Chapter 22

As the school is blocked off because of the damage inside, Rebecca looks for Hybreed, but does not see him anywhere so she gets into her car and leaves to go home, but when she arrives and heads for her apartment, Hybreed is there waiting for her, sitting on the ground, still wounded.

Rebecca Justice: Oh my God. Hybreed.

Hybreed: It's nothing. You should see the other guy.

Rebecca helps him up and takes him inside to treat his wound.

Rebecca Justice: Are you going to tell me what this was all about? Who that man was that was trying to kill you?

Hybreed: You heard the reports about that Hekate? What she did in London? He is her lover, and they are trying to kill me.

Rebecca Justice: Why? What do they want with you?

Hybreed: Because they blame me for their deaths.

Rebecca Justice: Deaths?

Hybreed: Deaths. No longer living. Or at least, I thought they weren't.

Rebecca Justice: So, then what are they? Ghosts?

Hybreed: Not exactly. Not even demons, but something else. Something supernatural and evil. Her name was Katherine Connors, and she was the most gentle, heartwarming person I have ever known and was my best friend until she was accused of witchcraft and murdered. The people of this same town four hundred years ago were deceived by something that made her what she is. She owed a debt that was never paid and therefore the consequences were death and now her soul belongs to the one called Enchantress. Now, she's building an army to take over the world and do God knows what.

Rebecca finishes stitching up his shoulder and bandages it as she removes her gloves and throws them away, not knowing what to say about this revelation.

Hybreed: You don't believe me.

Rebecca Justice: Didn't say that.

Hybreed: I can sense it.

Rebecca Justice: Sense what? What are you trying to tell me, Hybreed? I mean, is that truly your name?

Hybreed: Everything I have told you up to this point has been nothing but the truth. I am to be the next alpha of the Iris pack. A pack and foundation that my father has led since before I was born.

Rebecca Justice: Iris pack? Alpha? What are you?

Hybreed: We prefer the word "lycanthrope", but otherwise, what you humans call us - werewolves.

Rebecca Justice: Werewolves? Really? I don't know if this is your attempt of a joke, but right now is not a laughing manner.

To further proof who he is to her, his eyes become golden yellow, his hands become wolf claws and teeth turn razor sharp. Startled and frightened, Rebecca falls down as Hybreed retreats his claws and teeth while his eyes go back to normal.

Hybreed: I did not want to do that, but what other choice did I have? The point is, Hekate wants to kill me and take over this world. That is her goal. She wants vengeance on this world for her and Barbatos' wrongful deaths and I am the only one who can stop them.

Rebecca Justice: You sure showed that today. Seemed like Barbatos or whatever the hell he is did a number on you and it was the police that sent him running.

Hybreed: I don't ask for much, but I ask this of you to have faith in me. In us.

Rebecca Justice: I don't know if you realized this, but I don't have faith in anything anymore. The world treats us all like shit and expects us to deal with it.

A knock on the door startles Rebecca, but Hybreed calms her and answers it to find Konnor and Nikita there, whom both greet him with hugs.

Hybreed: How's Jasper?

Konnor: His condition is getting worse by the minute, and we came to see if you found an antidote.

Hybreed: I did.

Nikita: We heard that Barbatos found you. Why didn't you call for us when he did?

Hybreed: Because it's me they want. Not you, not Jasper, not mother, just me. She used Jasper to draw me out.

Konnor: You're going to need our help if you plan to go after her.

Hybreed: I can't risk you both going out there.

Konnor: It's not a question, Hybreed.

Rebecca Justice: Excuse me, but what the hell is going on? And why is there a conference happening in MY apartment?

Nikita: Who's the loud mouth?

Rebecca Justice: Pardon me, bitch, but what part of "My apartment" did you not understand?

Nikita: I understood it quite clear, mortal, and if you mouth off like that again I will remove it from you personally.

Hybreed: Both of you, enough!

Rebecca Justice: Take your damn antidote and get the hell out.

Konnor: You gave it to her?

Hybreed: I had no one else to give it to and Barbatos was coming too fast.

Hybreed takes the antidote and hands it to Konnor.

Hybreed: Give us a minute, please.

Nikita: We'll be outside.

Konnor and Nikita step outside as Hybreed speaks with Rebecca, who is at this point, angry at Hybreed and the situation.

Hybreed: I know this is not how you expected things to happen and how you planned on getting to know me, the real me, but I need you to know that what I told you was the truth. I have nothing to lie about.

Rebecca Justice: Tell that to every guy I've been with. They said the same thing and it turned out to be exactly that - a lie. Now, please, get out. I'm asking nicely. Next time, it won't be.

Not wanting to anger or upset her any further, Hybreed honors her demand and leaves with Konnor and Nikita. They return to the village and give Lyke the antidote, who then injects Jasper with it and informs the group that it will take some time and will call them if there is a change in his condition.