Chapter 21

Meanwhile, in Boston, Hekate and Barbatos have begun to set up their base there, cursing those they find strong while many others are slaughtered, and the city has become a war zone full of destruction and death. Hekate and Barbatos have taken the city in a day as her powers continue to grow by the minute. The more lives she claims, the more her power grows, and it doesn't stop there as she is able to spread her curse not just in Boston, but the entire United States and soon the whole world will be under her control.

The following day, Rebecca leaves her apartment for school at Merrimack University, where she is a medical student and plans to work at the hospital once she graduates. Walking to her class, she spots Hybreed in one of the labs and is confused as to why he is there so she enters the lab and finds him along with one of the school's professors, Lyke's colleague, Professor Igor Pastroveska, testing out an antidote he hopes will be a cure for Jasper.

Professor Pastroveska: Good morning, Rebecca. Do you have class today?

Rebecca Justice: Not for another ten minutes.

Hybreed: Hello again.

Professor Pastroveska: You two know each other?

Rebecca Justice: In a way. We bumped into each other a few times. What's going on?

Professor Pastroveska: Hybreed, is it? Quite the brains, this one is. Excuse me a moment.

Professor Pastroveska steps out of his lab to answer a phone call as Rebecca questions Hybreed on why he is there, beginning to get agitated that he is showing up in places that she's in.

Hybreed: If you believe I am stalking or following you, then you have the wrong idea, Ms. Justice.

Rebecca Justice: It sure as shit seems that way. Everytime I turn my shoulder, here you are. You have taken the stalking level to a newer height.

Hybreed: One of my pupils is on the brink of death. Almost to the point where he is in a coma and if I can't find something to cure him, then he will die.

Rebecca Justice: I'm - I'm sorry to hear that. But, why come here? Why not take him to the hospital?

Hybreed: Because the hospital can't give him what he needs. So, I came here and found that this place has everything.

Rebecca Justice: And you took it upon yourself to create a vaccine?

Hybreed: Antidote, actually, but yeah.

Rebecca Justice: You know, if you needed something like this, all you had to do was ask me. That's if, you wouldn't have run off like you did the last two times we spoke.

Hybreed: Right. My apologies, again, Rebecca.

Rebecca Justice: I think you have apologized more times than we have ran into each other.

Hybreed: Common courtesy.

Hybreed finishes the antidote just as he picks up a scent of hostility on the property, causing him to spring up and sniff the air.

Rebecca Justice: What are you doing?

Hybreed: Someone is here. He is here.

Barbatos, in human form, enters the school and easily takes out the security. Hybreed and Rebecca exit the lab right as Barbatos comes down the hallway.

Rebecca Justice: Who is that?

Hybreed: Take this and get everyone out of the building.

Rebecca Justice: What? I don't understand.

Hybreed: Just, please do it. I'll explain later.

