Black guy

I decided to leave my room today. It has been really hard on me after the entire the relationship drama and Nadia not being around to console me. Sometimes when I see Elise I just want to go on my knees and tell her to take me back that I was ready for all the rough sex style and everything that comes with a relationship, at this point of my life I wanted to beg for never valve something till you lose it. But this time around I didn't know if that case applied to the circumstances of things maybe if I was in a relationship things will be much easier and better.

I had to force myself to leave the house. Get some fresh air and feel alive. I walked towards the lake and just sat there. There was so many memories attached to this place I couldn't let go. This was one great advantage of moving to a new place. It was a chance to set my life anew and looking around i enjoy and experience every opportunity this place has and had to offer. I sat there and I could see the previous me being happy and having so much fun. Maybe I didn't need to be in a relationship to be happy. I didn't need a man or a woman to be the centre of my happiness and sitting down by this lake made me realise that I am somebody before Liam, Ralph or even Elise came into my life and I am still somebody after they have gone. I am Sophia Elison the one and only Queen, the Elision legacy, lastly I am a strong, independent, I won't say independent because it is partially independent but till the same thing woman.

I took my jacket and left after talking to myself I felt much lighter.

Heading towards my house. A guy boomed into me, he was wearing all back with a face cap to prevent people from seeing his face. I helped him pick up the things that fell on the floor. Lo and behold it was the the mystery man, Richard



"Ooh you live here"

" yes I do, I am so sorry about all this" I said as I indicated pointing at the things that fell on the floor

" no worries, it is really nice to see you after all the cracker that went on between the two of us

Wait, the cracker he is referring to is it the fact that I refused to send him my house address, I just had to smile to avoid making things weird

"Ooh about that, I am so sorry, I forgot about it"

" you don't need to apologize, it is fine. So now can I get the house address"

" off course" I said as I handed him a card which had the house address on it. I wanted to prank him and give him the office address like the way I do to other guys but I just felt he has gone though alot for me to put him though double stress.

I went home and the maid an hot water bath for me. She gave me proper massage especially the head massage, that was really needed I have been though alot emotionally. I guess being jobless was pretty hard. Now that I was done writing my book and I had nobody to hang out with it was pretty suffocating.

It was time for dinner I dressed up and met mum and dad eating or will I say work eating.

"Good evening mum, good evening dad"

"Good evening dear" they both responded

" so I have something I want to tell you"

" please darling hope it is not about us accepting you to be gay because that is not going to work" mum said

" well it is not that , and as for that you don't need to worry about it anymore I and Elise just broke up"

"So sorry dear" dad said showing sigh of pity and remose. Mum on the other side her facial expression didn't change at all

"So what did you what to tell us dear" mum said as she turn to face me

" I want a job at the company"

"Ooh that is really nice, do you want to resume as the CEO already"

" no she cannot obtain that position yet, we are still young and she has a lot to learn"

" yes dad, mum is right I don't want to obtain the position as CEO yet I want to start from crash"

" that my girl, my hand working baby" dad said as he lay a kiss on my forehead

" which of the company do you want to work in the tech company, fashion line company, the finance department where exactly"

" since I am studying Economics it will be better I work in the finance department, I will help me alot"

"Sophia you are a girl, leave finance for men come and work in the fashion line with me"

" so what is the point of me going to school to study economics if you want me to leave the finance for the men"

"Ooh ok then I will tell the office so they will be expecting you"

" no dad I want to apply by myself and try to get the job without your help"

" ooh ok but I am not promising I won't help when help is needed"

" thank you so much dad" I said as I hug him " thank you too mum"

Dining went on as usual and everybody went to their separate room to have a good night rest. I made my way to the sitting room because I couldn't sleep. I had nightmare about Richard but they didn't make sense and things just continuing getting wired. I went to the sitting room and on the TV. It has really been long since anybody in the house on the TV in the main sitting room, everybody was always busy on their phone or laptop and the TV ended up looking like of of the decorations in the house. I searched for a movie to watch and found one once upon a crime the movie was pretty funny as they will I say destroy the story we all knew as Cinderella. Before the movie was over I had already knock out this time around it was a peaceful dream.

I saw Liam, Irene, Nadia, Ralph, Elise and Richard all discussing and playing when I tried conversing with them they avoided me just then I woke up.

The next day I received a visitation from Richard I won't say unexpected but practically that was how it was. The house help call me and told that I had a man guest getting downstairs I meet Richard. Deep down when I heard I had a man guest I was expecting Ralph, I don't know why but I was expecting him but it wasn't him.

" Thank God you are home" I heard Richard as I climbed down the stairs

" yes I am home, so nice of you to drop by"

" well I had to clear my schedule to met up with this beauty"

Was he just flirting with me I didn't know we have reached that ground yet. I just smiled to avoid him feeling weird. I sat beside him and we started talking and gisting until he offered to take me out for lunch I was surprised that it was already afternoon. It was nice having somebody to make me laugh after all the drama I have been though.