The Door of Reincarntaion

As soon as Samson left the restaurant we sat down and ordered some food. Even though I was on a time crunch all the gods decided to eat. When I asked the gods why we were eating they gave a simple response.

"Eating the food that's served here will help your soul grow stronger. Keeping memories during reincarnation is very stressful on the soul. If your soul gets hurt while reincarnating then the chances of your soul being destroyed rise exponentially. Anyways if I were you, choose the deep-fried chicken with demon dragon steak. It is one of their special dishes. Those dishes not only taste spectacular but they also are very soft on the stomach and soul, and will strengthen your soul enough to enjoy the food." Sylva said while tapping on a weird clear tablet.

When the tablet got to me I saw a bunch of different foods. Thousands of different foods. There were so many different kinds of grilled chicken that I had to lean over the table and ask Sylva to point out the exact one that she was talking about. She gladly helped point out the dishes for me. The dishes arrived in about half an hour and we finished eating after another hour.

After everyone was done eating we all left the restaurant and started to walk further down the hall giant hallway, in the opposite direction of the door that I and Morgan entered in through. We walked for barely an hour but it felt like no time passed at all. The reason for that was that every time I saw something interesting I would ask Morgan about it. Just like a mother talking to her curious toddler, she answered all my questions.

There were some things she couldn't tell me due to certain restrictions. But every time I asked about a certain god or goddess that we passed. She would answer my question as best as she could. She would also tell me if they were a part of the Holy faction, The Chaos faction, the Neutral faction, the Divine Beasts faction, and last of all the mysterious Helios faction.

The reason why I say mysterious is because Morgan only mentioned that they are the police of the universe and that it. All other questions I have and ask about it are completely ignored and she changes the topic.

We soon arrived near a giant golden door at the end of the hallway. In front of the door was a line of people, presumed dead being like me. I could see all sorts of people and beings lining up. I saw a lizardman, a tall man who looked like he is made out of metal, and a girl who had dark blue lines running vertically all over her body.

"Who are they?" I asked the gods near me

"Oh them. They are beings who are also waiting to reincarnate. But unlike you, they won't be keeping their memories. They will also be reincarnated centuries from now after undergoing the cleansing cycle which removed all emotions, scars, trauma, and memories. That way they can reincarnate back into their world as a newborn." replied Morgan

"We will wait with you in line for the next couple of minutes until you get to the front. Once you get to the front we will have to leave you and let you walk through the door on your own. We will not be able to go with you. Once you walk through that door your new life will start."

Ten minutes later

The line moved much faster then I thought it would. After sitting in line for only about ten minutes I had only a dozen people standing in front of me. All of a sudden someone massive arrive behind me and casted a shadow. Just there shadow alone was enough to swallow me whole. When I turned around I saw the big teddy bear of a god known as Samson.

"Good thing you haven't gone through the gate yet. Here This little box has the eggs in it, and will keep them warm until they are ready to hatch. I will also give you this box full of plants and insects that will allow your new companions to grow big and strong." Samsom said as he shaved two boxes into my dimension seed. After that we all spent another five minutes talking and getting to know as much as I could before it was my turn to go up.

Before I started to walk to the door I felt like I should say something to the gods who helped me.

"I know I should probably be mad at you gods for being the reason I died. Maybe I should have demanded more things from you. Maybe I should slowly build my strength to fight you gods. But if im being honest, im really excited about this new life. Im also kinda scared, but I guess, thank you."

I said before slightly lowering my head. Even though they are the reason why I died and tried to better there own fate ties and karma, there still giving me a chance to live a new life with so many different opportunities.

I turned around and started to walk towards the door without looking back. As soon as I got close to the door I put my hand on it and felt very warm before everything went black.