
After walking through the door we arrived at a massive open area that looked like a perfect spot to hold a huge festival. It was just a massive white and gold disk-like area that I stood on with multiple people coming and going through the doors near us.

When I looked up I saw what could be called a city. The place looked like it went on forever and had rows and rows of buildings with statues either right in front of the buildings or on the top. Some of these statues were covered in gold, some flowers, and women, and towards the center of the massive area I arrived in, I could see one covered in shadows.

A few minutes after regaining my senses I came too and realized what the goddess what trying to say

"Wait, wait wait wait, do you mean to say I'm dead because a god threw a fit?" I cried out as I looked at the goddess while trying to hide my expression


.."In all honesty.. yeah that's what happened." The goddess said as she turned around with a shy, awkward look as if she was embarrassed. But since she just mentioned the gods could decide to send me to hell, I brushed it off since I wasn't in the mood to take a trip to hell.

"We plan to compensate you though, so please don't be too discouraged." Said the goddess

We have been walking for about 5 minutes after walking through the massive hallways of buildings and streets of people we arrive in front of a giant building probably 5 times biggest than the tallest building that existed on earth. Just from the smell coming from it i could tell it was a restraunt.

When we got to the front a handsome-looking man was standing near the front door. He had skin as black as could be, nice long dreads that sat near his waist, and stood at a staggering 8ft tall.

He was dressed in a lovely black tux that was just as black as his skin and didn't have a wrinkle or speck of dirt on it. He lowered his head slightly in a show of respect before beings stopped by the goddess

"Now now Heimdall, what have I said about bowing to other gods? You are also a god so have a little more self-confidence, you know how much you're respected by others, no need to belittle yourself." Said the goddess and she lifted the man named Heimdall head and brought him in for a tight hug

"How have you been," she asked after breaking the hug

"I've been good miss Morgan. I do wish I could have stopped those idiots from causing so much chaos but I wasn't able to stop them in time."

"It's all good it's all good, no need to apologize to me, if you want to apologize to someone, you can apologize to the young man behind me," she said before turning around and pointing at me.

"Ah, I see " the man named Heimdall said as he started walking towards me.

"You must be the poor soul who got injured due to my and the other god's negligence. I do apologize for that, please allow me to give you a gift," he said as he was walking up to me with an apologetic smile on his face.

As soon as he got within arms reach of me, he reached out his fist, faster than I could respond, and threw it directly into my stomach. It didn't hurt at all. If anything, I felt a calm warm feeling, almost as if I ate a full warm thanksgiving dinner.

"Don't worry son, I'm just making sure to give you the right gift and making sure it's incorporated into your very soul. That way it will be with you until you enter the cycle of reincarnation after having gone through a real death." After about five minutes of his hand sitting in my stomach, he pulled it out.

"Is that it" I don't feel all that different.

"It's not something you will be able to use right now. As soon as you reincarnate it will activate. But I will warn you, it will be very weakened, if it was too strong of a gift your soul wouldn't be able to bear it. Let's give you some time for your soul to rest and heal. Here let me help you up, let's go eat some food, I bet you're famished" he said as he dragged me into the building.

As I looked down I realized I couldn't feel my waist down and was slumped over onto the god while my legs were dangling as he dragged me into the restaurant and sat me at a beautiful redwood rectangle table with elegant engravings on it. I sat at the very end of the table on the long side. Right next to me sat Heimdall, and at the end of the table on the short side sat Morgan, right next to me.

Almost as soon as we sat down, the doors to the restaurant opened and walked in 6 beings who all looked beautiful and handsome, and could put any celebrity on earth to shame.

They proceeded to walk towards my table and sit at it all while looking at Morgan

"Finally, everyone is here, gets get this meeting started"