News stations all across the United States have begun reporting on the destruction and chaos happening in Europe, with countries like Italy, Spain, England, Russia, Slovakia, Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland, Slovenia, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and so forth in complete anarchy as Hekate and Barbatos continue their path of vengeance. The death toll has already risen to the millions, and they fear whatever is happening will happen in North America soon, but what they don't know is that it's already started. Hybreed, Konnor, Nikita and Jasper go into the town to warn Sheriff Justice on the situation, but when they enter the sheriff's building, they find it empty and abandoned. The radios are going off with calls for backup and when they enter the sherriff's office, they find him missing.

Hybreed: She was here.

Konnor: Hekate?

Hybreed: Yeah.

He walks to the desk and when he looks under it, he finds Sheriff Justice's body having been gutted and mauled to death.

Konnor: You sure she did that?

Hybreed: She wanted it to look like one of us did this.

A thud comes from the closet as the four turn their attention to it. Hybreed approaches it and when he opens it, Rebecca jumps out and shoots him with her father's gun. The wound heals quickly as the four try to calm her down.

Rebecca Justice: Back up! I know one of you killed my dad!

Hybreed: Take it easy, Rebecca! Just calm down!

Rebecca Justice: Back the fuck up!

Rebecca keeps the gun pointed at them as they all hold their hands up in a surrender pose.

Hybreed: Just talk to us, what happened?

Rebecca Justice: You tell me. One of you came in here, attacked, mauled and murdered my dad, you sick sons of bitches!

Hybreed: That's impossible. We have a truce with this town. We do not harm any humans unless provoked. We haven't been provoked by anyone here in over four hundred years, why would we break that truce?

Rebecca Justice: Something came in here. I heard your voice, and I heard my father being torn apart.

Hybreed: If I killed your father, why would I be standing here? I would have been covered in his blood. You need to listen; something is happening, and we don't have a whole lot of time.

Konnor: It's true. We are the good guys.

At first, Rebecca is hesitant then lowers the gun as she begins crying. Hybreed takes the gun from her and comforts her as she cries into his shoulder. He tells Konnor, Nikita and Jasper to check the rest of the building for anyone else while he stays with Rebecca.

Rebecca Justice: I heard your voice. It sounded just like you.

Hybreed: I swear to you I did not kill your father. Hekate, she deceives people into doing her dirty work. One of them had to get in here and do it. Take out the authorities to prevent them from doing what they are ordered to do.

Rebecca Justice: Hekate? You mean, the one I have been hearing about on the news?

Hybreed: Yes.

Suddenly, the power in the whole town goes out as the emergency generators come on. Rebecca grips Hybreed's hand tightly as he leads her out of the building. Civilians crowd the streets in panic and confusion, wondering what has caused the blackout. Then, those who are infected with the curse are "activated" and in an instant, they begin attacking everyone causing Hybreed, Konnor, Nikita and Jasper to begin fighting them. As the battle goes on, the uninfected run for cover as the four fight those cursed and are able to easily overpower and subdue them when multiple police units arrive to handle the situation. Paramedics also arrive to tend to the injured and so far, no deaths have been reported. During the commotion, Hybreed hears Hekate whisper his name and picks up her sense all the way in Boston.

Hybreed: She's in Boston.

Konnor: What?

Hybreed: Hekate and Barbatos. They are in Boston.

Nikita: How? She was just in Europe.

Hybreed: They are able to teleport. She's an Enchantress and can go wherever she wants. She plans to active the curse there. We need to get to Boston. Now.

Running at supersonic speed, they arrive in Boston just in time to find Hekate and Barbatos waiting for them.

Hekate: I'm so glad you could join us.

She then triggers the signal and those cursed begin to do the same thing those in Salem did and start causing chaos and havoc in the city. The four begin fighting those cursed while getting citizens to safety, ordering them to take shelter as Hekate summons a black ball-like substance and fires it, but it misses and strikes a building, causing it to collapse instantly. Barbatos takes his battle axe and slams it into the ground, sending a massive shockwave that delivers severe damage to the surrounding buildings. Police arrive to stop them, but they easily dispatch them as Hekate freezes them with her ice breath and Barbatos kills them by swinging his axe to chop them into pieces. Hekate uses her telekinesis to lift objects off the ground and fires them at incoming emergency vehicles. Able to take out most of the cursed people, the four turn their attention to the main problem - Hekate and Barbatos.

Hybreed: We need to take out Barbatos first.

Konnor: Why not the bitch?

Hybreed: Leave her for me. I'll handle her.

The four run at Barbatos and before he can react, they all attack like how a pack of wolves attack their prey - with brute force using their claws and abilities to fight him until Hekate throws them all off using her force powers.

Hekate: Look at you four. Like little rabid dogs after a live prey. You know what happens to rabid dogs? They get put down!

Hekate begins firing spears and arrows, but they are able to avoid being struck by them. Jasper, overcome with rage, leaps into the air and tackles Hekate to the ground. He begins to pound away at her, but with each strike, she looks at him and starts laughing then throws him off with so much force, it sends him crashing through several buildings. Konnor and Nikita go on the attack and at first, they put up a good fight, but Hekate is able to handle them as she tosses Konnor away and pins Nikita into the ground then stomps her down to the point of not getting back up. Hybreed is all that is left standing as he faces Hekate and Barbatos. Remembering what his father taught him, he summons the power of all the fallen kings and as Barbatos charges him, he lets out a battle roar and with one swift punch, knocks Barbatos into the air and sends him crashing into the ground.