As Rebecca takes the antidote and heads for the exit, she pulls the fire alarm to evacuate the school while Hybreed stays behind to fight Barbatos. The two beings stand a few feet from each other, one waiting for the other to make the first move. Then, the two charge each other and engage in hand-to-hand combat, both throwing punches and kicks with a few landing as Hybreed flips around while Barbatos is able to keep up with him until Hybreed kicks him down. Standing to his feet, Barbatos brushes himself off and the two continue their fight, this time Barbatos is able to outsmart Hybreed by kicking him to the ground. Jumping to his feet, the brawl continues as students and faculty evacuate the school at the time when the fire department arrives to respond to the fire alarm. Barbatos is able to catch Hybreed and hurls him through the door into a classroom. Entering, Barbatos throws more punches as Hybreed is able to dodge and block a few blows while throwing some of his own while managing to jump on the professor's desk as Barbatos goes to pummel him, but Hybreed jumps down making Barbatos damage the desk. Going up the rows of steps, Hybreed uses one of the chairs to hit Barbatos with it that shatters upon impact. Barbatos grabs Hybreed by the throat with his hands and slams him into the wall, but Hybreed breaks free and wraps his legs around Barbatos' neck and takes him down into a submission hold only for Barbatos to lift him up and slam him down over and over again. Standing up, Hybreed does the same until he gets kicked down the aisle and rolls all the way to the bottom. Walking down the aisle slowly, Barbatos draws his battle axe as Hybreed stands up now glarring at his enemy with his werewolf eyes and draws his claws and his teeth become razor sharp. Growling softly, Barbatos swings his axe, but Hybreed is able to move out of the way as Barbatos creates numerous holes in the ground by continuing to slam it down, trying to crush Hybreed with it. Exiting the classroom, Hybreed uses the walls for leverage as Barbatos continues to try and crush him with his weapon but fails, yet severely damages the hallway. Hybreed is able to catch the weapon and delivers a backflip kick and knocks the axe away. Barbatos and Hybreed's battle enters the staircase as Hybreed kicks Barbatos down the stairs, jumps from the top landing and lands on the bottom as Barbatos jumps up, grabs Hybreed and slams his face against the wall while Hybreed delivers a headbutt then tackles him as the two roll down to the ground level. Both standing up, Hybreed punches Barbatos as they exit the staircase and Barbatos grabs Hybreed and throws him against the wall but misses his blow as Hybreed moves out of the way, making Barbatos punch a hole in the wall right as the firemen come into the building, interrupting the fight.

Hybreed: Get out! Now!

But, before they can, Barbatos stomps his foot on the ground that sends a shockwave and knocks the firemen out the door and shatters the windows. Hybreed jumps onto him, knocking him to the ground, but gets elbowed in the face and picked up by Barbatos and thrown out the same doors and onto the pavement outside. Stepping outside, Barbatos transforms into his true form as he catches his axe by summoning it and goes to once again crush Hybreed, but it is caught by the powerful lycanthrope as the two struggle for power, but Barbatos begins to overpower him until Hybreed is able to stab Barbatos in the foot with his claw, making him roar in pain and kicks him to the ground. Standing to his feet, Barbatos smacks him down, punches him over and over in the face, throws him into a few cars, kicks him into one of them while punching him again and throws him across the pavement, giving him road rash on parts of his body then takes his axe and swings it down, but again, Hybreed is able to catch it. The two grunt and growl as Barbatos is able to overpower his enemy and begins to dig the sharp blade into Hybreed's shoulder, but before he can finish the job, Agents Musgrove and Lockett arrive and open fire on the massive demon. The police soon arrive themselves with Sheriff John Justice, Rebecca's father, and they too shoot Barbatos, but the bullets hardly do any damage yet it is enough to send him retreating.

Wounded and beaten, Hybreed is able to get to his feet as the police surround him, guns drawn on him as he slowly raises his hands.

Curtis Stang: At ease, gentlemen. At ease. Hello, Hybreed.

Hybreed: Who the hell are you? And how do you know my name?

Curtis Stang: My name is Curtis Stang. Director and founder of H.O.U.S.E. I've had my eye on you for quite awhile. Mind if I borrow some of your time?

Hybreed: With all due respect, Mr. Stang, I'm a little confused as to what took you and them so damn long to get here?

Sheriff John Justice: Watch that tone, boy! I know your kind and quite frankly if Curtis wasn't here, I would put you down like the rabid dog you are.

Hybreed: If I was not peaceful, I would have ripped your throat out before you had time to scratch your tiny balls.

Curtis Stang: Gentlemen, please.

Hybreed: What is it that you want, Mr. Stang?

Curtis Stang: I know this may seem strange for you, but I have details on this Hekate and Barbatos that you know. Something that could help you bring them down and end their path of vengeance. It's a matter of life and death.

Hybreed: Life and death?

Curtis Stang: And the fate of the world.

Hybreed: Listen, whatever you are planning, now is not the time. I'm sorry.

Hybreed turns to leave and walks away, keeping his hand pressed against his wounded shoulder.

Curtis Stang: If you plan to protect not just your village, but the town, it would be in your best interest to take my offer.

Hybreed: I already have a plan and a team.