(Arc: origin) Return of the prodigy

The guards surveying the gate could only discern a streak of light flashing by, they didn't even have enough time to turn their heads. The first place that I wanted to pay a visit to was the blacksmith. I surreptitiously trod behind Jack and put him in a chokehold and jokingly said,

"Give me your shop or I'll squash your chicken neck."

The initial agitation quickly turned into exhilaration once he realized who spoke. He jumped in my arms hugging me and sobbing like a toddler, I almost wanted to make fun of him but decided against it. Tommy gave me a pat on the back and said,

"It's good to have you back son."

"What were you doing, you selfish bastard," Jack said while pounding my chest.

I grabbed his fist and with a slight smile said,

"Getting stronger what else."

Next stop was Gerald's room. That sounded wrong... I knocked three times, strong enough to almost break the already frangible door.

"I already told you training is over so stop bothering me."

Master stepped out of the room and he was frozen in his step as he laid his eyes on me. The book he held slowly fell out of his hands as his grip weakened. He walked forward tentatively not certain if he was hallucinating. He raised his hand and placed it on my cheek. All of a sudden he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into his grasp. The hug lasted a full minute before he said,

"Thank god you're okay, I blamed myself for your disappearance."

"Master, it's time for me to dethrone Drago."

He pulled himself back to attempt to gauge my power level and found himself at a loss for words when he couldn't get a read. I felt amusement looking at his goggle-eyed expression.

"Fifth stage in both energy circulation and swordsmanship. Tell the captain that the duel is scheduled for tomorrow."

After paying a visit to the restaurant, it was time for some well deserved beauty sleep. It had been a whole year since I could enjoy the luxury of a matress that was still as uncomfortable as a pile of rocks!

"The prodigal bloodhound has finally returned , but will he be able to prevail against the strongest. Ladies and gentlemen, you're lucky to be attending this legendary match and finally let's welcome the fighters."

The sun was beating down on the arena, it was the dog days of summer. The spectators sweated so much you could think they were the ones fighting! The tangy and pungent smell was infuriating my nostrils but such an inconsequential detail was not going to influence my fight.

In front of me was the once unsurmountable wall, someone who I'd feel lucky to even lay my eyes on just a year before.

"Are you ready kid?"

"Do I become captain when I beat you."

My reply seemed to greatly amuse him and a moment later, the starting signal was given. Both of us lunged forward leaving behind two mosaic craters. We were sparing no efforts and bared our fangs from the get-go.

"How did you become so strong," Drago groaned.

He was lying on the floor which now resembled the surface of the moon with all the cracks and craters. The region around the captain was permeated with blood, mostly his. Dragos' body was badly battered, anyone else would have died ten times over. Blood was spewing out of his orifices and I was taken aback by the fact that he was still managing to maintain his consciousness. Three healers were desperately pouring all of their energy into the captain to restore his health. The crowd was gaily cheering for the new strongest man in the village. I, Rohan the rabbit hunter, had dethroned Drago!

A day later, I found myself in a room with the captain and Gerald.

"What will you be doing from now on?" Gerald asked.

"I think that I'm finally strong enough to be a watchguard."

The both of them didn't seem particularly amused by my pitiful attempts at humor. I thought it best to clue them in on the mysterious man and how I got so strong.

"The Anderson family... my family is under them so if you want I can pull some strings," Drago said.

"That would be appreciated, in the meantime I'll venture out of bliss village and make my way to Vainum."

Vainum was the central part of the region we were currently in and was also where the Anderson clan was located, so if I wanted answers, that was where to look.

"That sounds like a plan, go get some rest the path ahead will be tough," Gerald said.

"Are you a servant? you're skill level seems to be low."

Drago burst into laughter and Master began chasing me. I was going to miss them, but I had to get stronger to protect the ones I cherished. The last night sleeping in this room made me feel melancholic, all the memories ever since I joined the guards raced in my mind.

At dawn, I woke up and sent my final goodbyes to everyone in the unit, the restaurant and the blacksmith. Waiting for me at the village gate was a sublime black horse with a silky smooth mane. The horse seemed to radiate pressure akin to a lion. I straddled the horse and despite it being my first time on horseback, I seemed to be a natural.

"Once you've reached Vainum look for a merchant called Harold, he will help you," Drago said.

"Thank you both for everything you've done for me, I'll be eternally grateful."

"Make sure to visit us when you can brat," Gerald replied.

After the final exchange, I vamoosed to the Capital. I expected a smooth trip with little to no human interactions but that couldn't be further from the truth. There were countless bandits who attempted to swindle money from me, needless to say, I provided the forest with nutrients in the form of corpses...

In the far-away distance, the outline of a wall began to shape itself. I was floored when I realized the true scale of the architecture. The wall itself was a mind-boggling ten meters in height and the gate was almost double that.

It would surely be an eye-opening experience!