Chapter 21: Real world power levels

[Do you wish to announce your achievement?]

• Yes

• No

Like the last time when Red slain a Rare monster, he chose 'yes' causing the sky to once again be illuminated with words in bold announcing his extraordinary feat.

Ding!! As you are the first player in the history of Overworld to slay a Rare monster you will receive a special reward!!>


- 50 Gold

- +5 Free Attribute Points

- Mystic Chest

The gold portion of the reward is half of the previous time that Red achieved the first kill. He knew that this couldn't be helped as it concerned the rank of the monster in question. Andreus is a rare monster while the lead knight was only an uncommon rank so the reward for killing them differs.

Rubbing his hands together, Red willed for the Mystical Chest to open. With a burst of light, red fruit with the appearance of burning flames appeared in his hands.

[Drake Fruit (Exotic)]

Description - A fruit that grants immeasurable power

Effects - +100 Strength

Red's eyebrows quirked when he read the description of the Drake Fruit. Even though it seems that the effects of the fruit are underwhelming for an item that comes from a Mystical Chest, in reality, that was far from the truth. Overworld is not a game where the player levels up infinitely, when the max level is reached, the player's attributes will cease to increase as well. The only way for players to possibly increase their stats by that point is by the use of items so ingesting the Drake Fruit is the same as increasing his upper limit.

Observing it, Red couldn't help but notice the strange hexagonal patterns covering its exterior like the scales of a dragon. Red finished the egg-sized fruit in one bite afterward he received a notification from the system that his strength increased by a whopping 100.

[Name: Red]

Level: 10 (10% to Level 11)

Profession: Fighter

HP: 154/200

PD: 10

MD: 10


STR: 150

VIT: 5

AGI: 15

INT: 6


- Deterrence

- Consecutive Slashes

- War Cry

- Bloodthirst

With this increase, Red's damage can now contend against a Level 30 player that focused only on increasing his strength attributes.

Retracting his attention from the system announcements Red begins his most favorite part about farming monsters; collecting the loot! He walked to where his previous enemies died and bent down to get the items and coins on the floor.

The lead knight dropped his weapon as loot along with 50 Copper Coins, the Elf archer gave him two health potions that cost 50 Copper coins in total along with 10 coins while the weaker knight didn't drop either equipment or materials but only 10 copper Coins. All in all, Red garnered a sum of 120 Copper Coins plus additional equipment.

[Steel Sword (Uncommon)]

Description - a finely crafted weapon

+ 10 STR

+ 5 VIT

Equipping the weapon, Red's Strength now rose to 160 while his Vitality is now 10. The strength stat in Overworld is the same as the amount of damage a player could deal. On the other hand, 1 Vitality stat is equal to 5 Health Points which means that Red's previous health of 200 is now 225.

Patting the dust on his butt, Red stands up and makes his way to another trio of monsters. In his last life, areas with humanoid monsters are all occupied by large guilds or organizations, the only ones allowed to farm there are their members, and even if someone offered a considerable amount of money these behemoths would still refuse.

And the reason was simple for that; Martial Arts! Since Ancient times people with extraordinary talent can unlock the potential of their bodies and possess strength beyond the norm exactly with the help of Martial Arts. But resources for the practice of the skill didn't come for free so competition among its practitioners occurs in the real world and is extended in Overworld.

Not only was it cheaper as the game provides the place, equipment, and NPCs that they could practice their skills but the risk of casualties and injuries is non-existent is what these practitioners value the most.

But now that the big organizations weren't in the game yet, Red could take all the time in the world nurturing his skills and honing his combat ability. After all, strength is an integral part of the execution of his 'I'm given a second chance at life so I must do my best to make it worthwhile plan'.

Unlike external factors, his strength is something that no one could take away from him. Red learned from his last life that a thing, person, or opportunity wasn't yours if it could be snatched away and forcefully taken that's why improving his Martial Arts takes priority.

Though breaking through the Martial Warrior Realm in his twenties was an extraordinary feat there is still a long way for Red to attain the title of the strongest. From highest to lowest, the ranks of Martial Artists are as such:

Grandmaster, Master, Completion, Veteran, Warrior, and Pupil. One could enter the Martial Pupil stage by tempering their body which is what Red does after his transmigration. Entering the Martial Warrior stage on the other hand requires a person to control his body to reach the level where he could produce a gale with his every move. Advancing to the Martial Veteran stage, one must further their control over their bodies so that attacking won't produce a gale nor generate a sound, the complete opposite of the previous stage.