Hekate: You have found your calling. Good for you.

Hybreed: Your fight is with me, Hekate. You leave these people be.

Hekate: Oh, I have no intentions, my dear. They mean nothing to me. I have always wanted you ever since you left me to die.

Hybreed: You said she's gone and if that's the case, I will do what I must.

To prevent anymore interference, Hekate creates a shield around them so they can finally fight it out and Hybreed knows only one can make it out alive. Before she has the chance, Hybreed attacks first and begins to slash at her with his claws. Barbatos is able to recover as are Konnor and Nikita as they are left to face him, and they waste no time going after the titanic being. Hekate is able to throw Hybreed down and starts to pummel him with concrete blocks, but he is able to recover by grabbing her by the throat and the two crash through a building when their fight ends up at Fenway Park. Konnor and Nikita do all they can against Barbatos, but his strength and power is too much for them. They begin to recall their early days of training and remember the moves they came up with together and at this exact moment, Jasper collides into Barbatos at full speed, able to knock him off balance as Konnor grabs Nikita and throws her that she is able to pounce onto Barbatos and Konnor is able to slice his achilles tendon, knocking him to the ground. Meanwhile, Hekate grabs Hybreed and throws him against the Green Monster and then uses her power to send it crashing down, but he is able to escape in time to pull her down. They engage in hand-to-hand combat again, but Hybreed delivers a punch to her face and backflip kick, but she recovers to trip him up and slams him down with a backhand to his chest. Despite it being a three on one, Barbatos throws the three off and stands to his feet as do Konnor, Nikita and Jasper. The three surround Barbatos and then all nod to each other. They transform into their wolf forms and begin to overpower Barbatos and with a swift slice, Nikita slashes his throat and both Konnor and Jasper decapitate the demonic being, sending his lifeless body crashing to the ground with a thunderous boom. Sensing this, Hekate is enraged to know her lover is dead and because of her rage, the shield goes down and Hybreed is able to use the distraction as a chance to recover and plan his next move. Meanwhile, Hekate summons the dark energy by turning the sky a blood red color and fire starts raining down, crashing into buildings and setting fire to the city. With the city literally burning, the four know they can't leave until Hekate is stopped. Using her power, she pins Konnor, Nikita and Jasper to the ground and keeps the remaining authorities at bay. Although he said no more peace talk, he tries one more time to reach through to Katherine.

Hybreed: Katherine!

Hekate hisses at that name and tries to send Hybreed back, but he is able to withstand her rage while in wolf form.

Hybreed: If you are there, listen to my voice. Hear me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was not there to save you, to protect you, to defend you. You're right, I did leave you to die. It's all my fault and it's because of me, you are what you are.

Hekate tries to keep him at bay, but something about his voice and words are letting her guard down. He reaches her and is able to grab her into his arms. She tries to fight him, but he has her tightly and pins her arms to her side.

Hybreed: Stop fighting! Listen to me. Everything you said was true. I did let you die and that is something I have had to live with for the longest time. I cannot forgive myself for it and if you do not forgive me, I understand. You have every right to be angry at me, but you leave these people at peace. They did not turn you into this. I did. You want to kill the one responsible? You're looking at him.

In that moment, Katherine's soul is able to break through as she gently touches Hybreed's face. Her face just as beautiful as he remembered, in that moment she looked like an angel. Tears roll down her face and she demands him to kill her while he still can. To end her suffering, to end her pain and misery. At first, he can't bring himself to do it, but to put her at ease and to finally let her rest in peace, he has no other choice.

Hybreed: I love you.

And he then delivers a fatal bite to her neck able to puncture her artery that makes her bleed out. Releasing himself, he looks at her as she struggles to breathe, and he carefully lays her down as blood gushes out of her. She touches his face again with her bloodied hand as Hybreed holds her in his arms, to be with her in her final moments. She proclaims her love to him and takes her final breath and passes. Hybreed lets out a roar of agony as he presses his forehead against hers and holds her lifeless body in his arms. The sky clears to its blue color as they all return back to Salem. The town is damaged, but not lost. The residents thank all four of them for not only saving their home, but the world as Hybreed carries Katherine's body to her final resting place. They bury her and Gregory together side by side as a private funeral is held for them, but after it ends, Hybreed remains at their gravesite when Konnor comes to him.

Konnor: My king. It is time.

Thunder rumbles in the distance and arriving with Konnor back to the town, he sees the Iris pack all lined up by the edge of the woods while the residents line the streets. Hybreed looks to Konnor, scared and nervous, but he gives him a reassuring pat and nods to him. The time has come for Hybreed to finally take his place as the king, the alpha. The hill, where his father always went during his time as king, now belongs to Hybreed. As he walks to it, he stops at Rebecca and she gives him a kiss to his cheek. Passing by each person and each member of the tribe, Hybreed climbs the hill as the rain pours down hard and despite it making the ground muddy, Hybreed gets to the top, stands there as he looks to the sky and closes his eyes as the rain hits his face.

Hybreed: Father, give me strength one more time.

He then howls as the Iris wolves howl back to acknowledge him as king and Hybreed roars as a lightning bolt flashes across the sky.