(Arc: origin) Strength beyond belief

A couple of seconds after the man took his leave, I noticed that he left what seemed like an ancient piece of parchment on the table. I grabbed it and as I read the contents, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. It was a treasure map and what was even more surprising was the location. The riches were in the forest where my cottage was located.

After I enjoyed the succulent steak, I promptly set off looking for the treasure. I was not going to lose out on such an inconceivable opportunity. I made my way through the forest carrying only the sword that I commissioned.

The hickory brown trunks reflected the moonlight to cast light upon the path I was following. On such a breezy night, the wind caused the leaves to rustle and the gleaming white dots that saturated the pitch black sky made the environment as relaxing as it could get. But, I couldn't let my guard down as there could be enemies lurking in the shadows.

Following the map, I soon arrived at the location, but there was nothing. It was just a boulder. Upon closer inspection, I noticed a pattern throughout the rock and I found a spot that did not match the rest.

My fist landed on that area and the boulder split perfectly in half and the ground underneath started to tremble vigorously. The ground opened up to reveal a set of mossy stone stairs that led to darkness. It could very well be a trap, but I had already gotten so far and now was not the time to chicken out.

I made my way down the stairs and down the corridor but weirdly, there were no traps. I arrived at a colossal wall, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was as big as the village hall! The door was carved out of wood and was inlaid with gold and precious stones.

It was not far-fetched for this to be the door to an emperor's chamber. In the middle was a spherical slot that seemed to act as a keyhole. I thought that my luck had finally ran out and I prepared myself to leave when I noticed my pendant shining a bright red color. I also noted that the shape matched the keyhole so I connected the two and immediately heard gears grinding and knocking noises.

The door swiveled at a snail's pace and what met my eyes was an anticlimactic scene. The room was completely empty except for a small wooden table that seemed to be on its last legs. The rotten wood gave off a pervasive and acrid smell.

On top of the table were two wooden boxes that seemed to be in better condition than the shabby surrounding. I opened the first box and found three royal blue pills. I meticulously grabbed one of them and was flabbergasted to find that those were the sought after energy pills. Any fighter would kill to get their hands on such a precious object that was as rare as a hen's teeth.

It was not the time to be stupefied and I began absorbing them forthwith. The whole process took around half an hour and by the end, I had broken straight through from the lower second level to the upper fourth level of energy circulation, a four stage jump!

With every stage reached in energy circulation, the only things that would change were that the energy source would get bigger and the rate of absorption of energy would increase by a small amount.

I was utterly depleted and was on my last leg, but I had another box to open and considering the contents of the first one, the next one should also be nothing to scoff at.

After thoroughly preparing myself, I steadily opened the box but I was left open-mouthed. The box contained only one skill, an S-rank skill. I started reading in a low voice,

'Anderson Swordsmanship is a passive skill that grows with the user and adapts to the specificities of the user. It ensures that every strike is precise and powerful and that the user's defense puts even a turtle's shell to shame.'

Wasn't that too overpowered? It was an eye-opening moment and again brought up a question in my head.

'What do I have to do with the Anderson clan.'

I could put two and two together and knew that the mysterious man was affiliated with the clan and he intended for me to find these treasures. But why? Whatever their motives might be, I was not going to let this opportunity pass by. You gave me such resources, I'll gladly use them.

I sat down on the dusty and humid floor and started reading and analyzing the book and when I felt like I had gotten a decent grasp on the concept, I set about practicing the movements. I trained diligently for so long that I had completely lost the concept of time, I did not know if a week had passed or a month, all I knew was how to swing my sword. I had forgotten about the outside world. I became one with my blade and we were like two gears in perfect unison.

Individuals that circulated their energy could go months without any nutrition so the lack of food was not a bother in the slightest. When I was exhausted, I sat cross-legged and meditated to keep my mind strong.

I opened my eyes and looked at my now naked torso, I seemed to have gotten taller and more muscular. It's time to bid farewell to this place. I hoisted myself up and grabbed my sword for one final swing. I raised my arm and with a slow and relaxed motion brought my arm to the side of my hips.

Boom! The wall in front of me was slashed diagonally the whole way across. The cut was so precise and sharp that the wall did not crumble. I had reached the lower fifth stage in energy circulation and the fifth stage in swordsmanship. I was now superior to even Drago. On top of that, Anderson swordsmanship made the difference between us feel like heaven and earth!

I stepped out of the cave unhurriedly as I was still getting accustomed to the dazzling rays of sunlight that burnt my eyes to a crisp. As I approached the village, I came to the sudden realization that I now look like a homeless person with rags and long hair. The village gate was in sight, but something that caught my attention made me stop in my track. Pinned to a tree was an old poster that read,

Missing person: Rohan

Time missing: more than a year

Last seen: Central Tavern

It's been more than a year. My mouth was left agape,

I was now sixteen years old!