Gifts 2

"So who wants to go first?" Morgan asked

"How about we ask the kid what he wants first?" asked a beautiful woman with horns. She had long golden hair that reached her waist. Gold eyes and the two almost foot-long horns were also gold with a bit of purple on the tips.

"No, I rather get this over quickly. Let's do this the old-fashioned way. "said a woman who could be the definition of perfect for most men. She stood at easily 6'6 and had blood-red hair that reached her curvy massive rack, which was just as big as her lower half. Her eyes and lips were also as red as her hair, while her skin was the purest I've ever seen.

She then looked at me as if she could see through me while her eyes started to grow an even darker shade of red. As I looked around trying to break eye contact with this mysterious woman looking at me like I was a piece of meat, I realized everyone was looking at me the same way.

"Um, may I ask what is going on? Everyone got quiet and is staring at me. Did I do something wrong? I asked Morgan who I felt safe around for some unexplainable reason.

Oh no, you have done nothing wrong dear, you see we were all just reading your mind and looking at your past to see what kind of gift to give you. replied the goddess she had a smirk on her face as she looked at my shocked and terrified face.

"WHAT??! HOW?! WHY?!" I screamed while terrified of all the shame full things I've done in my life being exposed to everyone in the room. Standing up from my seat only to be sat back down by an invisible force

"Don't worry brat, considering you are a human and all, you're pretty decent. The things you are ashamed of aren't even bad. You were young dumb and well... mostly horny. But that doesn't matter, it ain't gonna keep up from reincarnating you so don't worry, we've seen worse, much worse." said the Redhead Goddess

"Also, it's not Redhead Goddess, my name is Sylva, the progenitor, and Goddess of vampires." replied the goddess and she read my mind of the nickname I quickly gave her.

Yeah no hurry kid, but let's get this over with, I got a beach party I'm supposed to be at right now. Said a man who looked like prince charming in the flesh. He was tall, too tall, the guy stood close to 8 feet tall. But unlike humans who would usually have muscular and skeletal issues while being that tall, he looked jack and moved like a normal person. Dark bronze skin, blue eyes, a 5 o'clock shadow, with long black wavy hair that reached his butt. He wore a white button-up shirt and blue shorts with leather flip-flops.

For some reason, I found myself slightly attracted to him, which immodestly horrified me. I have nothing against those who love the same gender, but I know I love women, a lot. As soon as I realized I felt weird, I immediately smacked my face with both hands and woke myself up.

"Sorry about that kid, sometimes my powers leak. My name is Blake God of Sex" Said the tall man as he stood near me to shake my hand while all the others stood and walked toward me.

My name is Tristan, God of Phoenixes, I was the first Phoenix, and the first Divine Pheonix said a man that was just as tall as Blake but had short spiked hair. His hair was red near his scalp but slowly changed from red to yellow the further away it got from his scalp. He wore a long white business suit. He also looked stupidly handsome but at least I didn't feel uncomfortable around him like with blake. The atmosphere around Tristan was warm and inviting.

Right after Tristan was the beauty with gold hair and horns

Hello, my name is Toli, I am the God of Dragons, the first Dragon, and the First Divine dragon. Toli had a slightly smaller bust size than Morgan but was just as tall as Blake, she had a younger more youthful appearance compared to the other women present but I felt more intimidated looking into her golden eyes.

Right behind her was another beautiful woman who has around my height at 5'11. She looked like she was of African descent but instead of black skin, she had dark green skin with thick black hair. As I got a closer look at her hair I realized that her hair was tightly woven vines. She had a light green dress that also had specks of gold and blue towards the top and bottom of the dress.

My name is Catherine, Goddess of Nature. she said with a smile while stretching her hand out for a handshake. Her Teeth were whiter than Tristan's suit and almost blinded me.

As soon as Catherine backed up, a mountain decided to approach me.

The mountain said his name was Samson. The God of Taming. He had Brown hair all over his face. A magnificent beard and long brown hair that reached the middle of his stupidly muscular back. His arms were so high I honestly believe he could tank boulders being thrown at him. He had a wild musky smell to him, but there was also the smell of honey. He had rough hands but also a perfect white smile that could even rival Catherines.

Instead of shaking my hand, Samson stared at me for a good minute judging something about me and then decided to hug me. It was a good meaty hug, instead of feeling trapped and straining myself. I felt like I was hugging a teddy bear.

As soon as Samson set me back on the ground and stepped back, Heimdall turned to me with a smile.

As you already know, my name is Heimdall. But just to get introductions out of the way, ill introduce myself again. My name is Heimdall, Seer God. I can see all things, no matter the distance, or place in this universe. I can see all through time and illusions. He said while smiling at me with a bright smile and shaking my hand.

As soon as that was over all the Gods Circle around arm's length away from me.

We have read your mind and have decided on what gifts to give you. Can you figure out what your first gift is? asked Morgan

Based on my preference? most likely a separate dimension that I can control right?

That is correct, but since creating a separate dimension for you while you're so small and weak, we decided to do something different. Said Morgan as she pulled out a small black box.

As soon as she pulled that out, all the gods opened their eyes extremely wide, with Sylva and Tristan gasping for air. I'm pretty sure they don't even need to breathe, being gods and all.

Don't ask, this is part of his gift, so let's get this over with and fuse it with his soul. Said Morgan as she stepped towards me with the box. She opened it and took out a clear marble. At least that's what I thought it was until Sylva spoke.

Damn you're giving that to him? Will he even be able to use it correctly? Said Sylva with an almost worried look on her face.

Yes, he will, but not the full thing, we will shrink the space inside, and each of us will use a small part of our power to strengthen it and feed in until he reincarnates and can support himself. replied Morgan

Now let's begin

She moved forward and stuck her hand through my stomach and put it right below the middle of my chest. As she did that, all the seven other gods moved closer and stuck their hands into my body. Which felt weird, if felt like someone was sticking their finger in my mouth, but all over my body.

After a minute of everyone being quiet, I started to glow and felt a warm, almost intoxicating feeling run through my entire soul and body. Almost immidetly after i felt it, that feeling disappeared and the gods all backed away with smiles on there face.