
Darkness Vast amounts of darkness were all I saw. Everywhere I looked I saw darkness. I also felt very sticky while moving. I couldn't move much. It felt like I was stuffed inside a suitcase. While I was moving my hands around I felt another hand that wasn't my own. Then it all clicked after I realized where I am and what was happening.

I'm in my mother's stomach as a fetus. And I'm almost certain I have a twin sibling being born. But why did I suddenly gain consciousness now? Well I mean it's not like my world could even figure out if a baby was alive or not before I died. So what am I gonna sit and do now? Practicing magic is a big no-no since I don't know what kind of consequence that would have. Hell, I'm scared of what activating or trying to look at my system would do. So I guess I admit my loss to my biggest foe, patience.

I don't know how much time has passed, but my other half has decided to kick me a few times and elbow me in the ribs. I wanted to push them away or at least far enough to keep the from hitting me but I decided against it. Since I can't see and have almost zero control over this body of mine, I don't want to accidentally hurt my sibling.

A few hours later I start to feel weird. It felt like something was pushing on my head and pulling me down. I felt like a hot dog in a plastic baggy just sliding around. Instead of sliding around, I was being pushed down.

Shit, it's coming, isn't it? I'm being born. I don't wanna be the little brother so I'm gonna wiggle myself lower faster. I have nothing against being the younger brother, but I rather not be. For all I know, I might lose succession rights, or get fed less since I'm younger. But with my memories, I could feed my younger sibling my food, or teach them necessary things if I don't want to take over a family business. But if I'm the youngest, my older sibling might not care about that.

But now that I sit and think about it, am I going to be the oldest? for all I know, I could have an older sibling that is already born. So I then stopped moving and let nature take its course. I could help my mother out, but what if she is evil and vindictive? what if she is abusive? This might be my last few hours of peace and quiet until I'm able to walk.

On the other hand, she could be a literal angel. Helping the homeless, standing up for her children, and any children she feels have been wronged. But if that was the case, I would just make sure to pay her back by being an outstanding son and strong enough to support and protect her.

Six hours went by before I felt my foot slip and stick out and felt cold. Just thinking that I'm experiencing something that almost no one even remembers happening is insane to me. A few minutes later my other foot slips out and I feel something grab onto my leg and start to give a few strong but slow tugs on me.

It didn't hurt but having someone pull on you to be born feels almost exactly like someone lifting your comforter in the middle of winter. It's uncomfortable and aggravating. I would swear if I didn't know that this is only natural, that and if I could speak but I haven't tried that yet.

Almost ten minutes later everything up to my waist is out. I don't know how to feel knowing my jewels are just hanging out with whoever is out there pulling on my legs to look at. Wait for a second, am I reincarnated as a man or a woman? I never address that with the gods because I thought it was given. But what if I'm a woman? I don't got anything wrong with being a woman, but as I stated with Blake, I rather not swing that way.

Not even ten minutes later all but my head was pulled out. I would be quite excited if the ass whole above me wasn't kicking my head with their feet. But it's whatever, ill be the bigger man and just make sure to tease my sibling a lot when we're older to get even with them.

A minute later my head popped out and I was immodestly violated with rough wet towels being dragged all over my face and body. I thought that was all I would have to deal with until I noticed something, I wasn't breathing. I forgot how to breathe, I don't know how long I was in my mother's stomach, but it shouldn't have been long enough to not know how to breathe.

Afraid I might die before beginning my new life I started to suck in as much air as possible. After sucking in enough I had a huge spike of pain shoot out of my lungs before they inflated with air and I was able to breathe. All that pain I felt led me to cry like crazy. I overheard a voice talking to me but couldn't make any sense of what they were saying.

While I was being cleaned up, someone else must have been helping my mother because by the time I was done getting cleaned up I heard another child crying. Not even five minutes after I was born, my sibling was born. When I felt clean enough after being wiped down by someone I decided to open my eyes.

All around me were blurry figures and bright lights. I repeatedly opened and closed my eyes until they adjusted enough for me to be able to see the one who was holding me. She was as beautiful as most models if you went by earth's standards. She had brunette hair that was tied into a bun, with big round glasses on her face. She also has some freckles right under her dark green eyes.

I don't know who this girl was but she couldn't have been older than 20 yrs old. She was dressed in a maid outfit. It looked like she was the one in charge of washing me and my sibling because she gave me to another girl before being handed my sibling and washing them in a water bucket with warm water.

When the other girl picked me up I looked at her and noticed that she had pointy ears and red hair. Her eyes were also very light green, almost like an emerald. She couldn't be older than 15 years old. The way she was looking at me so lovingly and caring also made me think that she was somehow related to me. She then began to caress my head and the side of my face with her hands.

After almost falling asleep from the repeated caresses I was finally passed on to another. I was being passed to a woman who looked drained of all energy, had bags under her eyes, and sweat covering her body. But as soon as I was passed to her I could tell just by the way she looked at me, and her smell that this woman was indeed my mother.

But unlike what I expected, she wasn't human. She was a beautiful elf. Her hair was white as snow and her skin didn't have a single flaw. Her eyes were such a bright green that not even emeralds could compare to her. If it wasn't for her just giving birth to twins, she would be the most beautiful elf I've ever seen. I would say she was the most beautiful being ever, but after meeting so many beautiful gods, my standards have risen for older beautiful women.

After my mother had both me and my sibling in her hands she did the deed and dropped her top. Let me tell you now, I never thought I would be so embarrassed to suck on a boob. But here I am getting embarrassed for sucking on my mother's boob. After drinking her stupidly good milk that tasted like strawberry milk I ended up falling asleep.