***Taylors POV***
I hang up. I really was not expecting that. I expect guys like Ross to confess their feelings but not Matty. I can't ignore the feeling of elation that comes over me. How is it possible for him to have worked his way into my life so soon?
I had been thinking about him all night. I kind of resigned myself into thinking that he didn't care enough to message me again. I was not about to chase him though. Hearing him admit that he was thinking about me too, that was the best thing that he said.
I suppose I should have clarified what he meant by giving things a go. Does that mean we're an item? As in exclusive? I was so floored by what he was saying I kind of just went along with it.
Am I allowed to be head over heels yet? I mean he was quite drunk. Maybe he does this kind of thing a lot. Gets drunk and strings girls along. Right now though I am completely drawn in by him. I can't bring myself to think about any possible negatives.
My phone vibrates just as I am drifting back off dreaming about beautiful brunette haired guys with green eyes. I'm almost annoyed, I would rather be with him in my dream. I'm not annoyed though when I see the message is from said beautiful brunette haired guy.
Hey babe glad we talked. How about we meet on Thursday?
From Matty, I think I'm dreaming.
It's Monday now. I am supposed to be seeing Rhea then and I refuse to blow her off no matter how irresistible that offer.
I text back;
of course I'm seeing Rhea first thing then I can meet you in town if you like?
Adding 3 kisses on. He needs to know that I am not the type of girl to just drop everything for him. Even though I may want too. But I won't ditch Rhea, I want to catch up with her too.
He texts back straight away;
of course let me know a time. I look forward to it. Night babe xxx
Three kisses. I text him back good night and can't help grinning like an idiot to myself in my room.
Too wired to sleep I wonder what he has been doing all day and night. Maybe he was with the others? I imagine he must have been, he had been drinking and I doubt he would do that alone. I start to question if he was with everyone is that a problem for me?
On the other hand if he said he had a problem with me spending time with Rhea, who is my friend, that would be a nonnegotiable for me. They are his friends he is going to hang out with them and I shouldn't be getting in the way. I'm guessing Rach was there I don't know why but that bothers me. Maybe Jen was there too. In a way these two girls have both been more than just his friend. I would be lying if that didn't phase me at all.
I toss in bed, I wonder what he has done with both of them? I shouldn't really be thinking about it but can't help myself he's clearly more sexually experienced than me. I wonder how many girls he's had, if I could guess a ballpark figure I'd go with 10-15. Could it be more though? Compared to my one time, losing my virginity.
I know I'm not going to be able to sleep.
So Jen? I must think about her. I wonder what she might be like, how long they were together and how they ended things.
It's nagging at me a little. I decide I will work out out some more about her next time I see everyone.
He told me about her. Does that mean it was a serious enough relationship for it to matter? Or maybe he just doesn't want to get caught out.
I can't imagine him in a relationship, at all.
I text Rhea. "Got soo much to tell you"
Yeah I need her advice.
"I hope your evening with Malachi went well" I leave her a winky face.
She won't reply until tomorrow and we will make a plan then. Just as I turn and face away from my phone I hear it buzz on the nightstand.
Expecting it to be Rhea I turn to check it.
Are you asleep babe, I'm thinking about you xxx
Its a message from Matty, my tummy flips and I grasp my phone texting him back.
I'm awake, thinking about you too xxx
I reply. I can't help but smile to myself. So we've gone from little contact to not leaving me alone. I like this version of Matty, the one that can't leave me alone. I imagine all of the things I could do with him here. There's definitely a huge amount of chemistry between us.
Now you're going to have to tell me what you're thinking xxx
He's written and I love his playful side. I message him back taking a bit of time.
I'll show you soon hopefully xxx
I wanna be there with you, mind if i call xxx
Well I'm not sleeping anytime soon
Go ahead xxx .
I lay there in the dark thinking about him until my phone buzzes and I answer it.
"Hey babe" he says confidently. He sounds a lot less drunk. Like he's sobered up, considerably.
"Hey, I hope you downed a load of water otherwise you're gonna be hanging tomorrow" I laugh.
"Cheeky, I was not that drunk in the first place" he retaliates laughing.
"No I had some food with my mum, and I was talking with her and it sobered me" he says
I don't wanna overstep here we are new to each other. I shouldn't ask him what he was doing all day and who he was with, I'm just going to let him tell me what he's ready to share.
"On Thursday we should get some food together then it's up to you what we do after" he says.
"Yeah that sounds good to me, what food do you like" I ask.
"You're not vegan are you" he asks
"No" I laugh "why?"
"Ah that's a relief, we can go wherever. There's a nice pub actually if I bring my car we can go there together it's a bit out of the way. Mums boyfriend used to take me there" he says and he waits shyly.
"I'd love too" I couldn't be more excited at the thought of spending some alone time with him
"Great let me know when you're done and I'll pick you up then" he says.
"Hey can I ask you a question" I tentatively ask, it's now 3am and I feel like we're the only people in this world.
"Sure babe" he says.
"Well it's not soo much a question really..." I say. I want to build upon my picture of him, I want to know more about the real Matty. "Tell me about your favourite things" I ask.
He snorts "sure, uhhh" he begins
"Like your favourite shows, your favourite music. That kinda stuff" I laugh
He begins telling me about the shows he used to watch growing up, and how Steve his step-dad got him into rock music. After their countless car journeys listening to Pearl jam and nirvana.
I'm so relaxed listening to him, I'm in awe.
"Babe you there? You can tell me yours now" I briefly hear him say and laugh as I'm drifting off to sleep.