(Arc: Vainum) Truth about my parents

Comparing Vainum to Bliss was like comparing heaven and earth, it was in a class of its own. The city walls were not crafted out of mere mossy stones but smooth variegated marble, it was like candy to the eyes.

The architectural marvels were just the tip of the iceberg; the strength of the people were also beyond comparison. The guards tasked with looking over the gate were each as strong as Gerald. I would have the time of my life mentioning this to Master!!

The entry check was meticulous but that was expected given the importance of the city. Thousands of people roamed the streets, daily life seemed to be fast-paced and hectic.

Hawkers set up stalls on the side of the road to attempt to make ends meet. A sudden thought hit me like a brick, I didn't know where Harold's shop was located. I tried asking several passers-by but to no avail.

'Does this man sell slaves or something, why is he unfindable.'

"Why are you looking for Harold?"

I frantically looked around and found that the man who spoke was a street hawker donned in torn rags and the smell was, let's politely say uniquely tangy.

"Captain Drago of Bliss village sent me."

"Second street to the right, third building," he said.

Grasping his wooden stool, he hoisted himself up without making eye contact and made himself scarce. This exchange left me perplexed but this was the only clue I had so I decided to trust the man's word.

'Second building and third...'

A ramshackle old building stood in front of me. Glass was littered next to what used to be once upon a time, windows and was now barred with putrescent wood. Spiders seemed to have been calling this building home as pillars were connected to each other by way of cobwebs. Doubts about what the hawker said started to flood my mind but I was in to deep to turn around. I let out a deep sigh and pushed the rusty metal door.

Creaks echoed throughout the building as the door swiveled.

"Hello is anybody in here?"

"There isn't anyone," someone jokingly said.

I ventured into the building and was shocked to see that Harold was the street hawker!

"Why didn't you just say who you were at the beginning?"

"Where's the fun in that?" he replied, "so Drago sent you, you seem strong for someone from the backwaters. What do you want."

"I want information about the Anderson family and my connection to them. I only have this to link us," I said while making my pendant visible.

Surprise was written all over his face, he was clearly caught on the hop.

"So you do know something."

"I'll tell you a story. Nearly seventeen years ago, a man from the Anderson clan and a woman from the Taylor clan fell in love. The forbidden romance was shunned by both families as they loathed each other and in the end, the couple was forcefully separated. I've heard rumors of them having a child and being obliged to abandon him for his safety, but I didn't think they were true... until now," Harold said.

"Your father's name is Carlos, one of the five children of the current patriarch. There will be a martial arts contest in the clan in a week's time to determine a successor so make sure to establish communication with Carlos and participate," he added.

Harold asked for news of Bliss village so I recounted my experience and afterwards, made my way to an inn.

The interior was cozy and welcoming with oak framing and brick walls. The inn was warmed by a fireplace lined with pictures that narrated the building's history. It was a far cry from the mess of a structure that Harold preposterously called a shop.

The staff members embodied the concept of customer service and made me feel at home... even if my home was a shack! My room was commensurately homey and pleasant, there was even enough room to train.

My future opponents were people who've had access to the Anderson clan's resources since they took their first breath so no additional amount of training was unwelcomed. Something stirred inside of me and I was aware that I was close to breaking through in swordsmanship.

I sprinted to a clearing that I could afford to destroy without wounding anyone. The star congested sky put me under a light trance with its captivating beauty. With a determined gaze and gripping my lustrous sword that shimmered under the moonlight, I set about practicing Anderson swordsmanship and serpent slash.

Each swing and thrust brought me closer to the zenith, the feeling was more intoxicating than alcohol. The progress sparked off my desire for strength and I started attacking with greater force and speed. Each swing sliced tens of trees in half and left clean cuts in the ground.

Halfway through the session, I decided to ditch the inn completely and stay in the forest to train from dusk till dawn. Julia would have a field day with scolding me if she was here. Memories of my cherished friends started to pop up in my head but I quickly brushed them off. If I got distracted now, it was over for me.

It was only on the final day that my training proved to be fruitful. A sudden burst of energy propelled me into the air as I gained new-found understanding of the sword. I was now in the sixth stage of swordsmanship which must have been a record when accounting for my age.

Back at the inn, I gamboled into the bath and shut my eyes. I let out a sigh of relief as I felt my muscles decontracting and my body sinking in the tub. It was only the calm before the storm. My life will only be more nerve-racking from now on.

The crowd, which consisted of tens of thousands of spectators, was lively and boisterous to put it lightly. Biased predictions for the outcome of the tournament were also being shared.

"It must be young master Andre."

"You're crazy it's definitely young master Baily."

The Anderson family would grant anyone under the age of eighteen the opportunity to participate in the competition under the banner of democracy but anyone with half a brain was aware that no one could be on par with a product of the ruling clan. A loud voice reverberated throughout Vainum.

"Anyone who wishes to participate, please come onto the stage."

The fighting stage was instantly filled with sixty people including yours truly. Everyone was strong!