Chapter 2

The Salem witch trials began in 1692 in colonial Salem, Massachusetts, and lasted for one year. Over two hundred people or more are accused of witchcraft, but only thirty are found guilty and nineteen are among those executed by hanging. A dark time in our history, but it is preparing us for what is to come. During the course of these trials, young warrior and prince Hybreed meets his human best friend, Katherine Connors. She is a beautiful young woman with long, blonde hair, hazel eyes and a smile that could light up an entire village. Katherine meets with Hybreed every day to provide him with meat, honey and fruit for his colony. Soon to be married to the son of the high judge, Katherine has been having a secret relationship with the village's local blacksmith named Gregory Nance, with whom Hybreed shares a strong friendship. When Gregory was only four years old, he wandered into the forest and was being hunted by a pack of hungry black wolves. Gregory cried for his parents as the wolves circled him. However, before they could kill their prey, Hybreed jumped in and fought the wolves, managing to overpower and chase them away despite suffering some battle wounds in the process. Hybreed carried the boy back to the village and scolded the boy's parents. He told them the forest is very dangerous, and they should count themselves lucky that the Iris pack lives there. Gradually, Hybreed taught Gregory to be aware of his surroundings and never hesitate to kill anything trying to hunt him. With time, patience, and training, Gregory became a highly skilled hunter, marksman, and swordsman. In the meantime, Gregory and Hybreed go for a walk in the woods. Gregory is afraid of the wilderness, like other wolf packs, but Hybreed keeps him calm and promises not to let anything harm him.

Hybreed: How are the villagers treating you?

Gregory Nance: They look at me as if I am a disease plaguing them.

Hybreed: You're still new here. They will settle down.

Gregory Nance: Mind if I ask you a question, Hybreed?

Hybreed: Not at all.

Gregory takes a seat next to him on the log.

Gregory Nance: Why did you save me from those wolves? I mean, I always thought-

Hybreed: That we are all the same? You still have much to learn, my young friend. The Iris have always had a covenant to never harm humans, but to protect them from anything and anyone trying to harm you. The same holds true for all living things. Hearing your cries of fear, I could not allow those beasts to consume you. There are plenty of food sources out here for them to hunt. You just happened to wonder into their territory when they were very hungry.

Gregory Nance: My parents have been more careful of my whereabouts since then. Perhaps a little too careful.

Hybreed: Wolves are not monsters, Gregory. They are creatures that have just as much a right to be here as you and I do.

A distant howling is heard that makes Gregory stand up quickly, but Hybreed places a calming hand on his shoulder while smiling. It is only the sound of his father calling him home before Hybreed departs as Gregory returns to the village.