Chapter 22: Indomitable Knight

Stirring the contents of the cup with a spoon, Red gently closed his eyes and took a deep whiff of the coffee inside. Opening his eyes once more, he puts the metal cutlery in his mouth to sip the remaining liquid left in them before discarding the spoon at the sink.

Getting out of the kitchen, Red proceeds to the chair near the window where he takes his seat. The cold breeze caressed his face as he felt it was a waste not to enjoy the scenery in the morning so Red sped up his sips and went on a stroll.

From time to time he would raise his head to look at the sky which fills him with an unprecedented feeling. The sky made him realize how big the world was, and the limitless possibilities, and also invoked his desire to fly and soar to the clouds.

"I didn't feel sad so why did my eyes water?" Shaking his head, Red wiped the liquid that gathered in his eyes.

Four days had already passed since he got out of the Dark Forest and achieved the first kill on an Uncommon monster. Yesterday, he quit his job at the convenience store so he wasn't in a hurry to go home as he had no urgent matters to attend to.

After Red logged out from the game today, he received a system notice that Overworld would undergo its very first update. He knew from his previous life that this update will put the game into the limelight and enter the sights of billions of people. The demand for VR helmets would skyrocket to the point that the supply couldn't keep up as lines and lines of people will gather outside every store that offers them.

As Red was deep in thought he heard the sound of groaning and bones breaking which made him smile. "Seems like he's here"

Arriving at the place where the sound came from, Red saw a group of thugs lying on the floor as a person stood in front of them.

This person is wearing a sleeveless hooded jacket that obscures his face and shows off his dark-skinned arms that consist of finely toned muscles. His hands were wrapped with a bloodied gauze that protects his fist from getting injured.

Hearing footsteps coming from behind him, the person turns around before rushing at Red without hesitation.

Looking at the hooded man, Red's eyes glaze as memories of the past surface in his mind. Revered by many for his tenacity and resilience this person shocked the world with his extraordinary feat of fighting a God to a draw. Since then, he received many titles but only one title was able to truly capture his essence and that is "Indomitable Knight".

Indomitable Knight threw a punch that caused the surrounding wind to whistle as Red quirked his eyebrows. From his memories, Indomitable Knight's father owed a huge sum of money to a shady organization. Having no idea how to resolve his crisis Indomitable Knight's father fled without hesitation leaving his wife, his daughter, and Indomitable Knight to fend for themselves. Theoretically speaking Indomitable Knight shouldn't have had the time to practice Martial Arts under this circumstance.


Catching Indomitable Knights' fist, Red was surprised by how soft they were. He wanted to ask the latter what soap he was using when another attack came for his head.


Receiving the attack effortlessly, Red watched as Indomitable Knight struggled to free his hands. Shaking his head, he smirked. " It's useless no matter what you do, I can keep you here as long as I want."

With his words, Indomitable Knight stopped squirming and remained silent but soon Red noticed a redness suffusing the latter's skin.

_I heard that there was a Martial Art that could harness the Qi hidden in a person's blood, seeing Indomitable Knight's appearance it seems that they were true_

Red took a step back and released his grip on Indomitable Knights' hand. He came here today to recruit this legendary person in his mercenary group so he doesn't want to do something that may cause that to fail.

Clearing his throat, Red was about to say the lines he rehearsed for this occasion when Indomitable Knight took a step forward and headbutted him.


Reaching out his hands to feel a lump on his head, Red's lips twitch. He should have expected that move based on Indomitable Knights' personality. Indomitable Knight must have been aggrieved that he was powerless against him, but Red had this nagging feeling that it was because of an entirely different reason, but since he can't put a finger on it he just put the thought at the back of his mind.

"I guess that makes us even" Red reached into his pocket and took out a stack of notes. "I came here to give you an offer. In my hands are 5,000 Federation dollars and a piece of paper. Right now I'm giving you the option to either use the money to alleviate your situation for some time or to read and follow the instructions in the paper. You don't have to worry, no matter what you pick I would still give you the money."