Chapter 24

During the flight to Italy, Hekate's senses begin to go off like a million alarm bells. She looks over at Barbatos, who is asleep next to her, so she closes her eyes and teleports to Hybreed's location in the woods.

Hekate: Hello, Hybreed.

Hybreed stops walking, but knows she is right behind him.

Hybreed: Hekate.

He turns around to face her.

Hekate: You don't seem afraid. Are you not surprised to see me, let alone be happy?

Hybreed: Why would I be happy to see you after what you did to Jasper?

Hekate: He was a distraction, but a very fierce fighter. Almost as strong as you.

Hybreed: I know what you are doing, and it will not work.

Hekate: What am I doing, Hybreed? I'm just having a civilized talk with you.

Hybreed: You're distracting me. I know you are on your way to Italy right now and I'm done trying to talk peace with you.

Hekate: I told you from the start there is no getting through to me. The woman you once knew is dead and I am all that is left.

Hybreed: You left me for dead that night. Come after me and do what you want, but you stay the hell away from my home and my family.

Hekate draws one of her spears as Hybreed does the same with his claws and his eyes turn into his werewolf color. Then, they both take swings at each other, engaging in a battle, but Hybreed is able to block and dodge each swipe and swing that Hekate takes at him until he is able to knock the spear away, kicks Hekate but it hardly does anything as she delivers a leopard's punch to his side and spin kicks him in the face, but he still remains on his feet, wiping some blood away from his bottom lip.

Hybreed: Ow.

Continuing their fight, they switch to hand-to-hand combat as Hybreed trips her and she falls onto her back as he demands she yield, but Hekate jumps up and begins to throw kicks and punches, but Hybreed is able to duck, dodge and block most of them then Hekate uses her power to force push him to the ground then levitates him off the ground and throws him like a ragdoll into multiple trees, sending him crashing hard to the ground. Enraged, Hybreed lunges at her with his claws, but she catches him by his throat, punches him multiple times then roundhouse kicks him in the face. Refusing to stay down, Hybreed turns to continue only to get sliced across the stomach with a katana sword. Bleeding, Hybreed falls to his knees and looks up at her as she presses the blade against his chin.

Hekate: If you come for me, I will not hold back next time. Consider this mercy, Hybreed.

And before it started, the fight ends and Hekate vanishes as she opens her eyes back on the plane and exhales with relief. Hybreed stands to his feet and looks around but does not find her anywhere and lets out a roar of frustration that echoes into the night. Hekate and Barbatos arrive in Italy and as they step off the plane, they walk to their waiting car, where Hekate uses her power to curse the driver and has him take them to Rome. From there, Hekate spreads her curse like a plague and within an hour, the entire country is infected and cursed as she and Barbatos go country to country doing the same thing to build their army.