Blood Bath

Just as Elias' eyes shifted back to her face, he froze. Staring directly at him was a pair of widened grey eyes. Raziel was staring at him and her face was filled with obvious shock. She looked as if she just saw a ghost or maybe he was worse than a ghost. Raziel's heart flew outside her window as her whole body shook in fear.

"Arggggggggg," Raziel screamed as she closed her eyes and held her head. Her heartbeat accelerated at full speed and she felt her blood pressure shoot up. Was she dreaming or she was imagining things again? Maybe she was just imagining and her mind was playing some tricks on her. This shouldn't be real because there was no way she was going to sleep with the image of him in her head. She regretted ever meeting or helping him. Raziel pried her eyes open and shifted her chin to meet the pair of glowing golden eyes.

Her heart dropped to her stomach. H…he was real. Her greatest nightmare is at her window.

Her breath was knocked out of her chest as she hastily removed the two-piece noise-blocking ear plug from her ears. She stretched her hand to the bedside table as she fumbled to press the emergency phone and alarm the security. Just three seconds press on it would be enough to alarm them. In searching for the emergency phone, she mistakenly switched off the bedside lamp and the room went dark.

Her heart was racing faster than a speeding car on a highway. It loudly thumped in her ears, as blood rushed to her head. She was terrified. Judging from the tall silhouette and sturdy build, she knew it was the king but why was he here?

Raziel again fumbled to turn on the lamp and just as she did, the door of her room burst open and her mother ran inside.

"What's wrong, Raziel? Why did you scream? I'm asking you a question, stop shaking like a leaf and answer me," Rachel inquired, standing close to her bed.

"Raziel, what's wrong? Why aren't you sleeping?"

"M…mother, th..ere. He's here," Raziel said, pointing at the balcony window in fear. Her mother's eyes followed the direction of her finger and stared at the balcony window. What was Raziel talking about? Who's here and who's the he? She couldn't see anyone there. This girl, she's always causing trouble. Now, she has made her wake up from her beauty sleep.

"You silly girl. I can't find anyone there. There's no one," Rachel said. Raziel shook her head in disagreement and her head flew towards the balcony. True to what her mother said, there was no one there, not even a trace that anyone was there. No…no she had seen him. She saw him. She was sure that wasn't her imagination or was it?

"N…no mother. I thought I saw him there. There was someone on the balcony. I'm so scared mother."

"Was that why you screamed like a banshee who is speaking with death? Because you thought you saw someone there? I just don't know what to say to you. What are you doing up this late? I thought you already slept," Rachel asked.

"I'm sorry that I woke you from sleep. I guess I was just imagining things," Raziel apologized, using her hands to wipe the sweat which has gathered on her forehead.

"What is that on your bed? A book? You were reading a book till this late instead of sleeping?" The woman angrily asked as she walked close to her bed, and took the book.

"Now, go to bed and if you dare scream like that again and wake me or anyone up, I'm going to punish you," her mother said.

"Look, your balcony window is even opened. Why didn't you close it?" Rachel asked as she walked to the balcony window and closed it, locking it from inside, before she walked out of the room. Unknown to her, the book in her hands fell on the floor and slipped outside the balcony window.

Raziel wanted to tell her to stay. She wanted to tell her to sleep next to her and accompany her for the night, but she just couldn't. She knew that would be almost impossible for her mother to do. The last time she had accompanied her to sleep was when she and her sisters were 8 years old and ever since then, they learned to sleep alone.

Raziel rubbed her arms and she contemplated whether to look at the balcony again or just try and fall asleep, but her curious mind which wanted to be at ease forced her to look in that direction and as soon as she did, her eyes came in contact with the golden pair and her mouth fell open. It was indeed the vampire king for real.

He was looking at her. She was certain of it. Raziel began searching for the emergency phone but when she remembered what her mother warned her about previously, she stopped. Her adrenaline kicked in, but instead of fight or flight, her body simply froze.

Thankfully, her mother locked the window before she left.

Knock. Knock.

Raziel let out a loud shriek but quickly covered her mouth after the warnings of her mother rang in her head.


Raziel's entire body tensed. The way her name effortlessly rolled out of his tongue brought shivers down her back.

"Be a doll and let me in, Raziel," his bold and humored voice said.

Raziel was uncertain of what to do. Her hands instinctively moved to the emergency phone and her finger got ready to press the button on it but she stopped herself. This man was a vampire and not just a vampire, he was the powerful king and undoubtedly a Pure-Bred. She did not want a blood bath. The guards would get hurt and it would cause a ruckus. Even worse, her family would blame her for it. It would be better if she don't press the button.

"Yes, that is better," she mumbled to herself.

"Yes, it will be better if you opened up," she heard him say.

She immediately covered her mouth with her hand instantly regretting opening it. He must have thought she was referring to….sigh!