The Truth Revealed

Xavier walks inside the room as the detectives walk out, giving Xavier a nod of acknowledgement. Stella is sitting up on the bed, with bandages over her wrist, on her forehead as she gives him a cheeky smile.

“How cool do I look?” Stella asks, as Elijah who was sitting next to her rolls his eyes.

“Did you get a concussion?” Xavier asks her in a light hearted tone, as he approaches her, concern written all over his face. “You still look cool though.”

“Don’t appreciate her recklessness.” Elijah mumbles. “The doctor was lecturing her to do her physiotherapy and stuff, she kept on grinning like a child.”

“Sounds like Stella I know.” Xavier chuckles and Stella chuckles before groaning in pain.

“I guess that means I am not allowed to make you laugh anymore.” Xavier says, his voice carrying a pang of guilt.

Stella just sighs, “You aren’t the one who drove the car over me. Stop blaming yourself, it was an accident-”