Take my advice or leave it

***Matty's POV***

"What the actual fuck?" I say, I can't even hear myself. My ears are pounding.

"Lucky you're a girl, Jen" I tell her. And I'm up pulling my shirt over my head.

Rhea has already left to find her.

Ross is following me out of the room, last thing I need is him telling me I told you so.

It wasn't even like that was it? I didn't see it like that, it wasn't a game I just didn't want her with Ross. Did I allow them to go on about some kind of competition between me and Ross? I guess I did, I was an asshole. Fuck sake it's over. I cry I can't help it. She's literally the only thing I've ever cared about and she's running away from me with very good reason. Can I still talk to her? Can I talk her around? I honestly don't know.

I'm walking outside, it's cold and she's wearing less than me so she must be freezing. I need to explain, I need to try and explain. I should have said this before. I really should.

"What the? Matty you told me she knew" Ross says to me, he is angry.

"Why the fuck do you have to play games and lie" he says. He's worried about her.

I tune him out. He's right of course.

She's not at the car, she can't have gone far unless she actually started running. I see Rhea ahead and she's alone. Again not a good sign. I look at her and she just says I can't find her. She's tense and worried. It's 11pm. I've lost her.

***Taylors POV***

Right now my only plan is to walk and keep walking. I'm crying and I must look ridiculous in this stupid outfit. I feel so completely humiliated, I don't want to see anybody. Not Rhea, not Ross and not anybody. Because then it becomes real, like this is actually happening.

What hurts the most is I gave him so many opportunities to tell me this. He could have just told me, he could have told me and then I would have had some time to process it and accept it on my own terms. Rather than be publicly humiliated in front of everybody. In front of my friends and my enemies.

I can't believe they all knew, even Rach. I know for sure that Rhea didn't, which means it must have happened after that first party when Rhea and Malachi were on a date and I was home.

I had already let him into my life by that point, that's only a few days before he took me out on our date.

I stop and rest against a wall. I had told him how Tom had hurt me that very same day, and he had promised me he would not do the same.

It sort of all clicks into place for me, Ross and his concern. He was trying to tell me. How he said he wanted to tell me something before I made a decision. Jen has exonerated Ross, I believe that from the way he tried time and time again to tell me and warn me. To be there for me. If only I had listened to him.

Matty has been playing games with me, with my entire life and future.

I hear footsteps, I can't let them catch up to me. I start walking again. Away from the sounds I can hear advancing on me.

"Tay" Rhea calls out.

I stop, she is my friend.

"Please let me talk to you" she asks me.

I cry again, not sure I stopped really.

She walks over and she just hugs me, she pushes my head into her shoulder. And she lets me cry.

"I told him about Tom and how he hurt me, and the same day he literally did worse" I tell her.

"Okay let's sort it out" she tells me. "I swear I did not know, I would have said and I would have had his balls for it" she half chuckles.

"You can stay with me if you like" she adds tactfully. Oh lord everything is at Matty's. Everything, my whole life.

"I'm going to suggest something and you're not going to like it. One bit. I think you should hear him out. I think you should just listen and not make up your mind yet on any of it" she says holding onto me.

"You will kick yourself later if you don't listen now" she says.

"Take my advice or leave it. I just want you to know that I've told Malachi to drive to us and he will get us back to mine" she says and I hug her and thank her for being my saviour all the time.

I decide she is right so I speak with Matty, the absolute love of my life who played me like I was a stupid game and conquest to win over his best friend. The guy who i considered having children with only hours ago. The guy I planned my future with. The first love of my life who lied to me.