calm measured and not overly emotional

Matty serves up the food. It's the best Mexican I've had. We eat in the living room with the TV on and the fire ablaze. I load the dishwasher when we're finished and happily clear the kitchen. Cleaning never bothered me, and I love to do it when I'm stressed or overthinking. Matty appears at the doorway. He shows me the ice cream he sneaked through the checkout earlier and I can't deny it really does make me feel happier.

I make Matty another drink as he puts some ice cream in a bowl for me. We lay on the sofa, he's flicking through Netflix. We both want to watch something scary so we opt for a dumb horror movie that makes us laugh it's so predictable. I lay down on the sofa and he pulls me onto his lap. He strokes my hair and I'm fighting sleep but I manage to stay awake till the end.

Just before going upstairs he pulls me into him and kisses me, he then carries me up the stairs. I laugh, but he is so strong it's no problem for him.

He places me down on the bed like I'm delicate and he doesn't want to hurt me.

"You have been really good to me today" I tell him and smile.

"What do you expect?" He chuckles

"I'm not a monster" he says

"No really thankyou for being so mature about it all" I tell him.

He removes his jeans and clambers onto the bed next to me. He's so sexy. I begin to wonder how I have become so lucky.

"What's the plan for tomorrow then" he asks finally looking at his phone. He hasn't checked it all day when he's been with me. It's comforted me that he has not been distracted by it at all.

"Oh yeah. I kinda told my mum she was meeting you tomorrow, hope you don't mind? Thanks." I laugh.

He places his phone down and turns to face me. Beautiful eyes looking into mine. Beautiful unreadable eyes.

"You want me to meet your mum?" he asks

"Matty we just spent the entire day debating whether we should go through pregnancy together, I figure you should meet my mum now" I tell him, chuckling.

"No, I'd love too. That's not what I'm getting at. But what if she doesn't like me?" he laughs. Pulling me into his chest.

"I'm not exactly Tom" he says shyly

"Please don't compare yourself to him. You're worth so so much more" I say

"For one you haven't lied to me" I say without any doubt.

"She will love you just like I do" I tell him.

He's so impulsive when I say things like that. He kisses me with such intensity and passion that I can't help but to be overcome by him.

"I could get used to you saying things like that" he smiles at me.

He's laying opposite me in his bed, hands under my shirt rubbing my back and waist.

We stay like that for a while, just touching each other.

"It feels like a lot has happened" he says finally holding onto me.

I've caused a whole load of drama today already and now I have to to be calm and absolutely measured here. Not over emotional.

"I agree, I've not really experienced anything like this before either." I say shyly.

"Im sorry I kinda bombarded you with the I love you bomb today especially with everything else that was going on" he says.

"Please don't apologise that was the best part of the whole day for me" I tell him and kiss him.

"I just want you to know that I wanted that moment to be special, the first time I told you I loved you I mean. I'll make it up to you somehow" he says to me in his wonderful English accent, winking at me.

I start crying again, for the second time today. So much for being calm and measured and not over emotional.

"Hey what's wrong what did I say?" he says concerned.

My words come out all jumbled because I'm crying.

"No I'm so happy Matty" I tell him crying all over his chest.

"Good I'm glad babe. You know people don't typically cry when they're happy" he chuckles.

"I'm not normally this emotional, please don't judge me" I laugh.

"I'm not going to judge you."

"It could actually be all of the hormones" he says

"But don't be too harsh on yourself. It's been a hell of a day but we got through it together babe. Tomorrow we will go to your mums, I look forward to it" he says smiling.

"I wouldn't speak to soon" I joke with him.

"No I'm kidding it will be great" I laugh seeing his expression.

After all of the events of today I feel so lucky to be falling asleep yet again in the arms of a man who has stood by me, who has told me he loves me and who has cared for me at a time when I felt everything had been falling apart.

I feel him holding onto me and occasionally kissing me as I fall asleep in his arms.