Chapter 14

In the meantime, Hybreed sends Konnor back to the village as massive storm clouds threatens to roll in. Lightning strikes in the distance and thunder begins to rumble as citizens rush to leave for their homes and cover. Hybreed takes this time to do the same as the wind starts to pick up violently and rain starts to come down. Running through the woods, he makes it back home, but knows this won't just be a passing storm and warns his village to get to higher ground now. Rain starts to fall even harder by the minute as Hybreed, Konnor, Nikita, Jasper and the entire Iris pack prepare to retreat to higher ground from the threatening rain. Thunder roars from the skies, and rain falls until it appears to be fog, rendering them unable to see. They escape down a slope to a safe location from the torrential rain that causes flooding in the town, and within seconds, the streets are filled with water. A woman and her son desperately try to escape the rushing waters in their car as the water starts to pour inside and the engine will not turn over. The woman screams for help as her four-year-old son cries. Hybreed manages to arrive and breaks the window as the waters have now gotten waist deep and he helps the woman and her son out of the car. As he guides the woman while holding her son, he gets them to high ground when he hears a man calling for help. He looks over to see a man being yanked under water and then a large amount of blood appears. Blood begins to come out of the man's mouth and then a reptilian type of tail appears as the man is dragged back under. The woman turns her and her son's heads away from the gruesome sight. Hybreed swims to help the man, but he grabs his hands and tries to pull him, only for his upper half to come out. Hybreed tosses it back into the water when a large alligator leaps out of the water to attack! However, Hybreed is quicker as he throws the gator to the side. The alligator swims over to him, but Hybreed pounds away at it when a second alligator jumps out of the water and latches its massive jaws around Hybreed's shoulder. This makes him roar in pain! Punching it repeatedly, Hybreed then jabs the beast in the eye, forcing it to release him. As the first gator lunges at him, Hybreed is able to grab it by its jaws and start to slowly pull it open even wider. He then breaks it and kills the gator. The second gator returns, but Hybreed is ready as he shoves his fist into the beast's mouth and yanks out its tongue to kill it. The massive bite wound heals quickly as he returns to the woman and her son. He helps them up the hill as Konnor meets and leads them to the others where the woman and her son are taken to Lyke. The rain begins to let up as the sun starts to break through the clouds. The pack start making their way to the town as the woman thanks Hybreed for saving their lives.