Chapter 3

In 1615, Hybreed was born to Kargan and Renee, the king and queen, or alpha and luna, of the pack. He is a pure-blooded Iris wolf and is to become the next alpha once his father retires. Growing up, Hybreed was a very skilled hunter and warrior and despite his vicious tactics, he is a very kind-hearted and gentle being. He trained himself to consume wild animals and smaller creatures to satisfy his appetite. He developed a friendship with fellow Iris wolf warrior Konnor when they were younger and since then have become brothers in arms. They formed the Mega Four with Nikita and Jasper. Nikita, a female warrior Iris wolf, holds the highest ranking of any female wolf and is a strong, fierce fighter. Jasper, still young and still training, has been taken under Hybreed's wing to help him develop his skills. However, he is arrogant and hard headed and sometimes refuses any help. Hybreed can sense Jasper's arrogance. He warns him that one day when he is left on his own, he will appreciate the help, otherwise he will get himself killed for acting foolishly.

As the night falls, Hybreed takes a walk with his father as they stop near a hill that overlooks the town of Salem below.

Kargan: These humans, they look to us for protection and in return we look to them for resources.

Hybreed: We hunt for food ourselves and do a fine job at it, father. Lyke, he gives us the most effective medicine.

Kargan: Yes, but you'll be amazed at how humans come up with creative inventions.

Hybreed: Jasper seems troubled. He's selfish and arrogant and doesn't let anyone try to help him. I don't think he is ready for the trials, father.

Kargan: I once knew someone who used to be the same way.

Kargan smiles as Hybreed blushes at the reminder of how he was once when he was much younger.

Kargan: Be patient with him, my son. He will mature and appreciate everything you teach him. In the meantime, the humans are preparing their weekly offerings. Head into the village and retrieve them.

Collecting supplies from the townspeople, Hybreed along with Konnor, Nikita, Jasper and several other younger members of the Iris tribe gather what they can carry. They head back to their village while Hybreed stays behind for a moment.

Gregory Nance: I want to show you something.

Gregory takes Hybreed to his shop. There are many weapons in this shop, including swords, battle axes, shields, spears, bows, arrows, and so on, but Gregory shows him the sword he just finished modeling. A sword that is able to slice through an enemy like butter with one swift swing. Hybreed takes the sword by the handle and holds it up into a gladiator type pose and mimics a battle cry.

Hybreed: I know how much this means to you. You've been working on this for a very long time and I'm proud you finished it.

Gregory Nance: Thanks. That means alot to me. Truly.

Hybreed, though, can sense that Gregory is troubled by something.

Hybreed: Your father doesn't like your work.

Gregory Nance: It's not that, it's just - I wish he would be happy and proud for me, you know? I've spent years inside this shop, crafting and constructing weapons for the army and never once have I gotten a thank you or compliment. At least, until now.

Hybreed places an assuring hand on his shoulder.

Hybreed: In time, they will come to appreciate you. There is no other blacksmith in this town that can do what you do. They don't have the skillset that you possess, my young friend.

Gregory Nance: I think my father has become distant ever since you scolded him. My mother has been more careful but a bit overprotective. At least, she's proud of my work and what I do here.

Hybreed: A mother's love for her child is as strong as the holster that holds the sword. That sounded stupid, but you get the point.

Gregory chuckles as Katherine suddenly comes into the shop as both stand to greet her. Katherine gives Gregory a kiss as Hybreed has a look of awkwardness on his face.

Katherine Connors: Are we making you uncomfortable?

Hybreed: Not at all. Nothing wrong with two mortals sharing their love for each other.

Hybreed places the sword onto the table as the three exit the shop and he gathers what remains of the offerings. Several townspeople give their gratitude to him and greet him as they pass by. Approaching the forest, which is usually where they say their goodbyes, Hybreed turns to look at his two friends.

Hybreed: I will be back in two days. I have to take care of some things first. You two behave till I return.