's college university wears"
"That is a stupid thing to ask for"
" so sorry, just asking because there are many fake account on social media"
Getting tired of the long talk I decided to call so he will believe it was me. I called the first time, no answer, I called the second time and the same thing no answer. It was pretty much offensive that he was online not quite long and now he doesn't want to answer the call. So I decided not to call again because it is against call ethics. Don't call more than twice unless you want the person to feel you are disturbing them and obviously if the person doesn't answer means they are busy or they don't want to answer.
I dropped my phone and prepared to take a nap when I heard siri identify that an unknown caller was calling. Deep down I knew the caller
"Hey Sophia"
Ooh ok the person I expected to call wasn't the one speaking
" who is on the line please"
" I am Richard Evans we met in king's...
" ooh Richard what up with you"
" finally I am speaking to the right person"
"Well that sounds wired"
" I have been looking for you for months now"
Deep down I wanted to ask why
" are you for real? Well now you have found me"
" yes I am so glad"
It was weird for somebody I only met once to spend weeks looking for me I was pretty lost with the entire stuff displaying in front of me.
"So Sophia I was wondering if we could meet"
Well this is when things became weird how can we meet when I don't know where he lives or anything that deep about him.
"How is that possible"
" I will be in your city next week to visit my mum"
Ooh ok he knows where I live, to be honest I don't know what to say anymore is this oppression or what
"Since you know where I live then there will be no use for me giving you my address".
" I said I know your city not where you house is located, please drop the address in my inbox"
" well it will be nice to have a guest over so no problem"
" thank you so much"
"Ooh ok Richard bye I have work to do"
That was just an excuse to end the conversation with him. He is not really the fun type, she sounds like a classic wiredo I don't want to get myself involved with. A part of me wanted to type the address while the other part wanted him to find me if she really want me and lastly I gave into the thought of him looking for me in this big city. If he really likes me then he won't have a problem with that.
Life continues as usual I didn't hear from Richard in weeks and I felt worried at some point but since he came to see his mum then he is obviously fine. Analysing things why will a guy j only meet ones in wla webinar been looking for me it is cringe.